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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ever do something on the ice you really regret?

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Not going to go into detail, but last night I did something completely stupid, careless and reckless to an opposing player...feel completely shitty about it. Have you guys ever done something, whether it be a hit, a slash, a punch or w/e that you immediately regret and continue to feel terrible over?

Sucks. Play clean guys...

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Last wednesday I went into the corner from the top of the circle. Their guy was tied up with our guy and I went through and grabbed the puck to go behind the net. As I skated past them I got tripped by their guy who at the same time got taken down by my team mate who he was tied up with. I went down, he went down, and my skate cut him under his chin. The cut was about 1.5" x 1" of skin flapping down inches from his jugular. Emergency ambulance came and he is ok, but it was scary and I felt really bad even though it wasnt really my fault.

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Some guy elbowed my pretty hard in the face right in front of the ref with no call. As we were skating out of the zone I looked to see if the ref was looking and two handed him right on the shins and skated away. The dude flipped out at the no call and ended up getting an unsportsman like penalty. This lead to his team going crazy and the refs calling a super tight game and our goalie ended up getting kicked out of the game and suspended for the next game.

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Tried to pin a guy on the boards with his back to me. He was a lot smaller than me and I played him as if he were a lot bigger. No trying to be dirty but I guess just overly aggressive. He went face first into the dasher but was luckily wearing a cage. He chirped me up the ice but I just kept saying I'm sorry. Because I truly was. I got a minor.

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Been there, done that, mugs. It happens from time to time. I was bummed about it for quite a while but you get over it and it helps you keep control in the future.

Everyone has a "learning experience" once in a while.

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Been there, done that, mugs. It happens from time to time. I was bummed about it for quite a while but you get over it and it helps you keep control in the future.

Everyone has a "learning experience" once in a while.

Thx. Thats what my entire team has been saying. The opposing team seemed to really respect the apology I gave after the game. It's such a fast, intense sport that emotions can easily run wild.

I have a 5+ game suspension coming to me so I have a lot of time to think about it.

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Thx. Thats what my entire team has been saying. The opposing team seemed to really respect the apology I gave after the game. It's such a fast, intense sport that emotions can easily run wild.

I have a 5+ game suspension coming to me so I have a lot of time to think about it.

Think you need to spill the beans. It'll make you feel much better... :popcorn:

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Think you need to spill the beans. It'll make you feel much better... :popcorn:

K...based on the reactions in the video thread you guys are not gonna be happy but know that I feel terrible about what I did and it's very much unlike me.

I put a stick to his head after the guy purposefully speared me in the stomach. He was fucking with me the entire shift, cross checked me from behind completely out of the play then the spear... at that point I had enough and I flipped out. Should've just ended my shift early and gone to the bench after he cross checked me. At that point I was just "annoyed" and would never have retaliated.

The guy was perfectly fine, just initially really pissed...granted, I didn't full on swing it, more like a short chop than a swing. No excuse to do something like that but I immediately realized how fucked up what I did was and was apologizing. Went to their bench after I got tossed and apologized.

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Like it was said above, everyone has been there at one point or another, especially in no check leagues where the respect seems to be a lot lower (and gets worse the lower the level you play)

Two summers ago I was playing in a low level C league, helping a buddy out who had a whole team of guys who wanted to learn to play ice hockey. Honestly myself and the goalie were playin in too low of a league but I just played stay at home D, rarely shot and just tried to pass and teach the guys who wanted to learn.

One of the poorer skaters comes up to me in the second game complaining of getting sticked in the genitals. I figured it was just an accident but he asked me to watch a guy on the other team and sure enough next shift he sticks the same guy way behind the play. Next shift out I catch the guy and tell him were all here to have fun and have to go to work the next day, take it easy with the stick jobs. He tells me to go F myself and he'll do whatever he wants, if the ref doesn't see it it's not a penalty.

