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Nice Hair Cut...

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It doesn't matter if you or I care about what he has done. Taking a picture while holding that much cash and making that statement with his haircut are things that he has done that are not overly popular with some segment of the population. Those are actions are/were visible to the public and people can feel or say whatever they want about them. It is not simply "judging a book by it's cover" as donkers stated.

Yes it is simply judging a book by the cover. You, nor anyone that reported on this "scandal" have any sort of real insight into why this guy does what he does. You never will, most likely. To hold--what was a joke response to another athlete--these things against him hints at something much greater than this kid making poor decisions. It hints at an overlying degree of racism in in the hockey culture. He's not like your every day, uppermiddle to uperclass suburbian white kid and that seems to scare a lot of people--especially the vocal ones in the media.

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Yes it is simply judging a book by the cover. You, nor anyone that reported on this "scandal" have any sort of real insight into why this guy does what he does. You never will, most likely. To hold--what was a joke response to another athlete--these things against him hints at something much greater than this kid making poor decisions. It hints at an overlying degree of racism in in the hockey culture. He's not like your every day, uppermiddle to uperclass suburbian white kid and that seems to scare a lot of people--especially the vocal ones in the media.

Because someone is critical of a minority athlete does not make them racist. Most of the people criticizing him are critical of white athletes that act immaturely as well.

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You judge people by their actions, his actions have been less than ideal for a professional athlete. It's not unreasonable for people to criticize him because of the things that he has done.

Getting a loud haircut and flaunting your cash aren't really bad things.

Speeding in your car and getting your teammate killed is.

Obviously everyone will have different opinions about this. I just don't see anything wrong with a young millionaire having fun with his money.

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Getting a loud haircut and flaunting your cash aren't really bad things.

Speeding in your car and getting your teammate killed is.

Obviously everyone will have different opinions about this. I just don't see anything wrong with a young millionaire having fun with his money.

I don't see why people can't make fun of a stupid haircut.

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i dont think this is any different than people bashing patrick kane for his taxi cab incident and constant partying, or bashing tyler seguin for hitting on anything that has two legs and breathes. Lots of hockey players have made bad decisions, they should expect to take some heat for it.

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He can shave whatever he wants into his head. I'm sure people are more just wondering in the choice of words.

I'm sure if I shaved something in my head like YOLO, people would have a right to think I'm an idiot haha!

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I don't see why people can't make fun of a stupid haircut.

There's a difference between saying, "Haha, what a stupid haircut" and "This kid has to get his life together. He's making an idiot of himself and his teammates!"

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I think, for me at least, it's more the idea of shaving ANYTHING into your head.

As opposed to having your skin stained permanently with ink.

We need an emoticon for "pulls the pin on the grenade and runs like hell"

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There's a difference between saying, "Haha, what a stupid haircut" and "This kid has to get his life together. He's making an idiot of himself and his teammates!"

Would you be so kind as to point out where this was said, because I seem to be missing it.

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A major aspect of this haircut thing is not being reported. I'm not much of a fan of fights, but seeing Kane's haircut must make Matt Cooke even more ashamed of picking a fight with, and then being absolutely destroyed by, this goofball. Remember 2010, Pens vs. Thrashers? Cooke harasses Kane all game long. Kane finally takes the bait and with 2 punches lays Cooke out so badly that trainers rush to the ice and immobilize his head and jaw until they confirm that he hasn't suffered permanent damage? It was one of those confrontations that makes this fighting skeptic rethink his position that there really is no place for fighting in the game.

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So if he reads racist comments directed at him on Twitter, he's the one playing the race card? Same thing happened to Joel Ward, he just didn't come out and say it like Kane is; he just made the typical "don't want to rock the boat" statement, like every other black NHLer has done before him.


Apparently he has now played the race card. http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/story/?id=415919

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So if he reads racist comments directed at him on Twitter, he's the one playing the race card? Same thing happened to Joel Ward, he just didn't come out and say it like Kane is.


No, I think the racist comments he hears are some idiots way of criticizing the ridiculous behavior.

His colour isnt the reason people don't like him, but it's an obvious and easy (and unfortunate) way to express their opinion of him, no question.

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And that's what he said in the article, which I don't think you fully read.

Honestly, your "pulling the race card" bit is what pissed me off. You actually think WE want to have to bring that shit up?

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He's definitely right that some of the criticism is racially motivated, and that's pretty disturbing.

There's a difference between "playing the race card", which is generally understood to mean a false accusation of racism, and pointing out racism that actually exists, a la Joel Ward.

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I should have been clearer in my separation of "having criticism" and "expressing criticism".

Rather, there is a difference between "people dont like me because I'm black" and "people dont like me because i act like a fool, but because im black, that's where they target their criticism".

The TSN article made it sound (to me, at least) that he thinks it is the former, while I think it is more the latter. I guess only he knows what he meant, though.

Sorry for the confusion/misunderstanding.

/steps away from thread

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This is an article about an article. How about we wait til it comes out so we can read it in proper context?

I should have been clearer in my separation of "having criticism" and "expressing criticism".

Rather, there is a difference between "people dont like me because I'm black" and "people dont like me because i act like a fool, but because im black, that's where they target their criticism".

Both cases, while different, can very well apply to this.

For the record, I still think the Mayweather thing was hilarious. I think it was a case of people not knowing the backstory and just saw a guy holding cash to his ear. Then you see people saying things like "Oh, hockey players wouldn't do such a thing, they're all down-to-earth good Canadian farmboys," which brings us to this.

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Wow, the race card seriously just got played? :rolleyes:

I should have been clearer in my separation of "having criticism" and "expressing criticism".

Rather, there is a difference between "people dont like me because I'm black" and "people dont like me because i act like a fool, but because im black, that's where they target their criticism".

The TSN article made it sound (to me, at least) that he thinks it is the former, while I think it is more the latter. I guess only he knows what he meant, though.

Sorry for the confusion/misunderstanding.

/steps away from thread

Put the pieces together. Where did Kane post his picture with fat stacks? Twitter. Where did he post his picture of his new haircut? Twitter.

Where did abusive use of the N-word proliferate after Joel Ward's OT goal, then later after his four minute minor penalty occur? Twitter.

What probably happened when Kane legally held a large amount of money in a boastful way, and then got a picture of a haircut alluding to a group of wealthy black people? Well, he probably got called the N-word a few hundreds times on Twitter. I don't think it's crazy to think race may have come up.

Should Kane shape up, given some of the antics he's up to? Probably. But so should the other Kane, and no one is dropping slurs all over his twitter.

So while it's fair to say people don't like Evander because he has been accused of walking out on dinner checks, and being too cocky for the old guard of hockey's liking, that doesn't preclude him being targeted for his race in a sport where it's still anomalous.

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Sadly, any time race can be a factor for some people, it will be. I couldn't care less about his race and ignore those that do. I really think that too many people have lost the ability to reasonably discuss any topic and rely on straw men to discredit people that disagree with them, rather than present facts and back up their position.

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