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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2010-2011 Gear Sightings

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Interesting since they've been marketing the widow so much. Maybe building up suspense and then stick it on a customizer exclusively?

Not directly related to the Widow.

No suspense building for the customizer

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Ryder is using an Ak27 sprayed black at the bottom in OPS form. If you look closely in some pictures you can see the bird logo for the Ak27 but other times he sprays over it.

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Burrows. Malone is using a Widow.

Interesting stick, btw...

Why must you tease me JR!? Now Im going to need to find an excuse to get another stick! Anyone have a good picture of the stick burrows is using?

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Ryder is using an Ak27 sprayed black at the bottom in OPS form. If you look closely in some pictures you can see the bird logo for the Ak27 but other times he sprays over it.

Eventually you'll see that Rider is using a new stick but likely not the final graphic package.

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Is St Louis ever going to stop using that yellow Easton Synergy stick? I mean I guess it's working.

He is using a Yellow SE16 fairly current model

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That's just the promo sticks they give to the fans after being selected as a star of the game.

Really? I thought it was pro stock... :rolleyes:

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What stick is David Krejci using tonight? Hard to see but looks like it's painted all black

Base claims it is one of theirs.

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Base claims it is one of theirs.

doubt it if he's on Team Bauer, maybe a painted APX?

It's neither, it's an RS.

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It's neither, it's an RS.

I stand corrected. It wasn't Base that said it was theirs, but rather a picture of him with the stick and someone added it to Base Hockey's pics on FB. It's clearly an RS.

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Don't know if this has been mentioned

Looks like the 7K Sickick 1, with a Warrior Dolomite 2008 Blade.

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