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The 2010-2011 Suspension Thread

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  On 2/9/2011 at 6:34 PM, hamstercaster said:

You're kidding right? Cooke skates full steam for pretty much half the lenght of the ice to come and crush Tyutin and you think that if he faced Cooke the blow would not have been as percutant?

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I'm not defending Cooke I'm saying that Tyutin could have helped his chances alot more by simply doing other things.

1) Pick up the puck on the back hand and throw it around like so and pull up so he narrowly misses.

2) Rolled off the check when it was coming.

3) Get closer to the boards, turn 45 degrees towards Cooke and drop the shoulder(probably best choice).

  On 2/9/2011 at 6:41 PM, chippa13 said:

Really???? If Cooke plays such a clean game then why did his hit on Savard prompt an immediate work for a rule on the hit? The guy is a dirty prick and deserves everything he has coming to him. Zach, you need to take the blinders off.

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I didn't say he was a clean player I was saying HE CAN PLAY CLEAN AND AGGRESSIVE.

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  On 2/9/2011 at 6:44 PM, zachary said:

I'm not defending Cooke I'm saying that Tyutin could have helped his chances alot more by simply doing other things.

1) Pick up the puck on the back hand and throw it around like so and pull up so he narrowly misses.

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1) Pick up the pick on the backhand......done.

Could he have taken a different route so he would have been closer to the boards? Yes...but he didn't. His back was turned the whole way, and Cooke disregarded that from the red line in.

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I love when folks blame the victim........

"But ref, look at him, the way he's dressed he was asking for it."

Wow, is this guy for real?????

Cooke tells the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that Tyutin saw him coming and could have avoided being vulnerable.

"It used to be you were responsible for yourself if you turned, but that's not the way anymore," Cooke tells the Post-Gazette. "That call's been called on us four or five times this year. It's the same thing."

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  On 2/9/2011 at 6:49 PM, EBondo said:

1) Pick up the pick on the backhand......done.

Could he have taken a different route so he would have been closer to the boards? Yes...but he didn't. His back was turned the whole way, and Cooke disregarded that from the red line in.

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I get what you're saying but he had enough time to do a quick chip and dip. I see kids do it on my team all the time cause they are afraid to get hit.

Like I said if you look over your shoulder and you see Cooke coming in hard you should try to set yourself in a position you won't risk injury.

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Anyone who is defending Cooke for this hit in any way shape or form is an idiot. No matter how you can try to defend him, he hit him the other player from behind, made no effort to let up, and jumped into the hit. The onus is on the forechecking player, and obviously this fact escapes Cooke.

Full disclouser: I am a huge Bylsma fan, have been since I met him back when he was an assistant captain in Anaheim, and subsequently a minor Pens fan. If someone cracked him in the head and ended his career, I wouldn't bat an eye, and nor would anyone else.

Cooke has no place in the NHL with the way he is playing.

Suspended for 4 games via TSN: http://tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=353101

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  On 2/9/2011 at 6:54 PM, zachary said:

I get what you're saying but he had enough time to do a quick chip and dip. I see kids do it on my team all the time cause they are afraid to get hit.

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And guys who are afraid to get hit dont last very long in the NHL.

It's physically impossible for a left handed player to protect the puck in that corner without facing the boards.

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  On 2/9/2011 at 6:20 PM, zachary said:

You're misunderstanding what I am saying. Cooke did leave his feet and probably disregarded Tyutin's wellness but this hit wouldn't have been bad if he squared up for the hit rather than turning away from it. That's assuming he knew Cooke was coming.

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This is exactly how i was trying to explain it.

Would i like to see Cooke out of Pittsburgh - YES ( hell , ill driv'em to the airport )

Do I think cooke is a piece of sh!& - YES

and though it sounds as if im sticking up for , Im really just trying to say I dont think Tyutin needed to put himself or matt cooke in that position.

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this kind of reminds me of the aryton senna documentary (race car driver) where they said he would put other drivers in the situation where they would have to decide whether or not they wanted to crash. matt cooke was wrong to throw the hit - but in this case the defenseman has nothing to lose by turning his back to the oncoming player - he gets to make the play and assume the other player will let up, and if for some reason the other player doesnt let up then his team will get some great powerplay time.

im not defending cooke or being a homer - even guerin called out cooke before - but its still a gray area to me because the defenseman could turn his back at the last second and the opposing player have no time to hold up. then the teams would be screaming bloody murder when the player didnt even do it on purpose.

