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Reebok pro protective line

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Just wondering if anyone knows why the "pro" Reebok protective equipment isn't available at the retail level? 5k - 7k shoulders, elbow etc.

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Just wondering if anyone knows why the "pro" Reebok protective equipment isn't available at the retail level? 5k - 7k shoulders, elbow etc.

it kinda was when rbk first got into hockey equipment. There were some minor differences like liners and outer materials, but they were essentially the same. Who knows why they went in a different direction

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it kinda was when rbk first got into hockey equipment. There were some minor differences like liners and outer materials, but they were essentially the same. Who knows why they went in a different direction

Yeah, I remember that but you see the pro protective stuff go for way more than they're worth on Ebay. I was just wondering if anyone "inside" might know why they're pushing this KFS line at retail when pros and the public (based on Ebay auctions) are all about the Pro line.

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it kinda was when rbk first got into hockey equipment. There were some minor differences like liners and outer materials, but they were essentially the same. Who knows why they went in a different direction

so essentially the FitLite line is more like the pro Jofa stuff than the Kinetic Fit?

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The 09-10 10k; the shin shells are the same; the elbow pads are exactly the same shape as the 7k pro elbow, as well as the shoulder pad.

The difference in price with the pro and the retail stuff is that the pro stuff was made in Sweden, not China.

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The difference in price with the pro and the retail stuff is that the pro stuff was made in Sweden, not China.

Didn't know that. Good to know.

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Everything seems to be going to China for manufacturers. It's just economics I know, but it's depressing to see a country that has hardly any interest in the game or any other sport but soccar for that matter making equipment for our players in Canada. We've got to wise up and keep the jobs and investment in Canada and the U.S.

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Everything seems to be going to China for manufacturers. It's just economics I know, but it's depressing to see a country that has hardly any interest in the game or any other sport but soccar for that matter making equipment for our players in Canada. We've got to wise up and keep the jobs and investment in Canada and the U.S.

That's the case for most sporting goods and leisure goods in our lives right now. Worst are the people who complain about both high prices AND overseas manufacturing. If you want your stuff made locally, be prepared to pay more; simple as that.

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This is true and I'm just as guilty of it as other people. I'm trying to become more aware of it when I purchase goods nowadays however but it's getting harder and harder to find domestically manufacturered goods because so much has been sent overseas already. I figure if we make people more aware though we can begin to change the trend slowly but then the down side is the sacrifice of paying more out to get more back in the long term. No pain, no gain as they say.

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That's the case for most sporting goods and leisure goods in our lives right now. Worst are the people who complain about both high prices AND overseas manufacturing. If you want your stuff made locally, be prepared to pay more; simple as that.

It literally is the case for EVERYTHING. For example, IBM used to manufacture laptops in the US and Japan...top quality but everyone complained about the cost. It forced them to sell the ThinkPad brand to Lenovo....and the rest is history.

Just about every mass produced product will be made in Asia because their population density and labor laws are what make your retail prices "affordable" according to most consumer standards.

Remember, there would be no Walmart without Asia... Not a fan at all...but I can't stop people from buying 30 packs of Beast Light for $4.99...along with all the other stuff that saves people from spending more. Sad...but true.

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Everything seems to be going to China for manufacturers. It's just economics I know, but it's depressing to see a country that has hardly any interest in the game or any other sport but soccar for that matter making equipment for our players in Canada. We've got to wise up and keep the jobs and investment in Canada and the U.S.

The retail Jofa has been made in Asia for years...I roll on 15 year old shin pads - made in China.

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ahh ok , so essentially there's:

Jofa , RBK first gen, FitLite and now Kinetic Fit...

ordered from best to worst? :tongue:

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your thinking of rbk's second generation of protective equipment. I was talking about the blue and white gear.


these elbows (your pic) are chinese, they are retail.

the difference is in sizes also. pros are bigger then retails. i had exactly the same elbows in size 5(M) made in china and they were really smaller then swedish jofa 9044 size 5 (M). as said above, the difference is in liner and sizes. not all the white/blue is a pro stuff.

