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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate profiles I have a 13 is that overkill

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I'm a control freak when it comes to hockey. I'm always tweating my equipment. I hate it because tweaking costs money but I do it any ways. I apologize for wasting your guys time with endless stupid questions. I can't help it....

So that brings me to this topic of skate profiles. For something so important I'm surprised that not a lot of people don't even know what their skate profile is. They just buy the boot and that is it. This just seems weird given the fact that changing the profile really does make a difference.

So here are some things I have found out in the last two weeks. Seems that most places only do profiling in four sizes. 7-9-11-13. Seems the average size for most hockey players are 9 and 11. I even read once that size 13 is mostly used for recreational skating which worries me because I have a 13. When I started playing hockey years ago I settled on the 13 because it was easier to stand. I love the speed and stability of the 13 but I worry that I am holding myself back as a hockey player because with 13 poviting really quickly such as when your trying deke people is harder. I would love to try something like go to a 12:) but no one here offers it. Not sure what I should do if anything? I don't imagine anyone is going to read this novel but for those that made it to this line, thanks.

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I think JR switched to 13' this past year. For me that's too big but it's just preference. If you have the money buy a new set and try a smaller radius, if you like it you have your answer.

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I prefer 10-ish, can live with it slightly longer or shorter. I don't care for extremely short or long profiles. If you're unhappy, try something and see if you like it. That's the only way you'll know for sure.

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I don't want to add another option to your control freakish ways, but you also have the option of getting a custom radius. I have a 8'/12'on my blades and a FBV 9/16 cut.

For more info on this post you can search for No Icing Sports.

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So all the different radius on this page


are the ones they have tested and recommend?

Anyone do this in BC Canada?

yeah, you'd have to ship to the US though otherwise it's quite expensive

just search - there're tons of topics such as this one:


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I'm a control freak when it comes to hockey. I'm always tweating my equipment. I hate it because tweaking costs money but I do it any ways. I apologize for wasting your guys time with endless stupid questions. I can't help it....

So that brings me to this topic of skate profiles. For something so important I'm surprised that not a lot of people don't even know what their skate profile is. They just buy the boot and that is it. This just seems weird given the fact that changing the profile really does make a difference.

So here are some things I have found out in the last two weeks. Seems that most places only do profiling in four sizes. 7-9-11-13. Seems the average size for most hockey players are 9 and 11. I even read once that size 13 is mostly used for recreational skating which worries me because I have a 13. When I started playing hockey years ago I settled on the 13 because it was easier to stand. I love the speed and stability of the 13 but I worry that I am holding myself back as a hockey player because with 13 poviting really quickly such as when your trying deke people is harder. I would love to try something like go to a 12:) but no one here offers it. Not sure what I should do if anything? I don't imagine anyone is going to read this novel but for those that made it to this line, thanks.

When Peter Forsberg was playing he always used a 13'' radius. In Sweden is it very common and it is refered to as a 'Foppa'. So I would think 13 is perfectly OK. Now if only we could all skate like Foppa... :)

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I remember once reading an article about the Russian national team, and how a lot of guys were using 13+ radii. Wish I could find it somewhere... would have been an interesting read for you.

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I tried a 13' and wasn't very fond of it. Went back to the stock 10' on my 9K's and haven't looked back since. Also went with FBV too.

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For me the flatter the better. I have done mine at a 28' in the past, now I've went down to what equals out to be about a 20'. When I was up at CCM Reebok headquarters last year I was talking to their head prototype guy (I believe his name was Mario) and discussing rockering (profiling, whatever you want to call it) skates and he was telling me Mathieu Schneider ended out tweaking rocker until he ended at about a 21'. So there shouldn't be a rocker for certain positions or skating abilities it just comes down to player preference.

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For me the flatter the better. I have done mine at a 28' in the past, now I've went down to what equals out to be about a 20'. When I was up at CCM Reebok headquarters last year I was talking to their head prototype guy (I believe his name was Mario) and discussing rockering (profiling, whatever you want to call it) skates and he was telling me Mathieu Schneider ended out tweaking rocker until he ended at about a 21'. So there shouldn't be a rocker for certain positions or skating abilities it just comes down to player preference.

You a goalie?

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I never would have thought that a recreational skater would see any advantages to a profiled skate....that't just something picky pros do...but I've had 11' (+1) on my skates since I got them...and I think that was the biggest problem I had in the 11k's I used at the Summer Jam. It wasn't 'my' profile. I adapted...but those first few strides damn near killed me.

And the funniest thing is...The profile was on the skates when I got them....so, "my" profile is actually me getting used to what was there.

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