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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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1984 Hockey Ads

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These ads are in this program for the 1984 Canada Cup.


Bet you didn't know Bauer made shoes!


The Great One and his Titan


When CCM was in the equipment game


Anything to sell a skate


When wood was king


They really weren't that comfortable


The skate that started the first Bauer revolution, Supreme Custom 100


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The good old days of hockey. Used to rock a white Titan like the great one :D

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Cool to see Ray Bourque in #7. How long did he wear that before he switched to #77. I know how he gave it back when the retired 7, but how long did Bourque have it before that?

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Cooper and Bauer were under the same Canstar umbrella for the longest time. Not exactly sure when that started though. I believe it ended when Nike purchased Canstar in the mid 1990's.

Edit: Spelling

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In 1984 Bauer and Cooper were two completely different companies. Roos in Ontario was making the skates for Cooper. The Canstar marriage was not until the early 90s.

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I miss ads that had paragraphs of text to read through. Definitely prefer those to what we see today.

Oh, and I would definitely rock those Bauer shoes.

you don't like your view dominated by eric staal's face?

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Glad you guys are getting a kick from this "Back to the Future" hockey trip. Those felt tongues on the Cooper Roos skates look pretty sweet, if I say so myself! Check them out.

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I've been cleaning out the filing cabinets the last two days and was getting a chuckle out of the 2003 Easton catalog I was looking at today. Then I see another Darkstar blast to the past. Love it when you post stuff like this. That other thread you have with pics from your shop from 2002 looks like it could be ten years older than that. Heck, the '05 Bauer catalog looks outdated compared to the current one. Keep 'em coming!

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Being a Graphic Designer, I def enjoy this thread. It's funny how ads back then were so copy heavy (text). Now you will get a small blurb of copy and crazy visuals.

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