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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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All Black OPS

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Hi all, just a quick stick question:

I saw a player at an pickup game a few weeks ago with an all black, no graphics OPS(I think) and wanted to see if anyone knows if there's a specific company that makes these?

I would have asked the guy but he disappeared before I had the chance to.


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One of my buddy's bought some Dolo's that were painted all black and stamped "Fedorov" I think they are probably 3-4 years old by now though

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Some reps will drop off all black sticks at the LHS's. The Ballistik rep did that with one of their early samples over here about a year ago. Let us keep it, and one of our employees bought it off us. All black sticks are pretty sexy.

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"SYK Sticks" are all black and you just see the weave. Not widely available but they look awesome!

Are you referring to Sic Stiks in Durham Ontario? The black ones are like that.

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