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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2010-2011 Gear Sightings

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Yeah, it was a strange stick. Really short, barely any curve and a small blade. Goes to show you it's the carpenter not the tools...

someone posted a pic of his stick after the olympic games. He and another player gave thier sticks to a Georgian figure skater. don't remember which member here knows her, or I'd credit them.

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The Reebok rep had one of Crosby's actual sticks at the Summer Jam last month and we were all amazed at how low the lie was.

yeah it is interesting especially since it seems he plays the puck near his feet a lot, especially in around the boards.

i remember using a lie 5 instead of my usual 6, and i'd always lose the puck if it was too close to my feet, and get checked because my head is down.

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it does look weird... but I'm glad he's trying other equipment (debadged or not). it would be great to see "poster boys" go away.

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back to crosby's stick, they had the olympic game winner stick of his in the hall of fame when I was there in July and as jds said, it was a really strange pattern, very flat.

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it does look weird... but I'm glad he's trying other equipment (debadged or not). it would be great to see "poster boys" go away.

It is a S19. The S19 is the lightest helmet currently available. Also with the background of Easton with Bell, Giro and Riddell behind them, they have a ton of helmet experience to make to safe. I think we will me seeing more Easton helmets the S19 this year on the ice.

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its an S9, the S19 has mesh in the vents not foam

Actually, the S19 does not have mesh in the vents. The S17 does, though.

For the easiest way to tell its not an S19, the gap between the from and back pieces of the helmet at the top.

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haha I had a teammate bring in a pair of Prostock Easton SL's of Holmstrom's...straight blade even two years ago lol

Holy crap! That is a paddle!

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thing is, the kid wasn't even the net camper either, so I dunno why he spent the money lol. I suppose Homer has two curves or something, one for the PP (straight blade) and maybe another curve or two

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would make sense, a close friend of toews' that i know told me that he had like 8 different curves on his warriors this year.

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