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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Semin vs Kovy comparison

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I posted these in the show it off thread a week or so ago, but here you go



Semin is the same blade shape as a P92, and much longer than the Kovalchuk. Kovalchuk is also pretty straight(doesn't look like it in the pic but it is) until the toe where it hooks, the Semin curve is a huge banana that starts a little near the heel and keeps going. I'll try to take a better picture later, the angle of this one doesn't really do them much good.

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What do you want compared? On #1 the toe hook seems to start later and is sharper than the second. that's what I can see form the pics. the Semin is obviously pro stock. Is the Kovy a retail?

nevermind the above poster helped. the side by side is much easier to compare.

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Top down comparison

Thats also a more mild Kovy pro toe, opposed to his big toe curve.


I have 3 different Kovy pro stocks, the one on the left is nearly flat with a little flare at the toe, the other 2 are his current pattern, and I have one of the huge hook but it broke in the middle of the blade :(


Bonus pic L-R-Doughty-Semin-Samsonov-Kovy x3

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So the semin is basically a toe wedge! The P91 of toe curves...

Some of the Semin's I have seen are close to a p92 with more of a hook too it at the toe

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