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  On 2/9/2011 at 7:24 PM, camhockey16 said:

this kind of reminds me of the aryton senna documentary (race car driver) where they said he would put other drivers in the situation where they would have to decide whether or not they wanted to crash. matt cooke was wrong to throw the hit - but in this case the defenseman has nothing to lose by turning his back to the oncoming player - he gets to make the play and assume the other player will let up, and if for some reason the other player doesnt let up then his team will get some great powerplay time and he gets the chance to get wheeled out on a stretcher and be the first NHLer paralyzed during game play. Win win.

im not defending cooke or being a homer - even guerin called out cooke before - but its still a gray area to me because the defenseman could turn his back at the last second and the opposing player have no time to hold up. then the teams would be screaming bloody murder when the player didnt even do it on purpose.

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Fixed it for you.

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and cam you, as everyone else defending the hit and blaming tyutin are, completely gloss overthe fact that Cooke left his feet and launched into the hit. this isn't a simple misplayed dump, this is a guy trying to hurt the other guy. period. end of story.

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Not to mention Tyutin never turned away from the hit. He went into the corner with his back to Cooke the WHOLE TIME. If he looked over his shoulder, it was to see where the pressure was and figure out what play to make. Tyutin is at no way, in any shape or form, even partly responsible for Cooke hitting him from behind. I can't believe people are trying to defend this....

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  On 2/9/2011 at 7:44 PM, chippa13 said:

I'd say we've pretty much exhausted this one. How did the other hearing that was scheduled for today go?

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Three games for Anton.

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  On 2/9/2011 at 7:35 PM, maxamillion said:

and cam you, as everyone else defending the hit and blaming tyutin are, completely gloss overthe fact that Cooke left his feet and launched into the hit. this isn't a simple misplayed dump, this is a guy trying to hurt the other guy. period. end of story.

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cooke probably was trying to hurt him and it looked like he did leave his feet - i'm not defending cooke.

what im saying is there is still a gray area where an opposing player might not have enough time to react if a defenseman turns his back. It's going to be really hard for the league to decide what to do in those cases. Kind of like when they try to determine "intent" or what a player was trying to do. maybe i'm not explaining myself very good..

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  On 2/9/2011 at 8:19 PM, camhockey16 said:

cooke probably was trying to hurt him and it looked like he did leave his feet - i'm not defending cooke.

what im saying is there is still a gray area where an opposing player might not have enough time to react if a defenseman turns his back. It's going to be really hard for the league to decide what to do in those cases. Kind of like when the try to determine "intent" or what a player was trying to do. maybe i'm not explaining myself very good..

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It's not like he spun at the last second to take the hit. he was facing the glass the entire time. Cooke watched his nameplate from the center red line and jumped into him. no grey area here. he was on a mission to hit him into oblivion from behind. this isn't like other hits in the past where the guy was careless (hjalmarsson on pomenville, Jones Bergeron, etc. Both got 2 games for the injuries caused basically), this was like Downie on McCammond. Leaping into an unsuspecting player, and this time it was from behind.

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Cooke is an asshole, and a dirty player. Everyone that doesn't wear Pittsburgh-colored blinders can see that.

Can we please move on? At least wait a week or two until his next dirty play.

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  On 2/9/2011 at 8:27 PM, maxamillion said:

It's not like he spun at the last second to take the hit. he was facing the glass the entire time. Cooke watched his nameplate from the center red line and jumped into him. no grey area here. he was on a mission to hit him into oblivion from behind. this isn't like other hits in the past where the guy was careless (hjalmarsson on pomenville, Jones Bergeron, etc. Both got 2 games for the injuries caused basically), this was like Downie on McCammond. Leaping into an unsuspecting player, and this time it was from behind.

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you aren't getting what i am trying to say - im not talking about cooke, im talking about these situations in general - im talking about future cases and whether or not they can maybe tweak the rules to make it clearer. you keep talking about cooke and i'm not talking about him.

i dont have any interest in arguing or getting the thread locked so i am going to stop..

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I think we can all pretty much agree at this point in the thread that Matt Cooke is one of the dirtiest, if not the dirtiest, player in the NHL today.

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