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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Waxed laces. When do you know it is time?

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Those who use waxed laces, when do you, typically, know it is time to replace them? I use elite waxed laces and these last ones I've had on for about 4 months. They show no sign of wear, really, but I feel like they are not holding my skates together well enough. Time to replace them?

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Laces are my vise. I have atleast 20 pairs. Elite waxed, normal or the new oval style. The white waxed don't feel like they are waxed as much as the colors. So I normally go with black.

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I usually replace mine after 5-6 games-although when I was in better shape and weighed more I did replace them with more frequency.

I'm also a big fan of Graf waxed laces-have not been happy at all with other laces.

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I tried the oval, horrible. My rule of thumb was when they began to twist up I would replace them or if I had any pain in the lace bite area I would replace them.

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I usually replace mine after 5-6 games-although when I was in better shape and weighed more I did replace them with more frequency.

I'm also a big fan of Graf waxed laces-have not been happy at all with other laces.

I'm happy with the Oval right now. I'm not happy with the give-the-old-guys-an-eye-test font.

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When they break, usually that's about five minutes before the game starts.

Funny, but true. That's why I always keep a pair in my hockey bag, but it amazes me that so many players don't.

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I keep old and broken laces in my bag. You may just be able to tie off a broken lace lower, and use an old piece for the upper eyelets, for a quick fix.

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