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SRS Hockey Sticks

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Hey all

I ran a search for srs and couldn't find anything. I came across someone in the GTA selling SRS repaired hockey sticks for about $50 and was wondering if anyone has had any experience using them.

as well, if not srs, have you tried using "remanufactured" sticks?

are they worth the money? these are se16's, s19's, stealths, synergy, 11k, 10k etc., the person is selling.

am considering using them for ice hockey, or even ball hockey.

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I've heard both sides of the spectrum. I heard a guy at a pick-up game saying it has lasted him two years and I've seen some that don't even hold up for one shot. I suppose it's case-by-case.

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sounds good enough...i am getting a 30 day warranty on the "remanufactured" area of the stick.

has anyone that has used them told you about any differences compared to the non repaired "new" stick?

thanks for all your help guys, I do appreciate it.

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It also doesn't flex at all.

that is my biggest concern, along with weight and balance as well. I was told on the phone they use the same tech as ops hockey companies, so it should still perform like a OPS.

Would the flexing have to do alot with where the repair was done as well? as in, if the repair was done in the blade, as opposed to the actual shaft?

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If it was in the blade I think it would be fine. As long as it isn't near the kickpoint of the stick I think it would be fine for $50. The srs is a carbon sleeve put inside the stick under the break and then a wrap over the break iirc. So, you can see how it may effect performace to an extent.

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If it's done correctly, the repair location will be very strong/durable. Like others said, it will add a bit of weight in that spot, and the repair location will not flex as it originally did.

If you're looking for a decent backup or a ball/dek hockey stick, I think a SRS-repaired one would work fine, but to some degree you get what you pay for.

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absolutely agree with the above post.

its going to be backup stick unless it scores me some goals haha.

when/if purchased I will update this thread and let you guys know how it performed.

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if done properly they work fine, definitely not as a starting stick but they will work as a decent back up

with my experience 2 work fine while 2 others are not useable, 1 is very loose from day one and the other broke in the repaired spot after light use

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I broke an old Vapor XXXX ~8" from the top of the stick and had it repaired. I used it for a couple months after the original break. Weight was slightly up, but the only reason it was playable was the location of the repair. Since it was high on the handle and not in the flex point of the stick it was alright. I would stay away from anything that has been broken on the bottom half of the stick.

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As many have already mentioned, kickpoint will change drastically even if repaired correctly, whether the flexpoint was low or mid. It also means that balance and weight will be different as well.

I've actually done quite a few SRS repairs in my shop, for both damaged shafts AND blades. Truth be told, they're hit or miss, and that's definitely on the shoulders of the technician doing the work.

I'd be happy to answer any questions anyone might have regarding the repair process or results.

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I had my x60 blade snap and repaired it via stickfix, not sure if they use same stuff as SRS, but the stick broke again on the shaft (a foot from the heel) from blocking a shot. just dropped the stick off yesterday for a repair. kinda worried about the kickpoint, but its ok im more of a playmaker than a shooter :)

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Per points earlier; I had mine done by a local tech who, in my opinion, did a crappy job. Didn't last a single game. I brought it back and the store recognized the mistake was the tech's (who'd subsequently been let go). The stick was only repairable at that point if I wanted them to cut out the roughly 3-4 inch section of the shaft where they attempted to fuse it. I said no and was refunded.

I actually had 2 attempted and neither of them took. I am not sure that it was the same tech or not but would imagine so.

As for the balance, both were broke in the about 1/3 from the bottom. I did not notice a significant weight gain or difference in the balance.

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so i got my stick back. repaired in the lower shaft. had 1 game, 1 stick and puck, then next game it snaps right on the top edge of the repair insert.

does anyone have experience with warranties for their SRS sticks? i know the stickfix.com guy gave me a 30 day warranty, but the guys who were working at the shop where i got the SRS done told me they dont have a set warranty. anyone have any experience with SRS warranties?

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so i got my stick back. repaired in the lower shaft. had 1 game, 1 stick and puck, then next game it snaps right on the top edge of the repair insert.

does anyone have experience with warranties for their SRS sticks? i know the stickfix.com guy gave me a 30 day warranty, but the guys who were working at the shop where i got the SRS done told me they dont have a set warranty. anyone have any experience with SRS warranties?

At our shop, if it snaps again anywhere close to the same place within 30 days, we give customers their money back. No question.

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The SRS repairs are very strong and usually when the stick breaks again, it is not in the repaired area. If for some reason it does, we also offer a 30-day warranty as well. One of the guys I skate with had his favorite stick repaired 5 times, all in different spots.

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that is my biggest concern, along with weight and balance as well. I was told on the phone they use the same tech as ops hockey companies, so it should still perform like a OPS.

Would the flexing have to do alot with where the repair was done as well? as in, if the repair was done in the blade, as opposed to the actual shaft?

It will totally change the flex of the stick, throw off the balance and make it basically a crappy stick. Its fine for pond hockey, i had my stick repaired and i just use it on the pond but your not going to want to use it as your main stick. No matter how much "tech" is involved, its still adding a lot of weight to one area of the stick and introducing a foreign piece not designed for the specific stick that wasn't supposed to be there.

They seem really strong though, I usually repair my old sticks if they break at the shaft and just use them on the pond. Only broke one and it was an o-stick so that pretty much explains why.

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when i got the blade repaired it totally threw the balance off and i could definitely feel the weight gain. it also feels VERY strong and would seem like it would take an extra effort to break it. as for the shaft repair i found the weight addition to not be very noticable. i guess it was strong because it broke the end off the top of the repair insert lol

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I've been using a repaired x:60 as my primary stick for a few months now. I play mid level beer league thrice a week. The repair site is just above the mid-point of the shaft.

I don't notice a significant change in the weight or the flex. The balance seems good, but I've always preferred blade-light sticks. If anything, the SRS helps that. I don't think I'd try a blade repair, but upper portion of the shaft has been worth it for me.

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