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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all MSH'ers. Hopefully you all get what you wished for. Just to be sure, I explained to Santa what "pro stock" meant and directed him to the NHL equipment sale thread.

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Hopefully everybody got something good and gave something good to loved ones and those in need. And aired their grievances while performing feats of strength.

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  On 12/25/2010 at 4:08 AM, Chadd said:

I'll just be content if I can get home before x-mas is actually over

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Good luck. Planes, trains and automobiles Christmas style?

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  On 12/25/2010 at 4:27 AM, jds said:

Good luck. Planes, trains and automobiles Christmas style?

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Planes, planes, planes and more damn planes would be more like it. 12 flights over the last three days and five more tomorrow, scheduled to land at 11:30 and home just before 12 if everything breaks just right for me.

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It's officially Christmas! Woohoo! I'm gonna celebrate by watchin the original Tron (as well as a bunch of other movies) and eating Chinese food. Hear Hear!

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Merry Christmas fellow MSHers!! Best wishes on your trip home Chadd, hope all of you get to spend quality time with people close to your hearts. To the mods, who keep MSH a first rate site. And heck, like everyone else says some shiny new gear under the tree in the morning!

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Merry Christmas to all of you. Hope you are enjoying time with friends & loved ones.

This was my favorite part this year.


My daughter's note to Santa.

She knows how to get on Santa's good side by starting her picture with "Santa's Awesome".

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