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Kids posting hockey videos on YouTube

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There are a lot of kids (12-16) posting hockey related videos on YouTube recently. Me being one of them. I do think some of them are really stupid and others I enjoy. I was just wondering what all of you "grown ups" think of this.

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Generally, its a "sigh... kids these days" reaction. However, I also acknowledge that I'm getting old. As of yesterday I now live in a house instead of a condo, and to be honest I'm looking forward to yelling at kids to get off my lawn.

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Our team has several on youtube, but they're all just a bit of fun with a helmetcam rather than serious hockey. Here in northern ireland hockey is a real minority sport. If anyone wants to see them just search for Belfast Ice Foxes

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I actually really enjoy these. I don't know if it's sad but it's so funny to hear kids say, " I know yellow laces...but don't call me a bender, don't chirp me in the comments." lol...never gets old.

For some reason, I believe it is the kid version of this forum where they talk about what they like and don't like, more visually.

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It's half Chadd's comment, half SirJW.

"I really like this stick...umm, Hall curve 85 flex, umm, great flex, I can get a lot of power in my shots, great curve, I can shoot high...I really like this stick and would recommend it to anyone...RATE COMMENT SUBSCRIBE!!!"

No, but good try!

I was talking about this with thinkingjack a few months ago and he agrees, and if you check out his videos, they are what an amateur vid maker should have.

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To me, age doesn't matter. It's the substance of the video. You can have a 35 year old talking nonsense and have a 13 year old actually giving a fair analysis. It's rare to see kids have the aptitude and maturity to post a video on YouTube that has one learn something but I am sure there is an exception. I think it's cool that kids are passionate about hockey but they don't know how to show it via social media ha. Fortunately, there are plenty of YouTube videos that do give good information and high entertainment value.

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Generally, its a "sigh... kids these days" reaction. However, I also acknowledge that I'm getting old. As of yesterday I now live in a house instead of a condo, and to be honest I'm looking forward to yelling at kids to get off my lawn.

Lol, this actually made me chuckle a bit. Congrats on the new house.

A lot of the time it just seems like they're really excited about their new gear and it's the best thing ever. Not trying to rain on their parade, but it doesn't really come across as a good evaluation of the equipment. Can't blame the kid for being excited though.

The ones that come aross as really knowing what they're talking about know because they get new gear all the time. They seem to have figure out how to get their parents to drop a few hundred dollars on hockey equipment every couple of weeks, which kinda annoys me. yeeeup, I'm jealous of a bunch of kids...

I stopped watching youtube vids for gear reviews awhile ago though, maybe it's different now.

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At least they are outside being active on all the "shots with my xxxxx" videos. Better than the couch potato kids.

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Generally, its a "sigh... kids these days" reaction. However, I also acknowledge that I'm getting old. As of yesterday I now live in a house instead of a condo, and to be honest I'm looking forward to yelling at kids to get off my lawn.

Don't tell them to get off your lawn, tell them to cut it! (then get off it) :)

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Don't tell them to get off your lawn, tell them to cut it! (then get off it) :)

Making them work is child abuse, just ask them

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I'm not really comfortable with the way a young kid has been singled out repeatedly in this topic.

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