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Prayers Needed For a Teammate

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I request prayers/thoughts/whatever from the MSH community. One of my players on the team I formed this summer from MSH, IW, and some close friends fell from height at work today and utterly destroyed the majority of his vertebrae. He is currently in surgery, alive, but the chances of him ever walking again, according to doctors, are slim to none. So please, keep #72, Ben Bevington in your prayers... it is much appreciated.

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I request prayers/thoughts/whatever from the MSH community. One of my players on the team I formed this summer from MSH, IW, and some close friends fell from height at work today and utterly destroyed the majority of his vertebrae. He is currently in surgery, alive, but the chances of him ever walking again, according to doctors, are slim to none. So please, keep #72, Ben Bevington in your prayers... it is much appreciated.

You got it. Sorry to hear this.

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Ben came out of surgery early this morning. 90% of his spine lost function due to the accident, and blood leaked into the spinal column. He will be in intensive care for the next 3-5 days at least. The doctors are unsure if he will walk again, and if he does it will be years before it happens. I will keep this thread updated as I can, but continued thoughts and prayers for Ben and his family are appreciated.

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Thoughts and prayers with Ben and his loved ones in his/their time of need.

FYI, I'm an ED doc; PM me if you need translation of any medical-speak. I'm obviously not involved in his care, so I can't provide any "true" medical advice in his specific case; however, I may be able to facilitate understanding of what's happened and his circumstances, in a broad sense. No obligation, of course, just let me know.

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I request prayers/thoughts/whatever from the MSH community. One of my players on the team I formed this summer from MSH, IW, and some close friends fell from height at work today and utterly destroyed the majority of his vertebrae. He is currently in surgery, alive, but the chances of him ever walking again, according to doctors, are slim to none. So please, keep #72, Ben Bevington in your prayers... it is much appreciated.

Sorry to hear this, he's in my prayers. The same thing happened to my dad's friend last year, and it is horrible thing to happen to anyone and I wish him the best

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Ben has feeling in both legs from the top of his knees up. He is still going to be in the hospital for at least a year probably two waiting for his actual vertebrae to heal. He will be going through extensive physical therapy both during and after this healing process. More updates to come as information arises.

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Having feeling that far down would seem to be positive. Hopefully he is able to recover enough to live a normal life.

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Having feeling that far down would seem to be positive. Hopefully he is able to recover enough to live a normal life.

The doctors that did his surgery have been saying the same thing. They have also said that this speedy of a recovery after seeing the condition of his back during surgery is miraculous to say the least. They really had expected him to be in a wheel chair for the rest of his life, from what I've been told it seems they are hopeful that with healing and extensive physical therapy he will at least be able to walk again. As I said, I will do my best to keep this thread updated. Thank you all for keeping Ben in your thoughts, and any and all continued support for him is appreciated.

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The doctors that did his surgery have been saying the same thing. They have also said that this speedy of a recovery after seeing the condition of his back during surgery is miraculous to say the least. They really had expected him to be in a wheel chair for the rest of his life, from what I've been told it seems they are hopeful that with healing and extensive physical therapy he will at least be able to walk again. As I said, I will do my best to keep this thread updated. Thank you all for keeping Ben in your thoughts, and any and all continued support for him is appreciated.

Glad to hear about the progress Ben's making. Thanks for keeping us updated.

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