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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Your trick so your gloves dont get stiff!

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even if i air out my gloves, they get stiff after a a couple of month!

what are you guys trick to keep the material soft and not have to get your gloves wet before a game!

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even if i air out my gloves, they get stiff after a a couple of month!

what are you guys trick to keep the material soft and not have to get your gloves wet before a game!

Im guessing you mean the palms, have you tried the shaving cream trick?

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no i never heard of that trick! any shaving cream?

works great?

how do you apply it?

I think it has to be the foaming white stuff, i forget what material you are supposed to check for, but just rub it in untill you get the desired feeling. only do the outside obviously

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Search the boards for "lanolin"

Also, I tried baseball glove leather softener (rawling glovolium) and it seemed to work just fine. Personally i just put it on some paper towel since I didn't have any rags handy and it seems to have worked just fine.

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Does this help soften palms that are already stiffened up or does it only work as a preventative measure to keep them from getting that way?

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I don't know if it's a combination with the shaving gel, but I read on the forums here to pour boiling water on the palms. I did both and they felt great after.

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I think the tried and true method here seems to be; buy new gloves before the old palms get crusty.

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If you wanna try Barbasol Shaving Creme (sells for like 1 dollar seriously) here is how I do mine.

1. Wear glove on hand, with other hand spray small glob of shaving creme on palm

2. While wearing the glove, move your fingers around until the creme is applied evenly around the glove

3. Let the creme sit for 1-2 minutes

4. With a shop towel or white cloth (paper towel too frail), rub creme around the palms until fully covered

5. Remove excess creme until it's no longer visible on glove

6. Let it dry over night or at until the palms are completely dry.

DO NOT APPLY CREME inside the glove, the creme on the outside will be enough to soften the insides.

I did these to my Eagle CP94s and let the creme sit for a few hours before I washed the gloves in hot water, now they are softer than ever.

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If lanolin is the secret ingredient, I know you can pick up just straight lanolin in the baby section at Target. It should last you a long time, if it's okay to use straight. It's very gooey, though.

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i just tried shaving cream! it hasnt dry yet but the gloves moves realy good so far, will let you guys know by tonight or tommorow the final result thanks alot for the infos!

how long will it last util i have to reapply some?

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Do NoT put it in the gloves.

Go with the shaving cream, Lanolin is easy to get here in Australia but it doesnt have the spreadability (is there such a word) as shaving cream.

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I have done this trick using multiple types of foaming white shaving cream.. seemed to work fine for me. Gloves are still soft. The best is to never air out the stinky mitts so they're always wet and that way the your mitts stay filthy.

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I use a product that I use for my car's leather seats. Has a very high content of Lanolin. Very little though, like a dab on the outer palm (not inside) of the glove. Need to do it in fact, haven't done it in a long time...

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For the shaving cream trick do you just leave the stuff on your gloves or do you wash it off with hot water?

Hot water will rinse the lanolin oil out of the palm and it will get stiff again faster than if you do not rinse it.

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For the shaving cream trick do you just leave the stuff on your gloves or do you wash it off with hot water?

I just work as much into the palms as I can then wipe off the excess with a towel. I do this every time my gloves start to feel crusty again.

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