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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2012-2013 Gear Sightings

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Isnt that cheating? They wont use these shoulders and esp. elbows and shins during season

it's just like Andre Agassi or Roger Federer using the "newest"racquets, it doesn't happen. The companies spray paint over their original racquets. Supposedly Agassi was still using his prince racquet even though it was a "Head" and Federer still using the old pro-staff that Sampras used. Its all for marketing to show that the best players are using the latest and greatest equipment to sell.

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when did Jagr run out of black holders?

All 3 rocking Custom +, nice.

Jagr went to white Custom+ this year. He has heel shims since last year on both skates and is now experimenting with black LS2 holders in practice.

Custom+ is best feeling holder, a smooth ride.

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Really, even better than LS2? I like LS2 as it gives me the flexibility over the RBKs. But I never tried custom+. I got a pair of grafs coming, maybe I should try it too.

Nope, no one has any, sorry.

Thanks. Maybe they can be ordered through LHS. I'll check myself in the future.

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Yup, Warrior is finally simplifying all their products and going to have a covert line of gear with the DT designation for different levels, just like the sticks. Going to make it much easier to keep track of what models is in what line and where it falls within that line. The new gear is nice stuff.

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James Neal with the new mako at op hat trick


yup. btw it looks amazing. this photo doesn't do it justice. saw cammalleri on tsn using it and its a great looking stick. front looks like this and the back is top half this matte silver colour with the lower half in orange with Easton written in white and a black blade both sides. good job easton.

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yup. btw it looks amazing. this photo doesn't do it justice. saw cammalleri on tsn using it and its a great looking stick. front looks like this and the back is top half this matte silver colour with the lower half in orange with Easton written in white and a black blade both sides. good job easton.

Some more shots of it in this album 576507_316849018422556_356486665_n.jpg

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That jersey look is the future look of the NHL. It WILL be coming sooner than later in an effort to boost revenue for the NHL. Like it or not, it is coming...bet on it!

I've been thinking this for ages. It wasn't that long ago that there were no ads on the dasher or on the ice...If it helps resolves revenue issues, why not?

I've got no issue with it.

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I've been thinking this for ages. It wasn't that long ago that there were no ads on the dasher or on the ice...If it helps resolves revenue issues, why not?

I've got no issue with it.

I never want to see NHL jerseys turned into those billboards. I think it would be a travesty. How much additional revenue do those ad's produce anyway?

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If companies want to put their logo on, I'm sure they would pay a lot. With the growing popularity of the game many viewers would see the logos.

The winter classic is an advertiser's dream.

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I never want to see NHL jerseys turned into those billboards. I think it would be a travesty. How much additional revenue do those ad's produce anyway?

Well, Bloomberg estimated that the ads on NBA jerseys would average $4 - $4.5M per team per year, and my understanding is that was for one small patch. So, for a NHL team with a similar sized patch, what does that mean? $2-3M I'd guess depending on the team. Of course, if the sponsorship became significantly larger, like they are on European jerseys/soccer jerseys, that number obviously goes up. It also increases if teams are allowed to have multiple patches w/ multiple sponsors.

Let's take a team like Phoenix for example. Last year they had $70M of revenue. If they got $2M for one small patch, that's ~3% incremental revenue. If they're able to sell multiple sponsorships, or bigger sponsorships and generate say, $4M per year in revenue from the ads, then you're talking about a ~6% increase in revenue, which is pretty significant. Not to mention that money is just about pure profit, since it doesn't cost them anything but the cost of adding the patches. So you get a leverage effect for it's effect on profitability.

Now, Phoenix is losing money hand over fist, so even an additional $4M wouldn't make it profitable. But there are a number of teams out there that are losing just a little bit of money. From an operating income standpoint, Pitt was basically breakeven last year, LA lost $2M, Dallas lost $1M, Minnesota lost $6M, Buffalo lost $6M, Carolina lost ~$4M, WPG lost $5M, and STL lost $3M. Let's say at the high end, with multiple sponsorships, you could generate an average of $5M per team per year in incremental revenue. Well, you've just swung six teams from losing money to profitable (Pitt, LA, Dallas, Carolina, WPG, STL) or at least breakeven. That's 20% of the league right there. While I personally don't like the idea of the ads, it's a pretty compelling argument from a business standpoint.

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I've been thinking this for ages. It wasn't that long ago that there were no ads on the dasher or on the ice...If it helps resolves revenue issues, why not?

I've got no issue with it.

I work for a big Canadian company, and we have ads all over the place in NHL arenas in Canada. We don't see a huge bump in revenue from having boards with our logo on it. However, if we had our logo on a jersey, that would be very sought after.

In a game, you probably see our logo on the boards a couple of hundred times, for a second or two. But, if it was on the jerseys, you would see it all the time, because the cameras are following the play. Not to mention, you would see it on fan jerseys all the time, and subconsciously, you would equate our brand with that team. When you think about Liverpool, you think Carlsberg. Merging a brand like the Maple Leafs or Canadiens with ours would be a huge deal. The revenue would certainly be there for the NHL.

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I think you may see it in smaller markets, but for an original six team like the habs, leafs, hawks, etc etc to do that, esp with what amount to the best jerseys in all of sports, would take MAJOR revenue for them to add anything regardless of size, and I just can't see them doing that. But a panthers, coyotes, TBL, they might be able to get away with it.

And even with a small patch like in the AHL, you start to equate the brand with the team. I know when I think of the Icehogs' jerseys, I see the pepsi patch on them. As big as the captains patch, yet it sticks.

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its called the covert glove i believe

what elbow pads is burrows rocking? not old projekts or anything else retail I've seen from them.

whoops. just saw the above post

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James Neal with the new mako at op hat trick


Not really into Easton's but I must say that this new Mako looks pretty dirty! Really like the simplicity on the front of the stick....too bad Easton does not have a P88 Bauer equivalent curve or I'd be all other this!

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