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Stick length preferences

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damn, why is it that senior blades only come in 5 or higher lie? wouldn't they realize that people tend to bend their knees when they skate and not stick hand straight up and down?

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damn, why is it that senior blades only come in 5 or higher lie? wouldn't they realize that people tend to bend their knees when they skate and not stick hand straight up and down?

You can always shorten your stick by a couple inches to compensate for a deeper knee bend.

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damn, why is it that senior blades only come in 5 or higher lie? wouldn't they realize that people tend to bend their knees when they skate and not stick hand straight up and down?

You can always shorten your stick by a couple inches to compensate for a deeper knee bend.

I prefer a longer stick, making it shorter is not comfortable to me and a number of other players. It needs to be done for youth players as well as adults.

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I LOVE my shorter stick. There is a kid on my team who is 9 inches shorter than me, and my stick is shorter than his. My sticks go down to my chest. For me, I believe it gives me much better stick handeling.

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For defense, sure, a longer stick is better... for some. Im a wing/center, and Im inb the corners a lot, and I need the small little stick to stik handel through people and keep it tight in the corner. But my shot is much better with a short stick. It is the perfect length for me where I bend my knees at the perfect height, and the stick is at the right place where I dont get any lag on it.

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Shorter sticks aren't always an option. I need a lower lie, and I'm at a 5 right now. My sticks are chest level on skates. I don't understand why D "need long sticks" I can shoot better with a shorter stick (some can't and I understand that), but for poke-checks? Get off your lazy ass and take up a close gap.

Edit: For the Record I've played D all my life (Hockey school up) and now I coach D, so I have been on both sides and used long/ short sticks. I understand its PP, but take a look at the reason your stick is long.

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but for poke-checks? Get off your lazy ass and take up a close gap.

Great advise - that's like saying "want a harder shot? Get off your lazy ass and shot from closer!" or "skate faster? Get off your lazy ass and start skating sooner!" It doesn't matter how good your positioning (or anticipation in the second example) is, having equipment to give you an advantage is what we all seem to be after. For a poke check, a long stick does that in the same way a OPS might do for a harder shot or lighter equipment does for skating faster.

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For the advantages that the reach gives you, it puts you in a vulnerable position just as much. A good forward will not be taken out by a long stick, good body position will. Often a D uses a longer stick to keep a wider gap which allows the forward control in the situation.

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I'll admit that's true, but it's nice to have the option. A well disguised long stick can sometimes surprise an unwary forward, plus intercepting passes is easier with a longer stick, as you can cover more ground.

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Like I said there are Pro's and con's to it. Intercepting passes? to a degree, but you also have to be able to get those passes, and with the long stick it'll create a larger gap between the blade your feet. Their isn't really a right answer, I was saying that for the people that use it as a crutch and strategy rather than learning to play the game within their own abilities. I find it difficult to use longer sticks in the first place, and the fact a sub 5 lie is nearly impossible to get makes the option of a long stick seem even more useless to me. But to each their own, from your facts, I see holes, but you obviously see sound reasoning. Is either right? No because both of us are able to us what we feel is best to our game.

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Any good forward can toast a defenseman that relies on a huge gap and stick checks with ease, unless their name is Nick Lidstrom.

Playing in non-check beer league, using the stick is essential. Plus it makes a defenseman better if they have multiple ways of stopping a guy, not just trying to cream him.

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Why is using the stick related to having a long one? I poke check with the best of them, it's just I put myself in a closer position to make that poke because I have faith in my skating ability.

Edit this may be a good topic. Maybe we could move it and have a seperate discussion? It just seems like their are both sides to the long stick beliefs.

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The longer stick catches guys by surprise.

I think thats dependant upon the forward. Personally I'd rather control the situation than be dependant upon the forward. Alot of guys I play/ have played with loved the long sticks because they knew D would throw it out, now it gives you a place to put the puck and the majority of D are lunging forward do this.

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I play each situation differently based on the talent of the other guy. Most of them are dumb enough to try their pet move no matter what the defense is doing. With the other ones, I use the stick to push them the direction I want. I don't get beat that often on a 1 on 1.

Stick length preference varies by person

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I play defense and use a semi-short stick. But even when a guy is coming up on me I cock my elbow back to make it appear as though I don't have as much reach as I do. when you come out with the poke check, and it's further than they expect, it's usually effective.

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Its very easy to beat a poke check by just pulling the puck back out of the d's reach and blowing by with speed wide. However, most forwards dont have the skill or the brains to make that kind of play on a 1 on 1.

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Its very easy to beat a poke check by just pulling the puck back out of the d's reach and blowing by with speed wide. However, most forwards dont have the skill or the brains to make that kind of play on a 1 on 1.

Everyone here wants to cut to the middle, they won't take the outside if you give it to them.

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Its very easy to beat a poke check by just pulling the puck back out of the d's reach and blowing by with speed wide. However, most forwards dont have the skill or the brains to make that kind of play on a 1 on 1.

honestly, I'm more of a forward playing d, so a lot of the time I WANT a guy to try and beat me wide. I can turn and go with ease. but yes, most people are too busy trying to be fancy and beat someone one on one instead of outskating them.

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