Midway thru the second period I pinch a puck on the boards as this guy is comin around and he skates past me and sticks me right below where my cup stops. I ice the puck, skate right to the Ref tell him what happened and ask him to please watch this guy since he's done it 3 times. I then warn the guy next time he sticks me I'm coming for him. He tells me I won't do S, then sticks me again on the faceoff and the ref throws him in the box.

3rd period starts and the guy says to me "I thought you were gonna get me?" I don't know why but my blood boiled and he collected the puck behind the net about 3 shifts later and I did exactly to him what Torres did to Seabrook.

Knocked him out on the ice, ambulance came. He had a grade 2 concussion and broke his elbow (he didn't have any elbows on). I still have conflicted feelings about it today, I'm always concerned I cost the guy money at work or affected his life in some adverse way and I feel really bad about it, but then I think of how much of a prick the guy was and wonder if maybe he got a little of what he deserved.

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Like it was said above, everyone has been there at one point or another, especially in no check leagues where the respect seems to be a lot lower (and gets worse the lower the level you play)

Two summers ago I was playing in a low level C league, helping a buddy out who had a whole team of guys who wanted to learn to play ice hockey. Honestly myself and the goalie were playin in too low of a league but I just played stay at home D, rarely shot and just tried to pass and teach the guys who wanted to learn.

One of the poorer skaters comes up to me in the second game complaining of getting sticked in the genitals. I figured it was just an accident but he asked me to watch a guy on the other team and sure enough next shift he sticks the same guy way behind the play. Next shift out I catch the guy and tell him were all here to have fun and have to go to work the next day, take it easy with the stick jobs. He tells me to go F myself and he'll do whatever he wants, if the ref doesn't see it it's not a penalty.

Midway thru the second period I pinch a puck on the boards as this guy is comin around and he skates past me and sticks me right below where my cup stops. I ice the puck, skate right to the Ref tell him what happened and ask him to please watch this guy since he's done it 3 times. I then warn the guy next time he sticks me I'm coming for him. He tells me I won't do S, then sticks me again on the faceoff and the ref throws him in the box.

3rd period starts and the guy says to me "I thought you were gonna get me?" I don't know why but my blood boiled and he collected the puck behind the net about 3 shifts later and I did exactly to him what Torres did to Seabrook.

Knocked him out on the ice, ambulance came. He had a grade 2 concussion and broke his elbow (he didn't have any elbows on). I still have conflicted feelings about it today, I'm always concerned I cost the guy money at work or affected his life in some adverse way and I feel really bad about it, but then I think of how much of a prick the guy was and wonder if maybe he got a little of what he deserved.

I know Im living under a rock but didn't see the Torres/Seabrook thing...what happened?

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Basically seabrook came around his own net and torres leveled him with a shoulder right below his chin.

oh damn.

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Hey mug25..... I think that a good portion of us have been in that position at some time or another. I give you credit for going in and apologizing. A lot of guys wouldn't have done that.

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Well, I havent done something that bad, but while playing roller a guy started to crosscheck one of our weaker players in the back while behind our net. I told him to stop, then next shift he comes out and lays out another player. All of this is in a no checking rec league. I get the puck, he drops back on defense, and I wind up and put a bullet straight into his stomach. He went down and skated to the bench. (BTW, in roller we don't wear shoulder pads) I felt bad after, but he didn't pick on any of our players again. I apologized because he missed the next couple of shifts, but in my mind, he deserved it.

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A couple seasons ago we were playing a team with a guy that thinks its cool to be an agitator in a beer league. He's always spearing, cross checking pulling sticks out of hands, etc... and never seems to get called for it. Third period of a very chippy game where I seemed to be against him every shift, he butt ends me twice in the stomach and then grabs my stick and tries yanking it out of my hand while defending him. Puck goes the other way and he won't let go, so I donkey punched him as hard as I could and sent him sprawling on the ice. No doubt the guy deserved some kind of retribution, but having had to deal with my own concussion issues, I probably should have handled it differently.

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I probably would have done something similar in your situation...if not blown the guy up right when he started fucking with my friends. I get your second thoughts though, have had some myself sometimes.

