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Vapor x40, x50, or x60 HELP!

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Hey everyone, Im sure this topic has been discussed many times, and I have been lurking around with the search feature for about a week now. But I couldnt answer my own question. Hopefully someone can steer me to the right skates for me. I currently us CCM vector 6.0 which are fine, but I am looking for a more advanced skate, and all I hear is vapor is the way to go. I skate 1-3 times per week, mostly clinics, pick up games. I am interested in joining a mens league though. So I ask, which vapors are right for me? The new models are out, so all of the older stock is currently on sale. So should I splurge and get the x60s? or save $100 and get the x40s, or x50s? What exactly is the difference between the 3, I could never get an actual answer. Any input would help! thanks in advance!

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Try them on at your LHS and see which fit best. Do not go for a certain brand/model because you like it or it looks good. Although I'm no expert, from what I remember is the fit for CCM's is not similar to Vapors.

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CCMs are a good fight for flat feet or low arches and Vapors are more narrow and better suited for high arches. Try it on and if it doesn't fit right, its not the skate for you.

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I had the x40's n i just moved up to the x60 because they r so cheap compared to what they used to be.. i play my first game with them tom night but i can tell u when i tried them on u could feel the difference between the quality of the skate

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CCMs are a good fight for flat feet or low arches and Vapors are more narrow and better suited for high arches. Try it on and if it doesn't fit right, its not the skate for you.

ccm's are killing my arches right now and I have flat feet

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ccm's are killing my arches right now and I have flat feet

I am 6'1" 185lbs. I have a wide foot as well. Tried on the 50s and 60s at my LHS and all the had were D sizes. A 10D was the right fit for me, but the width was hurting when i tighten. So I am thinking a 10 EE should be just right. I couldnt notice a difference between the 50s and 60s while trying on at the shop, and they didnt have 40s. But if you guys think I can get away with a 40 or 50, with the amount of skating I do, then I would consider. If you say hands down, a 60 is the better skate in all aspects, I will spend the extra $. Everyone I skate with is telling me Vapor 60s are the only way to go lol.

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I am 6'1" 185lbs. I have a wide foot as well. Tried on the 50s and 60s at my LHS and all the had were D sizes. A 10D was the right fit for me, but the width was hurting when i tighten. So I am thinking a 10 EE should be just right. I couldnt notice a difference between the 50s and 60s while trying on at the shop, and they didnt have 40s. But if you guys think I can get away with a 40 or 50, with the amount of skating I do, then I would consider. If you say hands down, a 60 is the better skate in all aspects, I will spend the extra $. Everyone I skate with is telling me Vapor 60s are the only way to go lol.

Yeah...no. They're a great skate, sure, but that advice is awful.

Are you a strong skater?

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Your selection of the X series are going to be pretty limited also considering most of the "common" sizes are sold out by now

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Not a huge amount of differences between the 3. Obviously the X:60 will be made of better, lighter and more durable materials in the quarter pckg, tongue, outsole and liner. All heat-mouldable. The ankle padding on the X:50 and 60 will be more protective than the X:40. X:60 will be stiffer than the 50 and 40 obviously. Just see which one feels the most comfortable.

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ccm's are killing my arches right now and I have flat feet

Really? I have a falling arch/flat foot and these skates give me no pain at all. Oh well but generally speaking, the arch profile form what i have read and experience says CCM for low arches

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Basically are the 60s $100 better then the x40s? The x50s are only like $37 bucks more then the 40s right now on hockey monkey, but 60s are $100 more. Also, anybody watch hockey monkey enough to have an idea when they move their stuff to clearance prices? They have been at "Sale" pricing for over a week or 2 now, how long til they become clearance prices?

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Basically are the 60s $100 better then the x40s? The x50s are only like $37 bucks more then the 40s right now on hockey monkey, but 60s are $100 more. Also, anybody watch hockey monkey enough to have an idea when they move their stuff to clearance prices? They have been at "Sale" pricing for over a week or 2 now, how long til they become clearance prices?

I don't see the price dropping much more. As to whether or not they are worth the price that's up to you.

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I don't see the price dropping much more. As to whether or not they are worth the price that's up to you.

^ This, however it should be said that perhaps the skates that are gong to be the most bang for your buck are the models 1 or 2 steps below the top, they'll offer much of the top-end features with a lower price. There isn't much skewing in terms of value or else every company will only offer a top, mid and low end skate.

