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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy skates

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Out of curiousity, I'm interested in what the synergy skates fit similar to. There is no where around me that has them or will in the near future, so I was hoping some of the members who have tried them on can tell me what kind of skate they fit like pertaining to length, width, and depth? Thanks guys.

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Ok...I realize that since it isn't moldable and you can't punch out parts of the skate that the fit must be perfect. All I'm asking is what does it fit SIMILAR to. Is the width more comparable to a tack, a vapor, or a supreme? Does a 9 fit like a ccm 9 or a bauer 9 etc. All I want is some input from people who have tried on the skate.

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They sorta fit like Bauer Supremes 7000/8000, at least depth-wise. Slightly wider than the bauers in the standard width however. Toe cap on the synergy skates is like a widened out graf cap. It is hard to explain. You really need to try the Eastons on. They sorta fit you or they don't. You cannot really compromise since they absolutely have no give when it comes to stretching out like most skates.

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i thought the toe cap was kind of funny... ive never had any problems with toe caps but this one seemed really short and narrow. did any one else find this?

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I thought that the toe cap felt like a graf as far as height (from footbed to top of toe cap) but much more roomy than a graf toebox as far as width (wider than a wide graf even). The rest of the boot's fit is similar to a bauer 7 or 8000 however there was a spot on the back of my leg that was rubbed raw by the boot slightly above the ankle bone on the outside of each foot only. Also, the side walls of the skate are very long (from heel to eyelets). Size wise Im a 10.5D easton every year (this year included) but for the synergy i was a 11.0 regular. Some guys are the same size as other eastons and others are a half size up, i guess it all depends on your foot. Im a 10.5 bauer, 10ccm, 9.5 nike, 11.5 mission, 10.5 graf if that helps.

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however there was a spot on the back of my leg that was rubbed raw by the boot slightly above the ankle bone on the outside of each foot only.

When he says rubbed raw, he ain't kiddin! Looked like he was mauled by a chihuahua ;)

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I went up a half size from pro tacks. They do fit wide and a little deeper than tacks.

Wow, they sound perfect for me. I need a wide and deep boot, guess i'll buy them in a year or two :D.

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I thought that the toe cap felt like a graf as far as height (from footbed to top of toe cap) but much more roomy than a graf toebox as far as width (wider than a wide graf even). The rest of the boot's fit is similar to a bauer 7 or 8000 however there was a spot on the back of my leg that was rubbed raw by the boot slightly above the ankle bone on the outside of each foot only. Also, the side walls of the skate are very long (from heel to eyelets). Size wise Im a 10.5D easton every year (this year included) but for the synergy i was a 11.0 regular. Some guys are the same size as other eastons and others are a half size up, i guess it all depends on your foot. Im a 10.5 bauer, 10ccm, 9.5 nike, 11.5 mission, 10.5 graf if that helps.

Hey Iron Ghost, just wondering what model Graf you wear, which you used to compare to the Synergy skate?


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Sorry to bring back an old topic guys but i didn't want to start another one. So what about arch type? are they ment for a mid-arched or a high arched foot?

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