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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

Warrior Stick Customizer Program

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  On 9/26/2011 at 5:55 AM, innotastic said:

has anyone got their hands on a zetterberg pro? really curious to see a couple more pictures of it; warrior's pictures are sometimes deceiving.

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That's what I got. I'll throw up some pictures when I get home from work later.

EDIT: Images and options added. Ended up cutting 1.5" off.

Paint Color : Black

Decal - Top : None

Decal - Middle : Warrior Black

Decal - Bottom : Electro A

Shaft Finish : Velvet Grip

Shaft Texture : Diamond

Shaft Flex : 80

Hand : Right

Handles : Standard

Pattern : Zetterberg Pro

Blade Finish : Shark Skin

Curve view 1

Curve view 2

Blade view

My custom

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I've never used a Drury, so I'm just guessing, but it seems like there's a touch less loft and curve. The lie seems to play sub-5, which is what I prefer.

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Im sorry if this has been mentioned, but I cant read through 17 pages.

What curve would you guys say is closest to a mid/toe curve that opens up?


what is closest to a pro semin curve? I never got to use a Smyth so im not sure if its the same.

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  On 10/4/2011 at 7:33 AM, stevo_323 said:

Im sorry if this has been mentioned, but I cant read through 17 pages.

What curve would you guys say is closest to a mid/toe curve that opens up?


what is closest to a pro semin curve? I never got to use a Smyth so im not sure if its the same.

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I can post a pic later of a Smyth next to Semin pro stock, they're nowhere close really. Semin blade is much longer and a way bigger hook.

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  On 10/4/2011 at 7:33 AM, stevo_323 said:

Im sorry if this has been mentioned, but I cant read through 17 pages.

What curve would you guys say is closest to a mid/toe curve that opens up?


what is closest to a pro semin curve? I never got to use a Smyth so im not sure if its the same.

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Do you have a pic of the Semin prostock? That might help.

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  On 10/4/2011 at 9:26 PM, chippa13 said:

One should never apologize for laziness. We all understand that it is a common trait among today's youth.

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LOL! I read quickly through the thread; and I searched with a number of terms. I was only apologizing in case I had missed it.

Just searched again after I saw your post. And still didn't see anything in this thread about how long they take to ship once an order is placed.

Thanks for being so helpful though. I guess getting old makes you cranky eh?

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If you go back just 1 page then you will see a poster who showed when he ordered and when it was shipped. That was tough, took me a whole 24 seconds, including typing this.

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I will repeat it again as well. Ordered August 30th through Ice Warehouse received it three 1/2 weeks later. I am on the west coast and they ship from Anaheim, so obviously mine will be faster than anyone else pretty much.

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Warrior Smyth pattern next to Semin pro



Kremlin/Ovechkin pro next to Semin

The Kremlin curve is the closest of the choices on the customizer but still a lot more open at the toe.

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SO the second picture up is the kremlin on the right with the semin pro on the left? If so, I should have ordered a Kremlin. Or just bought a stick the Kremlin is offered in. I wonder when the kremlin blade will be available.

I am sorry, but a little confused.

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Semin pro is on the right in both pictures where the blades are side by side and it is on the bottom in both pics that show the rocker profile. Top two pics its compared to the Smyth and bottom two its compared to the Kremlin

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  On 10/5/2011 at 4:25 PM, jbatafuco said:

Semin pro is on the right in both pictures where the blades are side by side and it is on the bottom in both pics that show the rocker profile. Top two pics its compared to the Smyth and bottom two its compared to the Kremlin

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Gotcha! The blade on the Semin is huge! I want one! Looks like a solid in between of the Kremlin and the newer p92.

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  On 9/26/2011 at 3:29 PM, GLUhipfan said:

That's what I got. I'll throw up some pictures when I get home from work later.

EDIT: Images and options added. Ended up cutting 1.5" off.

Paint Color : Black

Decal - Top : None

Decal - Middle : Warrior Black

Decal - Bottom : Electro A

Shaft Finish : Velvet Grip

Shaft Texture : Diamond

Shaft Flex : 80

Hand : Right

Handles : Standard

Pattern : Zetterberg Pro

Blade Finish : Shark Skin

Curve view 1

Curve view 2

Blade view

My custom

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Interesting, looks almost like a reverse-Drury. What I mean is that on a Drury it seems like the bottom edge has a touch of smooth mid-heel curve while the top edge is straighter, but on this curve the bottom edge seems very straight while the top edge has a bit more smooth mid-heel curve. It's all pretty subtle, but that's what I see when looking at the Drury (well, P91A actually) in my hands and comparing it to these pics. Also, from the blade profile shot, it looks to have a similar profile, but with a less rockered toe than the Drury.

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After a little longer wait than wanted (long story), my three sticks arrived today. All same specs:

Product Model : Dolomite

Product Quantity : 3

Paint Color : Black

Decal - Middle : Warrior Black

Name & Number Plate : KARP #55

Name & Number Plate Color : White

Shaft Finish : Grip

Shaft Texture : Smooth

Product Size : Senior

Shaft Length : 56

Shaft Flex : 120

Hand : Right

Handles : Standard

Lie : 4

Pattern : Smyth

Blade Finish : Shark Skin







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  On 10/16/2011 at 6:00 AM, Chadd said:

What was wrong with them?

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Are you asking about the wait time?? If so, I ordered them with rush processing and it appears it was not recognized as a rush order. I emailed Joe about it and he took care of getting them out right away, apologized for the mistake and gave me a future incentive.

If you asking on why I am selling them in the Buy/Sell forum - well mainly mistake of my own. The shaft shape is a little too small/round for my tastes and I bought the pattern rather blind as I have never used a Smyth in the past. It is not as open as I would have hoped. My attempt to sell them is an attempt to get enough to get another batch of customs. If they don't sell I will obviously keep and use them. I am sure I can adapt. I am just spoiled with my current sticks which are pro stocks that I cannot find any more of.

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