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I am 6'1" 185lbs. I have a wide foot as well. Tried on the 50s and 60s at my LHS and all the had were D sizes. A 10D was the right fit for me, but the width was hurting when i tighten. So I am thinking a 10 EE should be just right. I couldnt notice a difference between the 50s and 60s while trying on at the shop, and they didnt have 40s. But if you guys think I can get away with a 40 or 50, with the amount of skating I do, then I would consider. If you say hands down, a 60 is the better skate in all aspects, I will spend the extra $. Everyone I skate with is telling me Vapor 60s are the only way to go lol.

Sounds like your skates are too narrow. Youre probably not a size 10 skate than...

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I had this dilemma recently. My Mission AGXs were starting to break down on me to the point where I was having ankle pain during games (my right leg is a disaster waiting to happen, unfortunately), and I never quite fit the AG120s I bought on closeout, so I went to the LHS to try on skates, intending to come back later when I could better afford them.

I had already tried on Easton S12s and didn't care for them. The shop didn't have much in my size with the new product due to arrive soon, but they did have one each of the Vapor X40, X50, and X60 in my size. I tried on all three. I don't think there is a ton of difference between the X60 and X50. They have slightly different liners, outsoles, footbeds, and tongues, but they're pretty similar skates. I imagine the X60 is a bit stiffer than the X50, but as an average skater with a little size mainly due to height, I don't think I would have noticed a difference. To me, there wasn't enough of a difference to justify the step up in price from the X50 to the X60.

The differences between the X40 and X50/X60 were more noticeable. I think that the quarter material of the X40 (ballistic nylon vs. tech-mesh) lends a slightly different fit to the skate. It seemed to have a touch more width than the other two (just enough to alleviate minor pre-bake mid- and fore- foot hot spots from the other two). The liner is different from the other two as are the footbed, outsole, and tongue, which I liked the most out of the three. The X40, to me, is more like a pre-One90 top of the line skate than the other two, which are more like the One90 in construction (but not fit).

I walked out of the shop that day with the X50s baked and sharpened for the same price (at the time) as the online giants rather than risk having to pay more in a couple months. I strongly considered the X40s, but I liked the X50s on the whole a little bit more, and the price difference was almost nothing. I didn't want to pay the markup for the X60s because there didn't seem to be enough difference between them and the X50s to justify the extra cost.

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I had a similar situation this spring. I am about the same size as you espo, and play pick up games and plan to skate men's league next fall. I'm a pretty strong skater who played thru college and then quit for 20 years before starting again.

I found a basically brand new pair of 1052's that ended up being 1/2 size too big. I really wanted them to work, because I love the fit and feel of the Tacks line. Anyway, when I gave it up, I went to the local LHS and started trying on skates. I tried them all....supremes, CCM U+, Vectors, Eastons, Reeboks...the Vapors fit the best, but they only had the x60's in my size...they wanted $570 for them and it was way too steep for me. I ended up buying a pair of x50's online.

I didnt notice any difference in fit between the x50 and x60. I felt like the x40 was a pretty big step down in "quality" for a small savings. Anyhow, I am really happy with the X50's. They are comfortable, light, and I really feel agile skating in them. Only downside so far is that they dont have nearly the protection that the Super Tacks do...

I wouldnt hesitate to pick up the x50's if they fit you right...

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anybody have x40s, or x50s, then upgrade to x60s? noticeably different?

Yeah, I had a pair of X50s for a month, then had them replaced under warranty for material construction issues and got X60s in return.

The difference to me was quite noticeable. The X60 is a much stiffer boot, most noticeably in the tongue area and the area above the heel.

The material that the heel cup is made of is different in the X60, and it seems to be "tackier" and hold my narrow heel a bit more.

Overall, the build quality of the X60 was better than that of the X50. The fit and finish just seemed to be more complete in the X60 boot.

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I've been skating in X40s for a little over a year & I love them - they have some wear marks on them, but for the most part they are holding up great (I'm on the ice once or twice a week for most of the year playing low level men's league hockey). However, they are my first pair of ice hockey skates so I don't have any others to compare them too. I asked the salesperson when I bought them if it was worth it for me to upgrade to the X50s or X60s & he told me that for someone making the switch from inline to ice that the X40s would be a good starting point & that my next pair could be an upgrade. I thought this was great advice & I am glad I stuck with my budget & only got the X40s.

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If money isn't an object go with the 60's. They're a top of the line skate and on sale at a lot of places now because the new APX is coming out. If your on a budget, depending on your maximum ceiling then go down to the 50's or 40's. If you like a skate a little less stiff the 40's will probably suffice. The 50's will be a little stiffer but not as stiff as the 60's and they'll have a lot of top end features the 40's won't carry.( Personally if I was buying I'd go with the 50's because I don't see the point of buying a top end skate unless your into serious contact competative hockey.) Whatever you decide you should be getting a great deal on them because of the new Vapor line just coming out. All three models should be on clearance.

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