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shawn o

Lost a tooth tonight...pics

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Sorry to hear that man. I have a 10 units bridge myself. Skate to the face after falling down. Sets off most metal detectors in airports. Still better then dentures.

Dumb question, has anybody tried playing with dentures? My bridge is over 10 years old... (I still play), and I am being told that facial and jaw bones can't support any more implants without bone grafts. I should change the handle from docar15 to gummer.

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haha hamish and andy...very funny blokes

Hes got enough money to get new teeth anyway haha

His girlfriend is very hot :D

I believe that BOTH their girlfriends are HOT... the both of these guys are clowns though... really entertaining on air

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I lost my front 3 teeth with a cage on, I wear a visor now because I really have nothing to lose in the mouth since I take my false teeth out before each session. I'm 24, once I get the money for implants will I put a fullmask on? probably. But for now I wear the visor cause I like it better and I have nothing to lose anymore.

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cityofwalrus Posted Today, 02:53 AM

I lost my front 3 teeth with a cage on, I wear a visor now because I really have nothing to lose in the mouth since I take my false teeth out before each session. I'm 24, once I get the money for implants will I put a fullmask on? probably. But for now I wear the visor cause I like it better and I have nothing to lose anymore.

How did you lose your teeth with a cage on? Was the cage too big, hanging or loose? I'm just wondering how that could happen as a cage user who wants to keep his teeth.

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How did you lose your teeth with a cage on? Was the cage too big, hanging or loose? I'm just wondering how that could happen as a cage user who wants to keep his teeth.

ya how did u lose ur teeth!

perhaps ur one of those ppl who have the extra huge cage where the chin guard is inches away from the face. or someone uppercutted u on a loose fitting helmet/cage lol

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ya how did u lose ur teeth!

perhaps ur one of those ppl who have the extra huge cage where the chin guard is inches away from the face. or someone uppercutted u on a loose fitting helmet/cage lol

Actually I always kept my cage close to me and my chin cup actually on my chin. I was wearing a RBk 8k and Itech Titanium cage. It happened in a scuffle and the guy grabbed his hand into my cage and tried to rip my helmet off and then punched me in the face causing the bottom of my cage back into my front teeth and cracking them.

No I wasn't some douche bag that wears their masks too loose.

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Actually I always kept my cage close to me and my chin cup actually on my chin. I was wearing a RBk 8k and Itech Titanium cage. It happened in a scuffle and the guy grabbed his hand into my cage and tried to rip my helmet off and then punched me in the face causing the bottom of my cage back into my front teeth and cracking them.

No I wasn't some douche bag that wears their masks too loose.

And here i thought by wearing my proper fitted helmet and cage AND mouth guard, I'd be able to keep all my teeth. And ya seems like everyone grabs the person they are fighting by the cage until it rips open and POW!

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HOly that sucks.

I wear a oakley visor, but i also wear a custom mouthguard made by these guys http://smartguards.ca/

Do you think wearing a custom mouth guard would have helped at all ?

Were you wearing an off the shelf mouth guard?

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Hey Dayroc, how much did that mouthguard cost you? I'm thinking about seeing my dentist and having one done. (I'm in Ottawa...haven't seen anyone talk about prices for custom mouthguards on here from Canada).


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Habs21: As i remember i think the total cost was $130 tax in.

I got a deal, i bought 2, one clear and one red with a flag on it (one for ice hockey and one for muay thai). Their both the same thickness and they have been great!

the smartguard guys actually do many local hockey rinks in Toronto. They also do a few the of the Leafs :P

Give him a call.

I actually went to his place to get the molds done and they shipped in within 2-3 weeks.

I didnt get mine through my dentist, which i should have, there is a program that you can do through these guys and going through your dentist. I just didnt bother because i needed them quick. AL though now that it think of it, i probably could have got my work to pay for it. I guess i still can.

Ohh yea back to my initial question, does anyone else have a custom mouth guard?

Has anyone been hit in the mouth with it?

I've been lucky enough to dodge, or avoid, bullets coming towards me, my face, my body - generally ahhaha .....

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here's a link to a thread with everything you'd want to know about sports guards and more from a recent Under Armour Sports Guard question on this site!


Here's the highlights for those that don't want to click through:

Clenching the jaw triggers the production and release of a cascade of hormones, including cortisol, the stress hormone. ANY (not just UAs) sport guard prevents teeth clenching and relieves pressure on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). By preventing the excessive production of hormones, the body is able to perform more efficiently.

peck 12 -- Sports guard materials are less than $1 per sheet, even with an hour of labor there may be $50 in a custom sports guard. Nowhere near $100.

kitay4 -- your dentist will not be sending anything to the UA factory -- they don't have a lab, in fact they don't even distribute the materials to make the appliance. He/She will send it to a lab that is set up to make them.

crookedwookie -- Bite Tech, Inc. developed and manufactures the technology with the UA name on it. As a side UA has absolutely nothing to do with the product, nor do they own Bite Tech. It is manufactured by Bite Tech, sent to an exclusive dental products distributor, and then sent to labs or dentist. It never even enters a UA facility.

