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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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TotalOne "Limited Edition" Stick

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well - to each his own of course, but isn't a red stick a bit too much?!

IMO previously LE line (sticks, skates) was quite stylish in black, hopefully this nonsense won't stick around for too long pun intended :)

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well - to each his own of course, but isn't a red stick a bit too much?!

IMO previously LE line (sticks, skates) was quite stylish in black, hopefully this nonsense won't stick around for too long pun intended :)

I think they didn't do black because the regular TO is black, but I like the all red probably because I have a PK version of the one95 from mybauer.

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they should make a wooden paintjob one for the winter classics.. or when they wwear their vintage jerseys and gloves etc

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That's a cool idea...didn't the Vapour XXX have the same scheme at one point? Or was that actually a wood stick?

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I was disappointed with this release. Not only does it look bad, but there is nothing special at all with bit. At least the first X:60 LE came in the P14 and P02 patterns, which were not available normally.

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That's a cool idea...didn't the Vapour XXX have the same scheme at one point? Or was that actually a wood stick?

i never knew there was one made, but it's a great look for any composite.. retros are in!

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