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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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MSH Tourney

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Well, I can book a 7000 seat, 70 year old arena or a 10,000 seat 3 year old arena.

Oh man. That's just awesome: I've got a thing for old arenas (probably inspired by Yost), although the new building looks amazing. Maybe I could talk my coach into letting me miss a practice or two. Ah, who the Hell am I kidding: he's not going to let me go play pick-up while all my teammates are busting their asses. Sounds awesome, but unless I can find an up-coming weekend where my schedule is free, I'm probably not going to be able to participate :(

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...I do have a few Friday/Saturday combos without any practices or games - I figure I can talk my mom into doing a whirlwind trip down to visit my grandmother in Harrisburg: leave Friday after school, play on a Saturday and drive home Saturday night so I can make whatever it is I have on Sunday. Soonest I could do is the 26th and 27th of this month, but that is probably a little short notice for all of you - and the fact that, well, that would be Thanksgiving... ;)

Other Friday/Saturday openings:

-December 10th and 11th (which would be great: my birthday is on the 12th)

-December 31st and January 1st

-January 14th and 15th

Outside of those dates, I have a game/practice either Friday or Saturday (or both). But I MIGHT be able to make something work somewhere.

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Already did HPA - I want to skate in the Giant Center the next time.

Nicer locker rooms but the ice isn't the same.

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Nah, that's just because it was first thing in the morning. It's better in the evening. GC varies quite a bit depending on the event schedule

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Where is Hershey, Is it near Boston or NY or something? How far from Quebec? I do like to go if it's not too much more than 8 hours of cars.

I do also like to visit Chadd's store.

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Where is Hershey, Is it near Boston or NY or something? How far from Quebec? I do like to go if it's not too much more than 8 hours of cars.

I do also like to visit Chadd's store.

...I would guess it's probably about 10 or 12 hours from Quebec, maybe more. That's just an estimate, though; I could be wrong.

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hey, a msh event would be pretty fun. it'd be better if it was more than just a single session on ice....like a two day event or something. make it worth the drive for the long distance people. if it happens of course. i'm in.

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From Montreal to Hershey you are looking at roughly 7-9 hours.

I am seven hours from Montreal and two hours from Hershey..almost on route...best you can make it without risking losing your licence might be 8.5 hours.

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is this place where lebanon valley plays?

I'm pretty sure they play in the Hersheypark Arena. Same building Wilt scored 100 points in a game.

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