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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Soft blade vs. Hard blade

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I know softer blade means less accuracy but I find it "flexes" more. Not sure if that's me but looking to see if anyone else other than me have experienced the same thing as I have? Just maybe something interesting to share

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yes, that "flex" is what leads to less accuracy. A softer blade will bend and twist more than a harder one, which will in turn lead to more inconsistent blade form on the release and less accuracy.

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Try telling Danny Briere that a soft blade is less accurate. lol. I think most prefer a stiff blade for the reasons Dolom1te stated. But try both and see what works best for you. Most things come down to personal preferance in the end.

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There is a difference between a hard blade and a stiff one. That said, most stiff blades tend to have a harder feel, but there are a few good ones that remain stiff but have a softer feel.

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There is a difference between a hard blade and a stiff one. That said, most stiff blades tend to have a harder feel, but there are a few good ones that remain stiff but have a softer feel.

One95 :D im so excited to try it out tomorrow, I'll post a review after some time correction : thanks Jarick

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You should probably use it a few months to post a review on it, but yeah that's IMO the definition of stiff blade with good feel.

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I know softer blade means less accuracy but I find it "flexes" more. Not sure if that's me but looking to see if anyone else other than me have experienced the same thing as I have? Just maybe something interesting to share

I wouldn't say softer is less accurate, that depends more on what a person is capable of using or adjusting to. Check out the video of Briere showing his sticks to the '09 draft class, his blade was like a piece of rubber and yet his right-wing slapper is absolutely deadly.

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I wouldn't say softer is less accurate, that depends more on what a person is capable of using or adjusting to. Check out the video of Briere showing his sticks to the '09 draft class, his blade was like a piece of rubber and yet his right-wing slapper is absolutely deadly.

The extra whip of the blade will add more velocity to a shot, you just need to work on your timing and puck placement when shooting. The puck has to start/impact at the heel or you are completely screwed.

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I've seen this clip before, but the shot of Briere standing beside Pronger at the end is just hilarious!

Personally I hate soft blades, definitely bad for my accuracy, but I guess if you have the right technique like Briere you can pull it off.

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This may be different for those who use composite blades, but as my wooden blade softens, I find that I lose some velocity and start missing right (I shoot right). I assume this is because the blade torques at the toe as it loses rigidity, the blade opens, and the puck is released earlier in the shooting motion. Much like a shanked golf shot. To compensate, I find that as the blade softens I shoot more off of the heel of my blade.

I'm thinking about going back to composite after this season. It will be interesting to compare blade types again.

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I think a softer blade absorbs passes better. I have seen Danny B catch some hard passes on his backhand in front of the net with ease. I know it is not all in the blade, but I am sure it helps.

Actually a soft blade will slingshot the puck back off if you don't have soft hands.

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