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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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shawn o

Lost a tooth tonight...pics

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Wearing a visor in my adult league finally caught up with me I guess. Not even sure how it happened. Was playing D and right of the faceoff the puck shot back and hit me square in the mouth.

Had my mouthguard in but it was no help I guess. Could feel my tooth and pieces floating around in my mouth.

Not the 1st time its happened in my life and I've had root canals done on several front teeth already so not much pain.

I think I broke off most of my old original tooth so not sure what they'll do with this one now, maybe a metal post will be required.

Time to ditch the Oakley visor I guess.

Anyone know if an Bauer 9500 will fit a Reebok 8k helmet?

And the Shock Doctor warrenty is worthless. Must be bought within 1 year, need letter from dentist AND game official. All for $313 per tooth. Gee thanks!





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Now you've officially become a hockey player :lol:

After seeing some high sticks and a friend take a puck to his mouth, I immediately put my cage back onto my helmet.

I have a RBK 6K helmet with a NBH4500 cage and it fits perfectly. I'm not sure about the model you want but I would suggest you take the helmet to your LHS to get fitted.


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Cage is going back on my helmet today. I've been too lazy to get some overtightened screws drilled out so I could put it back on; your post just gave me the nudge I needed.

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Dude, I feel for you. Hope it works out. Right now I'm playing in two leagues. I wear my visor in the low level league and when I play pick up. In the C level I wear the full cage. After seeing this, I'm thinking of just wearing the cage period. Apparently mouth guards only prevent concussions and don't really save your teeth.

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and i was thinking about taking the cage off my helmet........... :(


every time i start considering going to a visor, i see someone get hurt. last time i thought about it i saw some guy eat a goalie stick and lose 3 or 4 teeth. not fun.

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Is wearing a cage AND a mouthguard overkill?
No. I do. When I get hit hard with it hanging out of my mouth, my jaw starts to hurt

I don't think it's overkill at all. I wear both the cage and mouthguard. the cage really to prevent any damage or injury to the face and the mouthguard for concussion purposes. But mostly i wear the mouthguard because im a "clencher." I usually clench my teeth when playing hockey, especially around board areas.

I have had comments on why i wear a mouthguard when i have a cage already on, and I just reply "safety my friend, safety." lol

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No. I do. When I get hit hard with it hanging out of my mouth, my jaw starts to hurt


it kills that why i don't use a strap for mine...keeps it in my mouth

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it kills that why i don't use a strap for mine...keeps it in my mouth

yea I chew the strap off of mine, just a habit. I have a cage and mouthguard also

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Got lucky! The implant/post they put in there last time I knocked them out was ok so I just needed a new crown. Too bad insurnace won't cover it since its only once in 5 years per tooth....no matter what the reason is!

Anyways, should be less than a grand, not as bad as I thought.

I picked up a new Itech Titanium cage my local shop still had for sale for $79. Nice and light but I tried it with my helmet and I don't know if I can play with it on. Man, having the openess of the visor is so nice....but the protection? Not so much.

I found my old Itech Concept II thats surprisingly almost mint still so I'm gonna give that a shot before the cage....

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Concept II Dlx for the win. If I lose any teeth, I want it to be from old age, ya know, the classy way :rolleyes:

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Ouch! That is really nasty, makes me consider going back to a cage...

Slightly off topic, but a friend of mine was doing some Ice Hockey training for a couple of Radio Hosts here in Melbourne yesterday, with the following result:



His Model girlfriend is none too impressed!

Megan was really angry when I told her because she said, 'Make sure you wear a mouth guard' before I left, so now she has major 'I told you so' rights, enough to last our lives, or however long we're together," he mumbled yesterday

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oh man that blows

best of luck...

ive been threatened by the gf about not wearing a cage. i always wear a cage though and she has asked that i dont stop...reminds me about how hard it would be to enjoy to steak and eggs if i lose a tooth or two. if you really like the visor feel though...get an itech concept II clear full face visor. i wear one its great.

the only place ill ever wear a half visor is powerskating...i need to suck back as much air as possible in those classes. :(

best of luck again and hoepfully you can plant that thing back in with some hockey stick glue ;)

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