Pro Stock jofa/rbk gear are made in sweden with better quality and durability. I tried a lot of jofa/rbk stuff (china and sweden) and the difference is noticeable. try to pick original stuff made in sweden.

and yes, as J.R. said, there were old jofa pads (black/orange) made in China. I have some doubts about 15 years, but the latest retail Jofa (before rebranding)were made in China as well. I had Jofa 4000 shins made in China. Quality was good enough. No major difference with original. The quality became lower when they started to produce this white/blue series as you posted above.

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and yes, as J.R. said, there were old jofa pads (black/orange) made in China. I have some doubts about 15 years, but the latest retail Jofa (before rebranding)were made in China as well. I had Jofa 4000 shins made in China. Quality was good enough. No major difference with original. The quality became lower when they started to produce this white/blue series as you posted above.



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these elbows (your pic) are chinese, they are retail.

the difference is in sizes also. pros are bigger then retails. i had exactly the same elbows in size 5(M) made in china and they were really smaller then swedish jofa 9044 size 5 (M). as said above, the difference is in liner and sizes. not all the white/blue is a pro stuff.

Pro Stock jofa/rbk gear are made in sweden with better quality and durability. I tried a lot of jofa/rbk stuff (china and sweden) and the difference is noticeable. try to pick original stuff made in sweden.

and yes, as J.R. said, there were old jofa pads (black/orange) made in China. I have some doubts about 15 years, but the latest retail Jofa (before rebranding)were made in China as well. I had Jofa 4000 shins made in China. Quality was good enough. No major difference with original. The quality became lower when they started to produce this white/blue series as you posted above.

I was just pointing out to aireye which line of gear I was referring too........

No one said otherwise....I already stated the elbows were retail and I'm aware of the sizing differences, I have some first gen rbk elbows as well as 8k pro's. The really isn't that big of a difference IMO

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I have RBK 9K Shin guards (2007 top model) and Jofa 8090 Shin Guards among others. Even though my 8090's made in Sweden and they are the same as many pro's wear (I've seen Kostitsyn in those for example), I must say that 9K's are lighter and fit me better. The protection of the front is the same, but 9k's have the extended calf protection.The best of the best protection that I've had cam from the Itech shins. But they where to heavy, to the point that my knees hurt.

The difference in elbow pads is more noticeable, and it depends on what you prefer. I am a big fan of the extended wrist protection, so 9177 is better for me than retail staff available for general public. But the protection of the elbow itself is far superior in the 9k's.

In shoulder pads it all depends on preferences. I own Jofa 8800 and Bauer pro (retail version). Jofa is a lot heavier and has little protection of the front of the body but does excellent job of protection the back.

My advice is to stop chasing this pro stock thing for whatever cost and to use what fits best and what costs reasonably. From all the pro staff the only thing I will keep chasing myself would be the Jofa 9177 elbows (or 8k). But they are not suppose to cost more than 11k elbow pads.

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Advice to who?

To those people that bid terrible prices on Ebay for the pro staff just because its a pro staff, not because it would fit you better or protect you better. It doesn't make that much difference, if makes any. Only the fact that its a pro thing doesn't make it better for you.

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To those people that bid terrible prices on Ebay for the pro staff just because its a pro staff, not because it would fit you better or protect you better. It doesn't make that much difference, if makes any. Only the fact that its a pro thing doesn't make it better for you.


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To those people that bid terrible prices on Ebay for the pro staff just because its a pro staff, not because it would fit you better or protect you better. It doesn't make that much difference, if makes any. Only the fact that its a pro thing doesn't make it better for you.

Just making sure it wasn't directed at me haha. I posted this thread but I have maybe bought one broken pro stock stick in my entire life.

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Well those RBK/Jofa pro elbows are still head and shoulders above most at retail IMO. My KFS shoulders and shins are great, aside from a couple stitches that came off when they were pretty much new.

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Just came into my mind. For those of you people that watch South Park, Have you seen Cartmanland episode (506). They used the "You cant come" technique, without any intention to attract new customers but it actually worked in the way that everybody wanted to come. The same thing with all this pro stock staff.

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Just came into my mind. For those of you people that watch South Park, Have you seen Cartmanland episode (506). They used the "You cant come" technique, without any intention to attract new customers but it actually worked in the way that everybody wanted to come. The same thing with all this pro stock staff.

LOL. That's perfect.

<--- South Park nerd.

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