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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Doctor Hook

D&R Skating Helmet - an updated "Gretzky helmet"

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Here in Massachusetts, I still see OG's rocking the mythical Gretzky Jofa helmet at various pickup skates. Not surprisingly, these are also the same types of dudes who wear windpants instead of hockey pants, Cooper gloves from high school, etc. Not sure if many of you are wanting for that bucket, but D&R makes a reasonable facsmile.

I personally wouldn't wear this for hockey, as I like my 4500 and my brain, but for dudes scouring eBay for the original Jofa canoeing helmet, this could be your answer in trying to replicate The Great One. Or Marty McSorely.



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haha played with a guy (old timer, but not really) who used the old Gretzky helmet for sooo long. The team finally convinced him to buy a new/updated helmet. But it was definitely fun to chirp him about it sometimes.

The guys I see at pick-up or adult league that use these helmets....don't play that hard to often. You definitely don't see them fighting for position along boards or in front of the crease.

Great find.

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Almost 30 years later, nothing has unseated the 235 as the worst looking bucket ever made. Not even the Itech Techlite lids that looked like bowling balls.

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Almost 30 years later, nothing has unseated the 235 as the worst looking bucket ever made. Not even the Itech Techlite lids that looked like bowling balls.

I beg to differ, my dad rocked this helmet into the millennium:


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I rocked an XL-7 in house league squirts and the thing pinched my nog something fierce. Exchanged it for a CCM after one use and that's that. Hated that XL7 bucket.

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I beg to differ, my dad rocked this helmet into the millennium:


It's rough looking, no doubt. I think the tiebreaker is that, in addition to being absolutely hideous, the 235 provided virtually no protection whatsoever.

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Esa Tikkanen did not... the helmet accentuated the fact that his head was way too small for his body.

McSorley also looked like a clown in it.

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Isn't the XL7 the Corvair of hockey helmets? "unsafe at any speed"

Looks aside, both the XL7 and the 235 would be ranked just behind a chinet plate stapled to a toque in terms of protection.

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If you're going for this throwback look and (lack of) protection, you can get an Irish hurling helmet. Still made in the Cooper brand.




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Dan, I still have mine somewhere! I'll have to dig it out.

Talk about holding on to things! Did you wear a hat over it playing outdoors and have to take it off to show the ref there was a helmet under there?

My first time on indoor ice was Alfond Arena (U-Maine) in 8th grade right after it opened.

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#1 ugliest helmet, those neon colored xray see through ccms that came in orange, red, blue, lime green

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