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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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"Grippy" Palms

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1) Can anyone suggest a retail glove that has a grippy or tackified palm?

2) Or, if I were to have my current gloves re-palmed, what would be my best option for providing a grippier feel? Thanks in advance!

P.S. I don't like candy-caning my sticks b/c I like a "uniform grip". Dunno if that makes any sense. i.e. I want the entire surface to feel the same. Must be OCD.

P.P.S. I plan on buying grip sticks in the future, but don't feel the need to waste the non-grip sticks I already have.

EDIT: Got another question. If I wanted a tighter feel on an existing pair of gloves, would having the gussets shortened achieve this affect?

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well retail x60 as a palm shock asborber that is made of rubber and is kinda grippy, im not realy into it but check it out!

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sounds like digital palms would be a good solution for you

I like digital palms, but not with grip sticks. I find that combo so "grippy" then that I can't slide my hand up and down at all. I use digital with clear sticks.

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I had the same issue with new gloves and posted on here how to make a stick grip wihout being sticky. PlastiDip clear spray was recommended to spray on the shaft.

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For retail, the Easton EQ50 gloves have a nice grippy overlay palm. For non-retail, try goat palms.

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Why not add grip to your current clear sticks? They sell a spray that adds a pretty good grip coating, although the name currently escapes me.

I thought about that but I'm on the fence about buying a new pair of gloves anyways and was just curious. After the plastidip suggestion I did a search on adding grip and may try it if I end up not picking up new mitts. Thanks for the suggestions everyone!

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The FFH palms on the old TPS R8 gloves fit the bill.

I sent out a bunch of emails and phone calls trying to get the factory to make up a bunch of replacement palms for me.

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I like digital palms, but not with grip sticks. I find that combo so "grippy" then that I can't slide my hand up and down at all. I use digital with clear sticks.

It loses the grippiness really quickly though.. the digital texture on my Eagles are basically melted together so now it's the slipperiest thing I've ever felt.

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I sent out a bunch of emails and phone calls trying to get the factory to make up a bunch of replacement palms for me.

I still use these gloves and the palms are in pretty good condition. What exactly is FFH? I remember some big to-do about it when they were selling.

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Hey everyone

Ive searched through a ton of forums, and alot of stores but still cant quite find what im looking for. I even bought some tour gloves claiming to have grip palms but they still were just cloth with some "minor" difference in grip.

what im looking for is a gloves with almost like grip rubber on the palms. I like to have really grippy hold on my stick. I use grip sticks, and still add wax to them because they arent grippy enough.

I also like my gloves to be quite "soft" if you know what I mean. right now im using easton s 19s. They are very flexible gloves and i love the feel, bought the grip is horrible. I have a set of tour that are just to stiff for me. I bought them online as they said grip palm but i was disapointed as there really is now grip. Im looking for a flexible glove with some kind of grip palm that some one has used and liked that has similar grip needs as me lol.

anyone have any ideas?


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I agree with Chadd. I have not tried Goat Palms, but have tried Digital. Digital adds grip but they are very sensitive palms. If you take care of your palms (use stretch/gauze tape or TackiMacs, air them out, clean them, etc) then they can last just as long as any other palm. Not everyone wants to take the time/energy to take care of their gloves though.

I have recently owned Digital, Nash, Mustang and MSH2 and found that Digital by far offered the most grip. I was not expecting that much increase in grip over the previous MSH2 palms. It was easier for me to repalm the gloves than to change sticks, so I sent my gloves in and had them done as Mustang instead (MSH2 was not available).

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Thanks for the replies. What are digital palms? I've never heard of that. Can u buy gloves with them? Or have to get it on ur current gloves? Sorry for the questions. Any links would be great.

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You may like the x60 pro glove. It has a double layer digital palm. Also check out gloves with a leather overlay, they are fairly grippy too.

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still not 100 percent understanding what the difference is. Digital palm sounds so wierd lol. Like im getting some computer gloves. i will check out the x60s though. there must be some at my local hockey shop.

Is there any other gloves that have this?

found the x60 online. is there a difference between pro and reg or the same thing? they look pretty nice and similar style to my s19s. palm looks like it has something on it but i will leave the grip to when im there on a stick. nice looking glove though.

thanks for the suggestions if anyone else has any that would be great. I will be doing some shopping this weekend.

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I believe some tps gloves. The x60 has a different palm, make sure you look at the x60 pro. The eq50s have a leather overlay which provides some grip, and I think the totalone does too.

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Go buy a pair of these for cheap, cut out the palms, and sew in an overlay on your lower hand only to start, which is where you'll need the grip anyways... Who cares how it will look as long as you get the grip you want!

I've done this with these and a pair of nike fb receiver palms before. Works like a charm

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Thanks for the replies. What are digital palms? I've never heard of that. Can u buy gloves with them? Or have to get it on ur current gloves? Sorry for the questions. Any links would be great.

Digital palms have what is best desribed as a raised "pattern" or "bumps".

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ah ok. thanks now i know what to look for. Im gonna check out the bauer today. if not i will think about doing the sew in

thanks for your help guys

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