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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Do You Remember Your First Stick You Had as A Kid

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my first as i stated earlier was a 1970s staight blade northland but my first real stick that i used for many years was the first Gold Easton aluminum from i quess the mid to late 80s. i used that thing forever and as someone said here earlier that was the start of my gear hoarding also

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very first stick was a mylec.

first real stick was a gretzky titan.

i played goal at the time too, so that was a hextall vic.

you woulda fit in just fine with my friends back in the days of street hockey, we all loved the gretzky titan and being from philly and our goalie was seriously little hexy he yused the hexy vix, white body with the black vic!

we were so corny but we had a ton of fun and some good hockey, our team name was the Mustangs, we ripped it off from our favorite movie back then Youngblood!!!

we even had jerseys made white body with red trim and the red mustang M

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We went to my Uncle's house, and were going to go play hockey on a nearby pond. He found one of my cousins old sticks, a white and red Sherwood that he cut down and taped for me. I played with it the one time on ice and then went back to street hockey, where I probably got 6-8 good months out of it until it broke. I don't think I cried when it broke but I do remember thinking I should keep the pieces, all though my mother disagreed.

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We had a family stash of Sherwood's, Titan, and Montreal. The first stick I got that I was real excited for was the first Easton Aluminum Shaft. I had the Black junior Gretzky edition.

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you woulda fit in just fine with my friends back in the days of street hockey, we all loved the gretzky titan and being from philly and our goalie was seriously little hexy he yused the hexy vix, white body with the black vic!

we were so corny but we had a ton of fun and some good hockey, our team name was the Mustangs, we ripped it off from our favorite movie back then Youngblood!!!

we even had jerseys made white body with red trim and the red mustang M

thats funny, i lived in west chester, pa.

i was an andy moog fan though, just could find the same stick he used.

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thats funny, i lived in west chester, pa.

i was an andy moog fan though, just could find the same stick he used.

oohh nooo, andy moog?!?!??!!!!!!! he was a pen back then? are you a pens fan?

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My first new stick (not one of my dads old ones cut down) was a Christian Bros. It was neon green with white lettering and I had the neon/lime green tape to complete the look... it was the 80's after all.

First non-wood was a Bending Branches aluminum shaft... it was painted this ugly dark brown, but it was considerably cheaper than the silver Easton I really wanted.

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nah, bruins fan.

he was a bruin from, like 87 or 88 to 93.

i was picturing the black and yellow but had the wrong city, i remember it being boston now, thanks,

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Mine was quite literally a halloween costume prop from Big Lots. I'm not sure who bothered to make it, but it was a floppy white plastic shaft with a floppy black blade plugging one end of it. So cheap that mom bought a pair of them. I'm not sure why they were around, as I hadn't really shown any real interest in hockey at the time.

I remember heating the blade with boiling water to give it a curve. A neighbor and I played for hours every day with these pieces of crap. D2 had just come out in theaters and I think we went to see it at least twice.

Finally getting a Franklin wood stick with the slide-on plastic blade was an unbelievably massive upgrade for me at the time.

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My first stick was a Canadien I got when I bought my hockey equipment. my first good stick was a Christian Blue also got a red one a few weeks later. My first Shaft was a Easton and my first one piece was a CCM. First ever goalie stick was a Christian with the Curtis Curve

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