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Do you prefer stick with grip or without grip on your stick for your pucks skills?

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Do you prefer sticks with grip or without grip on your sticks for your pucks skills? And why do you prefer one way or the other, also what are the pros and cons to you? I've played last year without grip and loved it but got my hands on a stick with grip 2 weeks ago and started playing with it and I've loved it a lot since then... I'm still trying to make a decision...

To me the pros with grip are:

- I feel like I'm stronger on my stick and on the puck with grip

- I feel like it sometimes go better to do real quick moves

- I prefer it for passing and receiving pass

- Better for power moves through sticks, skates, defenders...

- I just like the feeling of holding a grippy stick in my hands

- I have a much better shot with grip

- I feel like I have softer hands with grip and more control on my stick with it

The cons to me are:

- Sometimes the lower hand doesn't move as easily and as we know it's not the best thing for stickhandling

- From my perspective, it's a bit harder to roll the wrist with grip, you really got to have soft hands

- Even though I feel like I have softer hands with grip and more control on my stick with it, I often feel like it's easier to control the puck without grip and not lose the puck with it

I'd love to hear your insights on it!

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I too find shots to be a bit better with a grip stick, but I as well experience a decrease in speed when maneuvering my bottom hand. I've found that grippy palms and a stick with a preferred texture is the best compromise.

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I definitely prefer grip on my sticks. For me everything just feels more stable/in control when stick handling, passing and shooting. I usually don't have any issues when moving my bottom hand, just loosen up my grip to about half pressure and it slides fine for me. Playing with a non-grip stick I feel like the shaft can rotate and open up the blade on slap shots and hard passes at times.

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I definitely prefer grip on my sticks. For me everything just feels more stable/in control when stick handling, passing and shooting. I usually don't have any issues when moving my bottom hand, just loosen up my grip to about half pressure and it slides fine for me. Playing with a non-grip stick I feel like the shaft can rotate and open up the blade on slap shots and hard passes at times.

It's just the shaft rotating in your hands. The blade would be more likely to open if using a grip stick while shooting in the same manner. The shaft won't be twisting in your hands because of the grip so that energy will travel towards the blade.

Edit: I re-read your post and I had misinterpreted it as the blade physically torquing open, as opposed to it not coming through on shots.

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I go back and forth, but as of now, I'm using grip sticks, or adding a candy cane to non-grip sticks if they're on sale :).

I've found my shot is lacking without a grip stick. It's good, but I get a little more power with a grip stick. I used to think my stickhandling suffered, but since I've simply been practicing, I'm really not noticing much of a difference between grip and non-grip.

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I like non-grip for stick handling, grip for shooting and playing defense. I think the grip helps with the stick lift / illegal press down. I never cross-check.

If someone can invent a coating that grips when you put a lot of pressure on it, but stays slick otherwise, that would really help with the feel vs shot.

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If someone can invent a coating that grips when you put a lot of pressure on it, but stays slick otherwise, that would really help with the feel vs shot.

I have never been a grip guy but the combination of raised corners and velvet grip on my widow is absolutely perfect for me. It's enough to get a great grip on shots but allows my hand to move freely without having to let go entirely.

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I have never been a grip guy but the combination of raised corners and velvet grip on my widow is absolutely perfect for me. It's enough to get a great grip on shots but allows my hand to move freely without having to let go entirely.

OK, I gotta try one out. Thanks!

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Does anyone think there might be a "baby duck" correlation to preferring grip or clear? Did you start out playing with a grip or clear stick?

I started with clear sticks years ago and now I find grip finishes frustrating for stickhandling and transitioning for shots. But there has been a time or two when a slash or lift caught me unaware and some friction would have kept me from losing the stick.

I'd like to go out for a skate with one of the Graf sticks that have the grip finish only on the lower surface to see how that goes.

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depends on the grip for me. i found my 11k with grip was wayyyy too tacky and cut down on my hand movements too much, even though there may have been a slight improvement in my shot power, i play beer leagues so mostly for me its just getting a shot off quickly that i notice more goals with.

my ideal grip would be something like the graf sticks with the texture at the top and bottom, but fairly smooth on the sides of the stick for sliding hand up and down. i dont need grip as much unless i am clamping down for a shot. with my Z9 i found it just a little too grippy so i have used the clear with great results.

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I've gone back and forth, but always find myself going back to a grip stick. I don't like a super tacky grip and enjoy something in the middle. I'm using the Warrior Dyansty shaft with their nipple grip. I like it a lot so far.

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I got the chance to use the 20K the other day and I really liked the dual grip thing they had. It kept my hand in place while shooting but while stick handling it felt like it was easier to move my hand up and down the shaft.

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I've gone back and forth as well, started with clears then tried out a couple grips but have ultimately ended up with the Bauer Supreme line because I really like the texture on the corners of the shaft. The grip sticks that I own I have sanded the grip coating off the sides of the shaft and left it on the top and bottom to try match my Bauer, and it seems like a pretty good balance.

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Not only no grip, but also sanded down edges. It makes stickhandling and shooting so much better, if you have the grip strength needed. The main issue is, much of the time you need to be switching hand positions up and down for different time of puckhandling and shooting. There are also times when you bat the puck out of mid air and need to move your lower hand grip position rapidly to transition into burst mode with the puck. There are distinct moments where grip stick had screwed me over in those transitions and other situations.

The sticks I uses are all the same, grip RBK 10K pro return H-10 pattern. Every time I move to a new stick I have to sand it down again to get rid of the grip and smooth out the edges.

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Started with a non-grip for quite some time. Got some grip CNTs a few years back, now I'm all about the grip. Different companies have different levels of grip, my clear coat APXs werent even possible to use with my kangaroo palms, but my grip RBZs seem to work just fine. Really likin the grip on the CCMs.

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Used plastic dip spray for my one95s and liked the feel. Then I decided to get the Easton RS grip and I am happy with the grip. It is not tacky, and sticky like my friend's Bauer stick. Plus the shaft looks brand new no signs of wear in the grip very impressive.

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