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The 2010-2011 Suspension Thread

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Does that fall under that new targeting a defenseless players head rule? No call made on the play and after the game Fedotenko says the explanation he got from Joanette on why there was "you should've avoided the hit"

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were those the flyers tv announcers? it was impossible to tell.. i like the jump carcillo threw in there on top of the elbow

also thornton threw a high hit of perron that might be reviewed.

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  On 11/5/2010 at 2:58 AM, MattyBoy said:

Does that fall under that new targeting a defenseless players head rule? No call made on the play and after the game Fedotenko says the explanation he got from Joanette on why there was "you should've avoided the hit"

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Campbell has been absurdly strict in his interpretation. If there is any wiggle room, he will let the guy off the hook and since it wasn't from the blind side, he will let this one go. My opinion is that Carcillo absolutely went for the head with the forearm/elbow and should be penalized for that.

  On 11/5/2010 at 3:20 AM, camhockey16 said:

were those the flyers tv announcers? it was impossible to tell.. i like the jump carcillo threw in there on top of the elbow

also thornton threw a high hit of perron that might be reviewed.

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Should be one for Thornton, but he may have brushed David's body so that will get a free pass as well. Plus, Thornton is a bigger name than David and that matters quite a bit. Again, should be a suspension in my book, but Colin Campbell is pathetic.

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Watching the replays it looked like Carcillo was thinking he might be able to avoid dangerous contact, then realized, "Hey, I'm Dan Carcillo, I should try to lay an elbow on someone's head."

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To me it looks like Carcillo had already commited to the hit and then Fedotenko fell down.. That arm was coming up regardless, but I think some misfortune comes into play here. And this is coming from somebody who can't stand Carcillo

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The behind angle is what did it for me, it's difficult to argue intent and where body parts might have been positioned had someone not fallen, but Fedotenko is already on his knees when Carcillo launches at him. And I'm a Flyers fan.

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Carcillo saw an opportunity to drill a defenseless player and he took it. Thank god the NHL is more concerned with the right of someone to try and decapitate another player than allowing players to create offense and score goals.

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  On 11/5/2010 at 5:47 AM, adam14 said:

To me it looks like Carcillo had already commited to the hit and then Fedotenko fell down.. That arm was coming up regardless, but I think some misfortune comes into play here. And this is coming from somebody who can't stand Carcillo

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I agree for the most part here. Carcillo was hitting him regardless. Shouldn't have, but did. I fully agree this is a suspendable hit. BTW camhockey16, they were the Flyers announcers, and I'm surprised that JJ thought it was a clean hit.

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Carcillo's hit was dirty, no question about that. However, I think it would have been a lot worst had Fedotenko not started going down before the hit. Then it would had been a much harder head on collision with Carcillo still leading with his elbow.

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i was being sarcastic :laugh: i knew it was the philly announcers i just wish they would've been a little more objective about it. homers announcers annoy me most of the time.

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Oye, haha. Well...bias aside, it was a dirty hit worthy of suspension.

Thornton has a conference call with Campbell today regarding the hit on David.

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I think the thing that might save Thornton is that his elbow is tucked and low and he doesn't jump or drive up with the legs. This hit will be the real litmus test on how serious the league really is about getting rid of contact to the head. My bet, no games lost for Thornton.

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  On 11/5/2010 at 3:44 PM, chippa13 said:

I think the thing that might save Thornton is that his elbow is tucked and low and he doesn't jump or drive up with the legs. This hit will be the real litmus test on how serious the league really is about getting rid of contact to the head. My bet, no games lost for Thornton.

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A conference call usually ends up with a few games. In retrospect, I take my comment back about Thornton being a bigger name and that getting him off the hook. Campbell will suspend a top line guy before a third line guy for the same offense. For proof, see the Ovechkin suspension from last year.

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I think game circumstance/timing will also be considered here. This hit happened as Joe is coing out of the box from another 5:00 major. 1-2 games tops I figure.

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I think the lack of an overly large collision is what saved Carcillo. Still find it odd that the ref reportedly told Fedotenko not to duck.

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Before these new rules I would consider that to be a very clean hit, just not too friendly. You're right chippa, this will be an interesting benchmark for sure.

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  On 11/5/2010 at 8:14 PM, chippa13 said:

Thornton got 2 games. It will be interesting to see where the league goes from here with the next guy.

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I'm sure they'll just shake the magic 8 ball again when that happens.

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I'm confused as to how Thornton did anything wrong. The player had the puck, his elbow was tucked he did not accelerate upwards into Perron. He just basically got infront of David and stood his ground while Perron ran into him. It's not Joes fault that David has his head turned away and is shorter. It was not a blindside hit either. I'm biased I know, I just don't get it...

And I'm not codoning the hit by any means I just don't think it was dirty, suspendable, or even penalizable.

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The problem is it wasn't a 'lateral hit'. Thornton is in front of Perron when the hit is made. They should of given the game misconduct to the Blues defenseman for making that pass.

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