Back to the topic at hand:

You have three options for sports guards:

1. Boil and Bit - $1-$40 -- You know the drill -- Minimal protection as it thins in areas, causes difficulty in speech and breathing.

2. Mail Order - $60 or so -- Take your own impression, send it to a lab, get back a sports guard that will work as well as any other custom sports guard (or a UA sports guard) as long as it fits. -- Custom made so it's very protective, excellent fit, comfortable, minimal interference with breathing and speech. One downside is you wait for the kit and wait to get it back and hope it fits right. If not you send it back out for repair or a new one.

3. Dentist/Laboratory -- $100-$150 -- Professional Lab or $300-$500 -- to see your dentist -- Keep in mind this is the EXACT same product from both, just at an inflated cost to see your dentist. Custom made so it's very protective, excellent fit, comfortable, minimal interference with breathing and speech. About half the dentists send these out to labs to get done so if the first fit is poor you wait for it to go out and get fixed. A Professional Lab will fix it on the spot so you know you leave with the perfect fit (and you save some money).

Now you have the facts go get a sports guard and don't be fooled by the marketing hype. And no I don't work for any of these people.

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Ohh yea back to my initial question, does anyone else have a custom mouth guard?

Has anyone been hit in the mouth with it?

I have a custom mouth guard from my dentist that I wear with a cage. Just two weeks ago I got hit in the head and the right side of my mandible hurt real bad. I thought a tooth might have gotten loose, but luckily it was just the jaw. The pain was still there for a few days afterwords, but everything's fine now. If I wasn't wearing my mouth guard, I probably would've lost a tooth.

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Shawn-o Glad to hear you were able to get the injury sorted out without too much trouble or cost!

From a dentists perspective and supported by clinical research, a custom fitted mouthguard is significantly better than a boil / bite and any mouthguard is better than none. Custom fitted mouthguards as many of you have stated above fit more accurately and so are significantly better from a protection, comfort, speech, and breathing perspectives relative to a boil / bite or even shock doctor type mouthguard.

As for who produces it, to be honest a your dentist, local dental technician or a reputable mail order mouthguard company can all do excellent custom fitted mouthguards. The main variable with the mail order companies is for you to take an accurate impression which can be a fiddly job. Also a small aspect is the denture technician / dentist can also ensure the mouthguard is balanced against your lower jaw. If you want to get your dentist to make you one, don't be afraid to ring around and ask prices as I know down here the price for a custom mouthguard varies wildly between $150.00 - $400.00 for a similar product so don't be afraid to get a good deal on one. Also I have seen Excellent mouthguards made by a couple of local mail order based companies and dental technicians are highly trained and know what they're doing with mouthguards in general so if they offer you good value I don't see any reason not to use them if a custom mouthguard is all you require.

All that said, I wear a full face cage but don't wear a mouthguard-BAD-I really should :P

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I will never wear a visor, if I did, I would have an upside down face right now. I believe that in my 9 or 10 years of playing hockey (im 20), I must get hit in the face with a high stick at the least twice a game. Its not even my fault, just stupid adult league guys not knowing how to control their stick. If it weren't for people not controlling sticks, I would wear a visor in a second. Oh and I have been hit in the cage with a puck a few times too so yeah....

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I will never wear a visor, if I did, I would have an upside down face right now. I believe that in my 9 or 10 years of playing hockey (im 20), I must get hit in the face with a high stick at the least twice a game. Its not even my fault, just stupid adult league guys not knowing how to control their stick. If it weren't for people not controlling sticks, I would wear a visor in a second. Oh and I have been hit in the cage with a puck a few times too so yeah....

People in your area must be extra-stupid. In two years in my current league I've been hit in the face one time by a high stick.

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Bump, i just lost a tooth tonight, broken in half.

I wanted to know how you guys teeth turned out. I know my sister broke a tooth just like this when younger at it always stayed kind of apparent in her smile, the implant had a bluish tint or something. I'm wondering if this is common and if the same thing awaits me :wink:

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Sometimes I wish I could wear a halfer in my HS league, but after seeing how most players can't control their sticks and how I got slashed in the face my last game, I'm glad it's a rule.

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Sometimes I wish I could wear a halfer in my HS league, but after seeing how most players can't control their sticks and how I got slashed in the face my last game, I'm glad it's a rule.

I considered wearing a half visor, even bought a cheap one to try and ended up not liking that particular one. After giving it to a team mate, I thought again about trying one but last week I took a pretty hard high stick right into the cage. Hit my head with enough force it knocked my head back (glad I installed the J clips properly). No call from the ref, probably figured I was exaggerating. I am going to try to keep this moment in my head so I don't get any bad ideas.

I highly recommend the 9500/9900 Bauer cage, I don't even notice it is there. My only complaint is using it outside with the sun hitting it, which is very rare.

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