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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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T-Flex Blades?

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Hi all

Got a bit of a bargain yesterday on a bag of lefty blades at my local store.

A few of them are Easton 'T-Flex' blades. From what I can see, the hosel is just slightly thinner, but only just.

Will these be ok in a standard shaft, or is there some kind of modification I can perform to make them fit?

If not........anybody want them :laugh: ?

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Nope, not a chance.

You can take a standard hosel blade and shave it to fit a tapered shaft, but you can't take a tapered blade and make it fit a standard shaft properly.

They're quite rare though, seeing as they were one of the long-hosel tapered blades ever made. Your best bet is selling them on Ebay.

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Thanks guys

I take it that this isn't an Easton specific fit then, just another tapered blade? So any old tapered shaft will do right?

Here are some pics...for anyone who wants to see them:



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Bit of a bump.

Saw another post where this guy couldn't get T-Flex blades to fit a standard tapered shaft.

Man why would Easton make their own fit?! And more importantly, why would I buy a bunch of these blades without checking first... :laugh:

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Bit of a bump.

Saw another post where this guy couldn't get T-Flex blades to fit a standard tapered shaft.

Man why would Easton make their own fit?! And more importantly, why would I buy a bunch of these blades without checking first... :laugh:

You could file them down a little bit if they are too tight for a tapered shaft. Also, make sure they're senior blades for a senior shaft, etc.

If you have a buddy with a tapered 2-piece setup, maybe they'd let you try the fit in their shaft. That might tell you what kind of shafts may be a good option. Of the tapered shafts (not cut OPS) I've used, the RBK 7k had the largest opening for blades. I certainly haven't tried all of them, though.

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Easton used to like 'matching' their blades and shafts so you couldn't use other stuff from their competitors, how many blades have I shaved to put in my freaking Z-Bubble back in the days...

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Easton used to like 'matching' their blades and shafts so you couldn't use other stuff from their competitors, how many blades have I shaved to put in my freaking Z-Bubble back in the days...

how about putting easton shaft and warrior blade? no one here carries warrior blades..

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Easton used to like 'matching' their blades and shafts so you couldn't use other stuff from their competitors, how many blades have I shaved to put in my freaking Z-Bubble back in the days...

I never had problems fitting anything in my zbubble shaft

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The T-Flex blades were made specifically for the T-Flex shafts. They won't fit into anything else without modification, and even then... good luck.



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That collection is impressive. I had the maroon ones with yellow lettering like you had and then one with greyish lettering.

If you wanna give one of those bad boys a new home, please let me know.

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While Easton (as well as other manufacturers) QC used to be spotty at times, their standard shafts have always accepted any/all standard blades and their tapered shafts have always accepted any/all tapered blades. I have put Easton T flex blades in shafts from Easton, TPS and Inno/Warrior. Same goes for tapered blades from all of those companies into Easton shafts.

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That collection is impressive. I had the maroon ones with yellow lettering like you had and then one with greyish lettering.

If you wanna give one of those bad boys a new home, please let me know.

I think Krev has dwindled that collection now and is using OPS...

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That collection is impressive. I had the maroon ones with yellow lettering like you had and then one with greyish lettering.

If you wanna give one of those bad boys a new home, please let me know.

They've already been spoken for and long gone. Too a couple members on here, actually. I still have most of the blades though.

I think Krev has dwindled that collection now and is using OPS...

Pretty much. I only have two green ones now. One 110 and one 85. How're the maroon's treating you/your buddy?

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Mine was the dark green one from the 90's. Which one is yours?

this one i bought in 2001 i think. still going strong but i only use it for outdoor inline hockey (i mainly play ice)


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The T-Flex blades were made specifically for the T-Flex shafts. They won't fit into anything else without modification, and even then... good luck.

They fit my Pro Stock SE16 perfectly

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They fit my Pro Stock SE16 perfectly

Of course they do. The SE16 is a direct descendant of the T-Flex shaft and is basically just a paint job.

Krev meant that it won't fit any other standard shaft.

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I have been able to fit a standard blade onto a tapered shaft a comple of times. I just took stick tape and wrapped the hozel a few times. I've been playing with my current stick for about five months now.

You mean a tapered blade into a standard shaft? A standard blade wrapped with tape would only compound the size discrepancy and not allow it into a tapered shaft.

Additionally, blades that normally fit loosely and are wrapped with good amounts of tape to be inserted are very tough on shafts. That's a good way to break them.

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T-flex blades are great for use with an OPS cut to a shaft (provided it fits tapered blades). The extra hossle length is great for making up for what you lose with cutting.

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