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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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a komets fan

Leaving Skates in the Car?

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First of all, I wasn't able to search for this question as "I searched for words that aren't allowed." I'm sure with these great boards this has already been discussed somewhere on here.

Maybe it's me just being paranoid about my skates, but how bad is it to leave your hockey bag in your car on a hot day? I'm thinking that may screw up the molding in the skates. Thoughts?

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Don't leave your skates, or anything for that matter, in your car. If it's a hot summer day, yes you can destroy them from overheating and if it's during winter when is freezing cold it's also a bad thing because the plastic can take minus degrees up to a point after that it becomes ... breakable.. and I'm refering especially to the toe cap.

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The search function on this board does not allow for three letter words or less. Try using google to search MSH next time.

Also yeah, don't leave the skates in the car. It will "un-bake" them. So your skates won't feel the same after they have been heated up like that.

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Or, even worse,

sitting in a hot car leads to the ability to manipulate the mold, meaning when they come out of the car and onto your feet when playing, the act of skating will begin to erode the fit you had them baked to achieve.

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An interesting experiment conducted by someone on car temperatures that seems to me to be conducted well and provides good information for you guys. I do not know at what temperatures skates mold but this should provide information for you all.

Sitting in 140 degree temperature for a couple hours surely won't be good for adhesives in the equipment.

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Leaving your skates in the car, be in summer or winter is a bad idea. In the winter they will freeze and it will make it difficult to lace them tightly. In the summer, they can get too hot and essentially, "un-bake".

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Crap. I have baseball at 6:30 and hockey at 10. Too hot to keep my stuff in the truck...looks like I have to come home in between. The field is about 3 blocks from the rink...I live on the other end of town. FML!

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i would assume if nothing else it will just cause your skates to break down faster/have a shorter life.

im guilty of leaving my stuff in my car too - i need to keep an eye on this as well.

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Crap. I have baseball at 6:30 and hockey at 10. Too hot to keep my stuff in the truck...looks like I have to come home in between. The field is about 3 blocks from the rink...I live on the other end of town. FML!

How bout an ice chest with blue ice or no ice?

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They're fine. Left my gear in the car garage whatever where it becomes a hotbox, no issues. Now if you're leaving them in the desert, in July august, maybe wouldn't leave them in there for a day but half day? For sure.

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They're fine. Left my gear in the car garage whatever where it becomes a hotbox, no issues. Now if you're leaving them in the desert, in July august, maybe wouldn't leave them in there for a day but half day? For sure.

Pretty sure a trunk is hotter than a garage.

Seen it first-hand here in FL, MANY times. Guys come in from the parking lot to get their skates sharpened and they're like putty. Florida hot > Iowa hot.

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We bake skates at 200 degrees for 3 minutes and we're able to make skates malleable.

Now imagine lower temps FOR HOURS, in some cases, days...

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90*+? Just saying I've never had an issue. I can see exposed temperature at like 110-115 doing damage


They're fine. Left my gear in the car garage whatever where it becomes a hotbox, no issues. Now if you're leaving them in the desert, in July august, maybe wouldn't leave them in there for a day but half day? For sure.

Can we please stop trying to be the authority on anything and everything? If I feel like taking my scooter to play hockey in BFN Iowa I'll listen to you. But please quit chiming in only to be heard.

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

-- Abraham Lincoln

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So I'm not allowed to have an opinion on anything? Good to know. Thought the idea of a forum was to allow people to share ideas. If those ideas are 'wrong' so be it.

I personally think you're overreacting if you going out of your way so your gear doesn't stay at 67* all the time. If I work at eleven, puck at seven, and can't go home to get my stuff (or its out of way) you bet my ass my gear is in my trunk. Will it mess it up being exposed to 100* the whole time (outside, 140+ inside trunk) maybe? I've never had an issue with any of my stuff, it just smells really bad afterwards..

How the hell is that being the 'authority' on this? It's not? Exactly. What's your problem with me? If you want to come where I live I'd recommend a train or boat, I've driven to Texas... your ass hurts before Oklahoma. If ten people have an opinion on something I cant have a different one? Ideas and experiences are meant to be shared and learned from, no matter how different the opinions might be. If everyone says that all monkeys only eat apples, and I see them eat oranges, should I keep that to myself? Because you know, its not the norm acceptance so therefore it is wrong?

This site seems like that's the case, which is alarming. Now I get when talking about gear n crap specifics need to be factualized, however, things like this, which are personal opinions on personal experiences, come on. If you honestly believe I'm being the authority on everything and only posting to be heard, you need to look in the mirror, or monitor, whatever.

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I see it here all the time, even on days where it's only 80-85. A closed car will get much hotter than outside temps and it will cause problems with gear.

...according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 'a locked car sitting in the summer sun quickly turns into an oven,' and 'temperatures can climb from 78 degrees to 100 degrees in just three minutes, to 125 degrees in 6-8 minutes.'

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So I'm not allowed to have an opinion on anything? Good to know. Thought the idea of a forum was to allow people to share ideas. If those ideas are 'wrong' so be it.

You state your opinions as fact and have closed several topics because of it. Get off your cross.

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Come to AZ. I've had ski boots plastic crack from sitting in my garage in the summer. Hell, I've burnt my hand touching my steering wheel here. I sure am not putting my gear in my car in the summer.

112 outside temp in the sun = 160-180 in my car.

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Don't leave your skates, or anything for that matter, in your car. If it's a hot summer day, yes you can destroy them from overheating and if it's during winter when is freezing cold it's also a bad thing because the plastic can take minus degrees up to a point after that it becomes ... breakable.. and I'm refering especially to the toe cap.

happened to my skates, i.e. left the skates in a cargo box overnight, took them out to skate the next morning on outdoor rink, the toe on a right skate cracked. Not sure at what point it happened, exactly but noticed it the next day...

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