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The Pacific on HBO

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I've only managed to see the fifth episode about Peleliu, but so far it's very well done. Definitely on par with Hanks and Spielberg's other work on the subject. I've heard mixed things about the first few episodes though.

Hard time picking a favorite character between Gunny and Snafu.

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I havent watched last weeks yet but its been pretty good so far. Not as good as BOB but still pretty good. I felt like you knew the characters in BOB better before they dropped into Europe.

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I think it is just as good as Band of Brothers. The issue is that this side of the war was a lot different than Europe. I do not think they bonded as much. People were dying so frequently that they did not have the time to bond. My Grandfather was in the Marines and fought in Guadal Canal and from what I have heard was so fucked up over it when he got back that he was never the same again. He struggled at keeping a job, he struggled with depression, and he struggled with my family. To the point where he would not say a single word to anyone for multiple weeks. I think this is what they are trying to show in this series. As they said in the first episode, they are fighting the jungle not the Japanese. It was a mental mind f!@# where as in EUrope you were fighting Hitler and seeing the good you were doing. In the Pacific you were fighting in a jungle and watching your friends die. Gruesome war.

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The difference to me is that Band of Brothers focused on only 11 months of WW2 in Europe on one company that only saw a brief part of the action. The Pacific series is covering the entire spectrum of the Pacific War, not just one quarter of what happened like the BOB series.

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If lack-of HD was an issue, just pick up BOB on blu-ray. It's even better the umpteenth time around.

Pacific is lagging at some parts, but I'm hoping with a few eps left it comes together nicely.

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Pacific is lagging at some parts, but I'm hoping with a few eps left it comes together nicely.

I know. I can't wait to see how it ends. Oh, wait....

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The difference to me is that Band of Brothers focused on only 11 months of WW2 in Europe on one company that only saw a brief part of the action. The Pacific series is covering the entire spectrum of the Pacific War, not just one quarter of what happened like the BOB series.

The disjointed feeling from watching The Pacific is because it's an adaptation from 3 books written by 3 Marines. Band Of Brothers was one book written from the account of many members of the unit the story was based on.

It's definitely great, but it doesn't have the same coherence at this point, less character development, etc that made BoB such a stellar piece.

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I like it. Same opinion as others, think BOB was better but it's still a great show. Anytime you can learn what these guys went through it's worth your time. Best moments for me so far is when they first get off the boats and hit the shore, I was expecting Normandy where the Germans would just gun everybody down. These guys just walked off the boat, sat down and grabbed something to eat. I remember seeing something on History Channel about the differences between pacific fighting and fighting the Germans but to see it play out in an episode is still great stuff. Another great moment is when the guy grabs the gun with his bare hands and just shreds some Japanese soldiers. And seeing the guys live like rock stars in Australia was funny as well. It's the little stuff like that that you don't think happens in war time.

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I like it. Same opinion as others, think BOB was better but it's still a great show. Anytime you can learn what these guys went through it's worth your time. Best moments for me so far is when they first get off the boats and hit the shore, I was expecting Normandy where the Germans would just gun everybody down. These guys just walked off the boat, sat down and grabbed something to eat. I remember seeing something on History Channel about the differences between pacific fighting and fighting the Germans but to see it play out in an episode is still great stuff. Another great moment is when the guy grabs the gun with his bare hands and just shreds some Japanese soldiers. And seeing the guys live like rock stars in Australia was funny as well. It's the little stuff like that that you don't think happens in war time.

It all depends on where you were.

One of my uncles employees at his shop was a WW2 vet. The only things he can tell you is the uniforms were itchy, the gun was brown and heavy, he was drunk every night and had sex with lots of women. Of course, he was a clerical typist for a colonel and stayed in Rome and Paris for most of his tie over seas. Others results may have varied.

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Last nights episode with the Air Field was pretty intense. I watched it before I went to bed, which was a bad idea, I was amped up until 1 in the morning.

I hear ya! I have it on demand so I can watch episodes again just to make sense of it sometimes.

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The Pelilou (sp?) episode was my favorite so far. My only gripe is the action scenes in the dark get kinda sketchy to figure out whats going on amidst the chaos sometimes.

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The Pelilou (sp?) episode was my favorite so far. My only gripe is the action scenes in the dark get kinda sketchy to figure out whats going on amidst the chaos sometimes.

Just think how hard it was in real life....

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HBO had them all on in a row over the weekend. I spent a whole mid morning to mid afternoon watching them all. I think I'm going to have to go get Band of Brothers on Blu-Ray when I get some extra cash.

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I highly recommend this series for anyone who had a grandfather or great grandfather that fought in the Pacific and never really got to hear what they went through.

It finally helps me understand a little.

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I highly recommend this series for anyone who had a grandfather or great grandfather that fought in the Pacific and never really got to hear what they went through.

It finally helps me understand a little.

I feel like we never really got the whole gist of what these guys went through in the Pacific growing up. You always heard about "Island Hopping" in the history books but never learned the psychological end of it and the hell these guys went through.

Although I thought the series jumped into the fighting too quickly without building up the characters, it turned out to be pretty dam good.

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I feel like we never really got the whole gist of what these guys went through in the Pacific growing up. You always heard about "Island Hopping" in the history books but never learned the psychological end of it and the hell these guys went through.

Although I thought the series jumped into the fighting too quickly without building up the characters, it turned out to be pretty dam good.

I seen specials on the history channel & stuff but a series such as this really gives an idea the horror these guys had to endure.

Some of the soldiers wrote books. They mentioned it at the end of the last episode.

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The most eye opening scene for me was when the Japs used the civilians as human shields and the mom with her baby had the explosives wrapped around her body.

Disgusting to think about..

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I feel like we never really got the whole gist of what these guys went through in the Pacific growing up. You always heard about "Island Hopping" in the history books but never learned the psychological end of it and the hell these guys went through.

Although I thought the series jumped into the fighting too quickly without building up the characters, it turned out to be pretty dam good.

I fully agree about both points. My grandmother was a Navy Nurse and tok care of my Grandfather after he was shot in Guadal Canal. That is where they met. He passed away before I was born and she refuses to talk about any of it other than to say how horrible it was. My Aunt tell me that there were times when my Grandfather would just sit in his room staring out the window and not say a single word to anyone for two weeks. It really hit me to think that if that bullet had been slightly higher I would not be here.

I like the way the show finished it up, I was worried at first that it was not going to connect us enough with the characters! But it did in so many ways.

I was speechless at the conclusion.

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