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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate fit question

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My feet are almost half a size different. In one size, my right foot is close to perfect and my left foot has a little ankle slippage. In the other size, my left foot is good but my right foot is touching the end of the boot when I walk (it touches a bit more than it is supposed to touch, although it isn't painful). In both cases, I tried the boots with Superfeet, but the skates were not baked. I'm looking at the U+CL, which fit better and were more comfortable than anything else I tried, but I had a similar problem with the One 100. The 11K didn't fit me at all in the forefoot.

I'm only going to buy a skate the is going to work ok, so my question is whether I'd be better off getting the ones that are maybe a touch too small out of the box, or the ones that are a touch too big, or whether I simply need to keep looking. In general, how far will my foot settle back in the boot after baking (I don't need it to move much at all in order for them to fit well)?

How much can a CL be stretched if one boot turns out to be a little too short after all is said and done? Any other ideas? My sense is that with baking and breaking in the skates will be perfect, but I don't have experience with the CL to know for sure.

The obvious answer would be to simply get customs and if necessary I will do that, but I can fit junior skates so I would naturally prefer to pay junior skate prices rather than double that amount for customs (i.e. senior skate price plus the custom fee).


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Two answers:

1- Have you thought about buying both pairs and wearing one of each ? (kidding)

2- Id say buy the bigger size since your foot is touching the end of the boot already. Go what you feel comfortable with though.

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Fit the skate to the smaller foot. Other skate can be stretched by a good shop. Also, after break-in, which will take a little while in this level of skate, you'll gain about 1/4 size.

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Two answers:

1- Have you thought about buying both pairs and wearing one of each ? (kidding)

2- Id say buy the bigger size since your foot is touching the end of the boot already. Go what you feel comfortable with though.

Fit the skate to the smaller foot. Other skate can be stretched by a good shop. Also, after break-in, which will take a little while in this level of skate, you'll gain about 1/4 size.

trtaylor is right, buy the skate for the smaller foot and stretch the other foot

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What does it cost to go custom for that boot? My left foot's a half-size larger than my right. I went the custom route and got two slightly different sizes.

for us at least, it's the retail price plus $100

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Would trying to stretch it possibly affect the fit/lock in the heel area? I thought the modern toe caps weren't going to stretch much if at all and all length gained would come from the heel area being pushed back a few mm.

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for us at least, it's the retail price plus $100

Will all shops do this? Very stupid question but after the fact, Is it possible to go into the same shop you bought from and buy one skate:):):):)

is ther anything else I sound know about custom...

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I can't speak for all shops, but I do believe that they can order custom from the manufacturers. I don't really understand your question though...you want to buy a SINGLE skate? What for?

As for custom, you should know exactly what you want. Depending on time of year and the release dates for new skates, it could take quite a while to get them in.

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what about ordering a pair with two different boots?

I'm sure it's possible , though it takes about two monthes , but you will get what you want and what fits you

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I can't speak for all shops, but I do believe that they can order custom from the manufacturers. I don't really understand your question though...you want to buy a SINGLE skate? What for?

As for custom, you should know exactly what you want. Depending on time of year and the release dates for new skates, it could take quite a while to get them in.

I think he wants to order skates in 2 different sizes to get a better fit. If thats the case, I think custom would be the way to go.

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I can't speak for all shops, but I do believe that they can order custom from the manufacturers. I don't really understand your question though...you want to buy a SINGLE skate? What for?

I think the idea was if the pair he bought didn't work out, could he go back and order one skate in a different size to fit the problem foot.

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I think the idea was if the pair he bought didn't work out, could he go back and order one skate in a different size to fit the problem foot.

exactly, i bought a pair and the right boot is giving me problems. I've done a lot to the problem boot, punched out several times, baked twice and have it to the point that they don't hurt very much at all but i still feel the boot is missing something. The one edge on the problem boot just feels a little weak, if you know what i mean.

It could be all in my head at this point but, I would love to walk into a place that can have a large selection of skates and could fit each foot separatly. I would pay a lot for that.

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Like most said...go custom. You are the rule..not the exception. Almost every human has a variance in right vs left foot. Mine is 1/4 size...enough to make a difference I can feel. At 1/2 size...there is really no way to get a good fit with the same size skate. Stretching will be tough to do and with that length difference could affect the integrity of the boot.

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