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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer/Mission, Easton and Reebok/CCM are being cruel to Australians

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$40 for 5 sticks :O Where from!! that's cheap as chips

Was a while ago now but i got a bag shipped along with general gear like gloves, helmets, wheels, tape etc all for $80 so i don't no where they got $680 from

Who was it with please? With the $40 postage was that express or just general worldwide. Like hockey monkey they only offer Worldwide express an Priority Intl Mail where as inline warehouse offer another slower option

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JR - the reason it is an issue is its taken 1.5 weeks from time of putting everything in my 'cart' which being international wont process so had to email them. it was 1.5 weeks from initial email to 'we will process it today'

Bucks away - not sure about the shipping, its just down as int shipping, last time took about 2 weeks from date they said it was in the post to my work address.. Ill PM you the company.

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On a side note - The sticks actually arrives, not bad. 4 days postage from time of officially confirmed order...

I just wish that it wasnt the whole s**tfight to order.

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You should be happy that you can order, manufacturers are screwing the distributors that pay for the right to sell the gear down there by allowing the shops to ship internationally. I'm surprised that they haven't been sued over it yet. There have been a number of Canadian members complaining about not being able to purchase from US vendors.

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chadd - no this store is very adamant on which brands they will ship, im just lucky the brand (albeit is now made by a brand that cant be shipped) that i use for sticks is on the allowable list. I have enquired with them to 'quietly' post CCM or Bauer products, to which they adamantly said they would not do it.

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$40 for shipping 6 sticks is an absolute bargain, why would you complain?

Shipping to from the US to Europe I'd be lucky to get that price for ONE stick, never mind 6.

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Yep, one stick from TX to Finland was over $56, 3 day delivery though.

$40 for shipping 6 sticks is an absolute bargain, why would you complain?

Shipping to from the US to Europe I'd be lucky to get that price for ONE stick, never mind 6.

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Just finished surfing the net for 2 hours trying to find a shop that would sell me a hockey backpack at a reasonable price.

None of the US/Canadian stores ship Alhali, Bauer or Reebok... The -ONE- shop that will, wants to charge me $120 postage, they emailed me back and said that that was the price, nothing lower.

Someone needs to sue these companies for their bullshit monopoly tactics. Products shouldn't be double the price in Aus when we have the same exchange rate and postage prices shouldn't be so stupidly high.

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Im pretty sure part of the reason part of the reason things are cost way more is because the stock boy makes 20/h for minimum wage. But hey, keep yelling about equal dollars.

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I posted once about this, and will post again because it doesn't seem to stick. I'm not trying to troll, and I'm a Canadian living and playing in Melbourne.

Wages are significantly higher in Australia. Flying home once a year back to Canada takes me about 2 days with stopover, 20+ hours in the air. Complaining about where gear is manufactured and where it's shipped from isn't worthwhile, it's not going to change anything. Sticks/bags are strange shapes, and will always be expensive to ship. If you're serious about getting a good price, take advantage of the fact there are no customs ordering gear under $1,000 and talk to some mates to order with you, or order as a team when HM has a 20% off sale, etc. If you know someone in the states, get it ordered to them and have them ship it to you. Keep in mind they've changed rules posting sticks, and it will cost you several hundred dollars to do that -- that was a $300 lesson for me, but that was for TotalOnes marked down to like $130 so they still cost under $200 per stick, which is fine by me.

Alternatively, I've already mentioned Joey Hughes and Next Level Hockey in Melbourne. There and the pro shop at the Icehouse (both in Melbourne) are both pretty reasonably priced depending on what you're looking for. I don't know if Joe ships gear, but I know he generally matches HM prices. If you're worried about shipping prices, call either place and use the cash you'd pay for shipping, make sure your order will be in the shop, and take a flight down here to Melbourne and have a mini-vacation on a weekend or something. Both of those places will likely help you out price-wise if you're going to buy a half dozen sticks. I can't vouch for any shops in other cities.

Finally, I find that Aussies also love flash gear, no matter their level. Their old gear has to be going somewhere. Ask around, post something up at the rink, whatever. So far in advance of the season starting over here I've passed along a pair of prostock shorts (pants for N. Americans reading this), shins, elbows, a helmet, a visor, and two shafts. I've received everything from a big thanks to a slab of beer to a few bucks for the various stuff I've passed along.

You can find deals if you look!

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Thorbs, i have previously emailed next level a while ago and never got a reply. didnt realise they were the pro shop in the icehouse, just figured they were online business in melbourne.

I find most aussies get higher end gear, because its not such a price jump once you allow for shipping, ie my new elbows were 11k reeboks, sure last yrs model so in bargin bin, i paid $60 for then plus i paid $80 postage for them, a padded shirt, new ccm holder and some runners.

the auto complete quote for shipping was $60 just for the elbows. so if you make it $120 for top of the line, or compare if i paid $30 for some entry level elbow pads, plus the $60 postage.. i may aswell spend the extra to get much better protection..

SUPA - in relation to a bag my friend just went through the same debacle. the only solution, was to troll ebay and find someone who didnt quote a billion for postage... i think he ended up with a Tron backpack style bag, but ordered a couple of other things from same seller.

On a side note - i guess i shouldnt whinge, when i was in russia in 2007 hotel bar had jacobs creek wine for $200 a bottle (this in australia is a $7 bottle)

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Had a look at HM sale, was quoted $68 for shipping to scotland, hate playing hockey here lol

I too face the same issue of not being able to import bauer or easton stuff due to their agreement with their distributers. There is only 1 hockey shop in the west of scotland, I can't go to them for everything

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i am not sure if people understand how far australia is from point of manufacturer, and that the only route of shipment is via air, over oceans, with raising gas prices. as before mentioned, you also have the highest minimum wage if i understand correctly, so everyone handling the gear from import on in is going to be making significantly more than the persons responsible for this on the other end.

In california when i was there last, i saw posters everywhere for avocados 10 for 1 dollar. In michigan where i live, i am lucky to find avocados for 1$ per unit. I know its a little different with perishables, but still, were talking about an item that can be shipped in the thousands of quantity and a 1000 percent markup. Am i mad i cant get 10 for 1 avocados, yes, but there is nothing i can do about it unfortunately other than move to cali. Transportation costs are huge on the consumer, especially oddly shaped items such as hockey equipment.

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Next Level is based at Oakleigh rink, not docklands.

I would love to support Joey at Next Level, as yes, he's prices are very reasonable.

But when you have to wait 6 plus months to get something in, you start to seek out other options.

I understand this is not his fault, I even contacted Addlon directly when I was trying to get my skates.

I ended up just doing the ebay thing until my skates showed up in my size.

It wasnt until months later that my skates finally arrived in aus shops, and by this stage I had long since picked them up on ebay.

Had I not really needed new skates as my old ones were falling apart, I would have been willing to wait to support the local retailer/distributor.

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