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Coolest NHL Jerseys?

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Out of all of the nhl teams what team has the coolest jersey? Please give a good reason why. I personally like the Devils because of the sick NJ logo and the intimination of black and red.

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Best jersey: Chicago.

Best look: Philadelphia in black... it's make them look meaner than they are, and they are mean so...

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I know it's my hometown team, but I've always liked the Blackhawks red jersey the best of any in sports. The Indian head with all its colors is a big part of that.

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Green Hartford Whalers jerseys from late 80's to very early 90's. Great color scheme that hasn't been done to death, and one of the all time well thought out and executed logos. The W with the whale tale above it forming a "H" in the negative space was brilliant.

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Pretty much any of the Original 6 (yes, Toronto included) are great looking. As far as more current designs, EDGE has ruined a lot of them with all the extra/unnecessary stripes and piping...but, I really like the Wild logo and colors, and the 3rd with the script on the front.

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I like the Sharks jerseys, and I loved the jerseys the Lightning wore this year, although not really a fan of their upcoming look. At least they kept the bolt on the pants!

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I agree with the LA 3rds. That is a good looking jersey. I love Philadelphia's as well. I was also a fan of Winnipeg's original jersey. Come to think of it, the only jersey that I can think of it offhand that I don't like overall is the Penguins 3rd/Winter Classic jersey(s).

I wish the Wings had a real nice third jersey.

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Bruins home with the spoked b for nostalgia...just looks classic. As for a newer jersey I really like the senators 3rd...that sens logo is simple and the color scheme looks great.

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I think my favourites are:

- Washington Red

- Calgary's Red

- LA's 3rd is awesome (wish they'd make it their primary).

- Chicago's 3rd (the black ones).

- Ottawa's 3rd (minus the "SENS" part - the jersey itself is awesome).

I'm gonna change things up a bit and add my picks for least cool:

- Nashville's 3rd

- Ottawa home/away (I love the black and red, I just cant get over the cartoon guy on the front. Better than the old ones with the gold leaf around the bottom and arms though that was even more cartoony).

- Philly (would be okay if the namebar wasnt a different color than the jersey)

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I really like the new PREDS one because of the keyboard on the inside back of the collar, little tribute" to the city

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