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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Big Guys in the house?!

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How many of you are big guys? I'm talkin' 6'+ and pushin 230+lbs

I'm proud to say I'm one of em' ;)

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Nice I'm not the only fatso here. LOL

I hear you guys on cutting down. I've shed 24lbs since October, def not as much as I'd like but that's the beauty of working out...you can only lose more if you keep at it.

6'3" and 235 here.

Been on the site forever and this is the thread that brings me out of lurker status...

ROFL! Nice. Post more!

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6'1", 230-240lbs at the moment. I used to weigh closer to 290.

Definitely a bit overweight now, but it makes me feel better that nobody believes I'm that weight, and they always guess around 180lbs.

I guess it throws off a lot of guys on the ice when they think it's going to be easy to push me... :)

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6'1", 230-240lbs at the moment. I used to weigh closer to 290.

Definitely a bit overweight now, but it makes me feel better that nobody believes I'm that weight, and they always guess around 180lbs.

I guess it throws off a lot of guys on the ice when they think it's going to be easy to push me... :)

How about when they keep their head down and just skate into you? Gotta love that.

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6'2" 225 right now. Trying to get down to 205 for health...and hockey reasons. Trying to lose weight sucks it hard!

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I think that I count at 6' 1" and 210-220 depending on hockey season orfootball season. Did I mentioni'm 14? Btw

How tall is the rest of your family, I'd be surprised if you grow much more through your life.

6' 250 here. And I know how to throw my weight around :)

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5'11 / 6'0 and 260-270 lbs here... I was closer to 250 when I was on the Special K diet, but bacon and french fries for breakfast & lunch is so worth the extra 20 lbs!!! I just skate one more time a week to compensate :)

I am a roller hockey player though... I use outdoor wheels since I weigh so much!!!

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How tall is the rest of your family, I'd be surprised if you grow much more through your life.

6' 250 here. And I know how to throw my weight around :)

My late uncle was 6'4 and my dad was 6' and my mom was 5' 7". I don't know if that is tall or not but I shot up like a weed last summer 4 months 3 inches. I've been lifting lately so I think my weight may have gone up a bit.

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