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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Michigan Helmets

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no, they get them professionally done. The roller hockey team has tape. It looks really stupid if you ask me.

Is that new? I remember my friend who went to Michigan tell me a few years ago that it was just yellow electrical tape.

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I remember a kid on CB saying that he went to a game this season and it was electrical tape. Also, I heard a story about a bantam coach that called the Michigan coach and asked what they used to pain they're helmets, and he said they just used electrical tape (maybe just kidding around, who knows)...

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Yeah it was me who went to the game NPUCK. They do use yellow electrical tape on the helmets, but tit really looks like paint. There's no creases or anything....looks like it'd take a while to do.

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i think they get the back shell blue and the front shell yellow, like that ohl team? then they put the tape in for the streaks going back

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i think they get the back shell blue and the front shell yellow, like that ohl team? then they put the tape in for the streaks going back

Nope, the helmets are solid navy, at least before the tape/paint job.

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Yeah I also remember someone other than #77 saying that they used electrical tape. Wouldn't surprise me, everything else would be pretty expensive. I just thougt of this, wouldn't the tape void the warrenty of the helmet though?

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Yeah I also remember someone other than #77 saying that they used electrical tape. Wouldn't surprise me, everything else would be pretty expensive. I just thougt of this, wouldn't the tape void the warrenty of the helmet though?

No, but paint makes it illegal to use

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Heres a site with a bunch of pics, I still can't really tell if they're decals or tape though. Couldn't they just bring the helmets to the same people that paint goalie masks? I noticed there were Bauer Helmets as well as CCM helmets, so if they were decals, they must have different shaped decals for the different shapes of the helmets.


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It's decals! They ahve different kits for different shaped helmets. When Josh Balckburn was a goalie at Michigan, he had decals on hif goalie helmet too. Montoya's are painted on.

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