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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What stick for christmas

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See, the only thing I am not crazy about with the True 1 is that when it breaks, you dont have a tapered shaft to use....

Where there's a will, there's a way..... the Busch sticks are one peice too, but people still manage to use the broken OPS and recycle once they break.

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See, the only thing I am not crazy about with the True 1 is that when it breaks, you dont have a tapered shaft to use....

So why don't you buy a tapered shaft to begin with, it'll save you alot of dough.

You may like the whip flex R2, kovalchuk71.

Yah Bulletproof, I currently use a Whip Flex R+ and love it to death.....Wish I could get it in a SW (Whip is a tad to whippy for my tastes).....TPS should come out with a SW flex (HINT....HINT...... ;) ) Any Word on that JR (Since you know a bit about the new stick)?

Anyone know of a place where they carry the R2 in a Whip Flex? Can't seem to find any since the R2 XN10 is out.....

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See, the only thing I am not crazy about with the True 1 is that when it breaks, you dont have a tapered shaft to use....

I got it done; fit R2 blades in them (after a LONG, LONG time spent grinding all the shit out of the shaft). Unfortunately, the shafts of both sticks snapped soon-thereafter, but it can be done.

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just a question, if i cut the true1 at teh supposed fuse point would it be hollow or filled with foam. and the whole blade idea wouldnt work cause theres no sleeve right?

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Yah Bulletproof, I currently use a Whip Flex R+ and love it to death.....Wish I could get it in a SW (Whip is a tad to whippy for my tastes).....TPS should come out with a SW flex (HINT....HINT...... ;) )   Any Word on that JR (Since you know a bit about the new stick)?

Anyone know of a place where they carry the R2 in a Whip Flex? Can't seem to find any since the R2 XN10 is out.....

Whip R2 here:


If you want a stiff whip shaft, an 85-ish flex tapered shaft sounds close, lots of those around in the Synth, L-2, XV, and maybe a couple more.

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just a question, if i cut the true1 at teh supposed fuse point would it be hollow or filled with foam. and the whole blade idea wouldnt work cause theres no sleeve right?

There is no fuse point...

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yes but you can see a little line where they wove the blade materials from the blade and shaft together. ill try to get pics, but im sure those with true1s know what im talking about Its just that i dont think they made the entire stick at once, i think the shaft and blade were seperatley made, but woven together, rather than the blade inserted then fused like a synergy for example.

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xn10 pro stock sullivan at 1800faceoff.com is pretty cheap...


There was a discussion about those not being real xn10's. I think it was Jay that said that they are Response+'s which are painted like Xn10's.

ic, well thanks for the heads up, i was interested in getting one before, but i'll definatley look for something else

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xn10 pro stock sullivan at 1800faceoff.com is pretty cheap...


There was a discussion about those not being real xn10's. I think it was Jay that said that they are Response+'s which are painted like Xn10's.

TPS never did anything like that. In fact, they did the opposite. It would be very hard to pass off a XN10 that had a shaft that had a Kevlar weave on it, wouldn't it?

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xn10 pro stock sullivan at 1800faceoff.com is pretty cheap...


There was a discussion about those not being real xn10's. I think it was Jay that said that they are Response+'s which are painted like Xn10's.

TPS never did anything like that. In fact, they did the opposite. It would be very hard to pass off a XN10 that had a shaft that had a Kevlar weave on it, wouldn't it?

I had Jackman XN10s that were not XN10s at all. They were similar in proportion to the R+ I have.

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From what i've heard, the Red-lite XN10 is incredible.....Thats what i'm getting, a Whip Redlite XN10 with a X-1 blade.....Im sick of OPS's breaking and then I have to go out and put 30-50 down the damn toilet for a Taprered blade (35.00 here for a hybrid synthesis blade). And there are times when I dont have time to shave blades....Just my 2 cents ;)

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Im currently using the V120 (Recchi) and love it. But now its starting to show wear and think I may ask for a new OPS for christmas. Heres my delema

I got my V120 new for $40 because my buddy who plays juniors gets em for free and hooked me up. Now he cant get em for free any more and am not about to drop $180 for a new one. Heres my options Please help...

1. Ask for a V100 because its cheaper for santa. But im not sure if it will feel like a huge downgrade from the V120. If you know let me know

2. Ask for the $100 gift certificate and add my own money to get another V120

Any advice would be helpfull Thanks :D

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From what i've heard, the Red-lite XN10 is incredible.....Thats what i'm getting, a Whip Redlite XN10 with a X-1 blade.....Im sick of OPS's breaking and then I have to go out and put 30-50 down the damn toilet for a Taprered blade (35.00 here for a hybrid synthesis blade). And there are times when I dont have time to shave blades....Just my 2 cents ;)

YOu made a great decision, I have been using this combo for a couple of months and I am very happy with it. The balance is incredible and the shot is amazing. It is really light. I hope you like it as much as I do. If you could I would recommend a TPS PTC blade for the Redlite, there are a few members who use/have used this combo(Cavs019 and Mojo122). Enjoy :D

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well my dad went shopping and i changed my list but he said the one i wated was on there which was a

bauer xx pro stiff gagne he had to call me to see if that flex would be good if he got it

or a easton stealth ingla

or tps response xn10 pro-stock domi and sullivan but knowing him he probably would of got a retail tkachuk

I had a synthesis grip and inno mogilny blade but hes kinda lazy and said before he went he will only get a one-piece because he doesnt feel like looking for both blade and shaft.

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im bad in english class i think i got a c in that class but all my other classes i got A's and B's. Really when i type on the internet i could care less as long as the point gets across

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