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I'm usually too gassed to chirp on the ice so even if I start laughing at something, I'm gonna pass out from lack of oxygen shortly. I've just never had anyone chip at me enough to get a response out me but I sure can understand it when I've seen it on the ice. You've apologized and will serve your sentence. Don't overdue the groveling cuz that starts to look weird, and just hold your head high. Life will move on nicely.

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played the race card to the ref after I got tossed from a game (the toss wasn't the bad part though haha, I didn't know you had to stay in the room after getting kicked so i went back out to watch)

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Not going to go into detail, but last night I did something completely stupid, careless and reckless to an opposing player...feel completely shitty about it. Have you guys ever done something, whether it be a hit, a slash, a punch or w/e that you immediately regret and continue to feel terrible over?

Sucks. Play clean guys...

I would say that you did the right thing by apologizing about the incident after the game; definitely a very classy thing to do. Sucks that the refs were blind to the opponent that was playing dirty; don't really understand why some guys in beer/rec leagues have to be douche bags when it comes to playing dirty. Luckily you are okay and that the other player did not incur any real injuries. Sucks to be out for 5 games; but it's better than being booted for the entire season.

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I would say that you did the right thing by apologizing about the incident after the game; definitely a very classy thing to do. Sucks that the refs were blind to the opponent that was playing dirty; don't really understand why some guys in beer/rec leagues have to be douche bags when it comes to playing dirty. Luckily you are okay and that the other player did not incur any real injuries. Sucks to be out for 5 games; but it's better than being booted for the entire season.

Ref. Only one.

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Playing hockey, and this guy goons up one of our little guys(He was around 5`5 or 6 at the time)..somehow I felt an impending feeling of making a statement and "sticking up" for my teammate(who happens to be my best friend). And I decide to walk up and slash the back of his ankles...somewhere along that point I think I forgot that he was at least 6`3(me only 5`7 at the time). Worst idea ever, he was on me the rest of the game, hitting/hooking/charging. I gotta say though, the team had a laugh about it after and everybody was okay. Talked to the guy after, he was pretty surprised I actually would do something like that(comparing size), so it wasn`t all bad. But I`m never doing it again...

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Knocked him out on the ice, ambulance came. He had a grade 2 concussion and broke his elbow (he didn't have any elbows on). I still have conflicted feelings about it today, I'm always concerned I cost the guy money at work or affected his life in some adverse way and I feel really bad about it, but then I think of how much of a prick the guy was and wonder if maybe he got a little of what he deserved.

Actually he got a lot of what he deserved. Unfortunately for you, you were the guy to do it. I understand how it leaves a bad feeling with you but sooner or later, somebody was going to do to him what you did. This is a bit of what some may consider is messed up with hockey but when any guy in a beer league can lace them up and think he has free rein to mess with other guys, he will eventually meet the guy who says, not while I'm on the ice.

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Last wednesday I went into the corner from the top of the circle. Their guy was tied up with our guy and I went through and grabbed the puck to go behind the net. As I skated past them I got tripped by their guy who at the same time got taken down by my team mate who he was tied up with. I went down, he went down, and my skate cut him under his chin. The cut was about 1.5" x 1" of skin flapping down inches from his jugular. Emergency ambulance came and he is ok, but it was scary and I felt really bad even though it wasnt really my fault.

That happens bro...obviously sucks though. Happened on my high school team in practice on 3 separate occasions. Once a kid's arm got sliced bad and twice a kid had his chin sliced open. It's part of the game.

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Soph year of college we were playing a game against a team who wanted an early season game to judge where they were at. Score got out of hand pretty fast. The final ended up be double digits lead for us.

When the buzzer sounds, the teams coach tells all his players to skate off and not line up for the hand shake line. The coach stood at the bench dumping out the water bottles. I skated by him and looked him straight in his eye and said ''F*^# you, don't call us again if your going to pull that s*&^..''. He said F you right back to me.

Next morning I was in the GM's office getting reamed out. Threatened to be released if I did something like that again.

Come to find out that coach was just some bum off the street they found to coach. I don't feel so bad now.

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