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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new years resolutions?

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with 2011 upon us, i was wondering if anyone here was into the "new years resolution" deal. i have never been into it, but this year i found myself approaching 27 (bday yesterday) and my body was changing. i've always prided myself on being physically fit, but my focus has gone away from playing sports 2-4 times per week and i can see the effects of that. i've had friends say "im gonna get a beach body" or "im gonna quit smoking" but it seldom works. this is the first time i've ever made a new years resolution, but i'm vowing to go from good shape to great shape, starting with a cross fit program offered by a gym near my place ( tactixgym.com ). i'm going to go at lunch time from 12-12:45 3 days a week. i will also run to and from work 2 days per week, and continue to play hockey twice per week (minimum) as well. my diet is already good, not a lot of junk food and its well balanced, i just found myself working more and exercising less, which attributes to the shifting of weight from muscle into fat. i'm the same weight, but not as strong or toned as i was 12-18 months ago, and not nearly as strong or toned as i was 4-5 years ago.

does anyone have anything they'd like to share?

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Score my first goal in a regulation game! Pathetic huh? In my defense playing goal for my entire life then switching to Defense hasn't allowed me to be the offensive dynamo i hoped i could be. 2011 could be the year!

Oh and happy birthday Shotty!

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  On 12/31/2010 at 10:02 PM, DEATHTRON said:

10lbs of muscle, 2% less body fat.


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I'm already at 2% body fat so I will need to come up with something else.

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To backcheck properly and only go on end to end rushes when I have clear ice and my team to fall back for me. Instead of attempting a Bobby Orr whirlwind goal.

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Get my deep squat past 345lbs. Now that it's on the record, I'd better get to the gym day after tomorrow...

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Lose 10lbs, get better at skating, not dump the puck as often and carry it up more. Having more self confidence is something I need to work on, compared to years ago when I would have gone coast to coast whenever I could. I've become more of an assist guy now rather than the goalscorer I used to be.

Focus more on family as well.

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More edge work! No matter how much I do, seems like I could always use more skating practice. So less messing around and more drills!

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  On 1/1/2011 at 1:03 PM, fatwabbit said:

Lose 10lbs, get better at skating, not dump the puck as often and carry it up more. Having more self confidence is something I need to work on,

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You summed up what I need to do with my game. Oh add to that working on my shooting (accuracy and power), but the upped the price and lowered the amount of clinics (10 to 7) so looks like I'll need to do it on my own, somewhere.


Get back into using my camera and playing my guitar. And save money for the future so I (we) can afford a car and/or house someday soonish.

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i went to my first crossfit session today. not as intense as i expected (barely broke a sweat), but from what they told me, it will get better. they advised me to hit up a 4 hour bootcamp. im not sure if its a money thing or if i'll actually benefit from it. we'll see.

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  On 1/4/2011 at 3:26 AM, shotty said:

i went to my first crossfit session today. not as intense as i expected (barely broke a sweat), but from what they told me, it will get better. they advised me to hit up a 4 hour bootcamp. im not sure if its a money thing or if i'll actually benefit from it. we'll see.

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Generally with Crossfit you need to do a 4 week program of three sessions per week called fundamentals. The main goal of those classes is to learn proper technique because many of the olympic lifts and other movements are quite technical and small mistakes can result in pretty serious and long term injuries. While some of those workouts are more intense then others, again the goal is really to learn rather than to break a sweat. After you complete the fundamentals classes and begin the full classes trust me, you'll sweat. I've never heard of a 4 hour bootcamp but if they are going to try to teach you lifting techniques for four straight hours I would definitely not recommend it. There is no way you could retain or practice enough in one session. Crossfit is not for everyone but I definitely enjoy it because it works muscles I normally wouldn't work and it's relatively quick for people with busy schedules. It also pushes you mentally which competitive people generally enjoy.

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Dropping about 20 pounds is on the agenda (put on quite a bit over the holidays and with some other life crap). That's about it.

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  On 1/1/2011 at 2:21 AM, DEATHTRON said:

Then your new years resolution should be: Eat a sandwhich more often. Seriously, 2% body fat is not healthy over long stretches.


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Did I say 2%. Oops, missed a zero ;)

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To stay on track with my pre-new year resolution to lose weight and get healthier. I've lost about 12 pounds in 2 months (holidays were a bit of a wreck). I'm turning 40 in early February and I'm the worst shape I've ever been so I need to keep on going on that healthy eating regimen and workout more. I workout 2 times a week but need to up that to at least 4 to 5 times a week as I have a long way to go before I'm even close to my "healthy weight"

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