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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The 2010-2011 Suspension Thread

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ya I think it was a case of Chara being to strong, and refs having low tolerance for him right now.

Those NESN announcers could do a better job of hiding there dislike of the call *L*

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Watch Chara's stick whack out Montador's right leg. This stuff happens so fast that it easy to say the ref blew it but really he didn't.

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Watch Chara's stick whack out Montador's right leg. This stuff happens so fast that it easy to say the ref blew it but really he didn't.

That little shop on the top of the foot wasn't enough to take his leg out. Cause pain for sure, but not make him go down. I don't recall the last time a hit like that was called boarding and that's the issue. That two minutes last night was because of the outcry over the lack of suspension.

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I'm hoping that last night was just one of those nights for the officials that happens from time to time but I am curious to see how the B's get officiated for the next few games.

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Specialy with Thornton calling out the league on the "impression" that the Bs get preferential treatement from the league. I'm curious how the league will handle those players voicing their opinion on the Chara/Pacioretty incident. Pacioretty already voiced his disgust and I really can't see the league fining him for that given the circumstances. Martin and Molson voiced their opinions too and maybe they'll get a slap on the hand or something, then again maybe not. But what do you do to Thornton? Do you fine him for what he said and if so how does the league look handing him a fine but not Pacioretty or the Habs?

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Specialy with Thornton calling out the league on the "impression" that the Bs get preferential treatement from the league. I'm curious how the league will handle those players voicing their opinion on the Chara/Pacioretty incident. Pacioretty already voiced his disgust and I really can't see the league fining him for that given the circumstances. Martin and Molson voiced their opinions too and maybe they'll get a slap on the hand or something, then again maybe not. But what do you do to Thornton? Do you fine him for what he said and if so how does the league look handing him a fine but not Pacioretty or the Habs?

I don't think the league will do anything to Thornton but if they did decide to fine him then it will probably be because he inferred preferential treatment of the Bruins whereas Pacioretty et al just voiced their displeasure at no further discipline. It is one thing to call the league incompetent but another thing to call it biased.

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Don Cherry weighs in on Chara/Pacioretty - among other things.

Honestly...after seeing his montage of "turnbuckle" hits....there really isn't much different between most of them and Chara's. I guess 6'9" 260lbs accounts for much of the damage.


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From HNIC: "hits are up 40% from 2004"

Tell me again that the game has always been played this way.

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Gabriel Dumont (Habs/Bulldogs) got a 10 game AHL suspension today for a Boarding penalty on Sunday afternoon.

I wasn't at the game...and I can't find video, but it is was given a 5:00 for Boarding (no misconduct on the gamesheet).

I'm thinking whoever is going the AHL disciplinary work should do NHL as well. I don't think we've seen anything that stern in the NHL in a while.

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Confirmed by TSN, both players are scheduled to have a disciplinary hearing. It's anybody's guess as to how many games they'll get. More than likely two games a piece even though IMO they were deliberate hits to the head and deserve at least 5 IMO.

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Reap what you sow, Mr. Ott.

When was the last time Ott forearmed a guy in the head behind the play? I'm honestly asking...

Ott play's on the line, but he does not do take cheap shots to that magnitude.


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Honestly...I don't know why everyone hates Ott. He played here for a couple years...and yes...he's definitely a push the boundary type player...but I've never really considered him to be dirty.

And, off the ice....very soft spoken and approachable. At least the few times I was around him for radio/tv things.

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That elbow Umberger got didn't look all too bad but given that he's had concussion problems in the past doesn't help Marchand's case. Heatley I would never expect to do that but I don't know if he has any history with Ott.

Edit: Also Eriksson took a hard hit in open ice from Murray. Doesn't appear to be a headshot but Eriksson didn't play the rest of the game(or so Yahoo said). I don't think Murray tried to hurt him but in a situation that Eriksson put himself you can expect to get hurt. Kind of a weird point of impact.

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that looked relatively tame - but with him stumbling afterwards it sure looks like the ron francis/sami kapanen hits from a few years ago. i would bet he did end up getting a concussion out of it.

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When was the last time Ott forearmed a guy in the head behind the play? I'm honestly asking...

Ott play's on the line, but he does not do take cheap shots to that magnitude.


Ott is cheap, mouthy, and his gloves are usually sewn on. I was shocked to see that he actually opted to throw with Murray last night. As for Heatly, when is the last time you saw him go after anyone? If he's targeting Ott then you can be damn sure that Ott pulled something on him or another Shark earlier and most likely far away from the play.

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That Murray hit looks textbook to me. Shoulder in...doesn't extend into the head....but there is no way around it, the head is going to get whipped around when your body comes to a sudden stop like that.

The hit that they show during the replay (#15 Stars on #7 Sharks) looks like the kind of hit that needs to be addressed.

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I'm in for 3 each. Who do I pay? (it's a pool right?)

I'm going with the under at 2 each although Heatley does deserve more than Marchand. Heatley threw the classic payback elbow, no doubt.

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I was watching the game, and ott was mouthing off to Thornton and others quite often. It was a dumb and selfish move by heatley, and i expect him to get somekind of punishment. And I'm a sharks fan (in case you can't tell). Murray's hit didn't seem like a dirty hit, but I never saw it on TV, just on YouTube. As for the umburger hit, it definitely deserves some punishment.

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That Murray hit looks textbook to me. Shoulder in...doesn't extend into the head....but there is no way around it, the head is going to get whipped around when your body comes to a sudden stop like that.

The hit that they show during the replay (#15 Stars on #7 Sharks) looks like the kind of hit that needs to be addressed.

My only issue with the Murray hit is that the only real point of contact is up at the head. Murray was coming from enough of an angle that there was no need to go to the head on the check, he could have gone body to body and made an equally effective play. It was not as if the guy skates directly into Murray, contrary to the color commentary, he skated into the path that Murray was taking to make the hit. I will give Murray credit for making a play on the puck, a lot of guys just ignore the puck in that situation and just go for the kill shot. That said, had he gone all out to make a play on the puck and not been more concerned about making a hit, I think it ends up as a minor collision and nobody is hurt. Long story short, no suspension, but certainly the type of play that should be a concern. Guys more interested in making a hit than making a play. I do agree about the hit on Wallin as well, that is the type of "legal" hit that is causing a lot of the injuries.

I'm going with the under at 2 each although Heatley does deserve more than Marchand. Heatley threw the classic payback elbow, no doubt.

2 for Marchand and 3 for Heatley

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That said, had he gone all out to make a play on the puck and not been more concerned about making a hit, I think it ends up as a minor collision and nobody is hurt.

To add on to that if he did just play the puck and not go for the hit and Eriksson still made contact Murray would have still been well off since he's a solid body. Either way I think lunging for the puck in open ice with a defender coming towards you is always a bad decision. Off the top of my head I can recall a few instances in the past few years where the player going for the chip got smoked. Specifically this one even though it's a bit different.

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