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Breaking in a shaft?

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I just got a bauer XV recently in the 102 flex. It is really stiff for me right now and my wristshots are not as fast as they could be. Im just wondering if shafts "break in" after use cause I just want a little more flex and the 87 that bauer has is much too whippy.

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A guy on my team got one in an 85 flex and after few months or so it feels more like a 75 maybe an 80 flex SO I would say keep at it and use it as much as possible. From my experiences with shafts the more you use it the more the flex decreases.

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I think they do, but it will take a longer time if you're having difficulty with flexing it to start. For me Regular's and 100's seem to be my fit. I can use 110's and sub 85's, but the sub 85's just turn to noodles very quickly. The 110's seem to take alot longer to break down. It may be mental, but this it what it feels like to me.

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I would have to say yes. I've experienced my 85 flex sticks getting a little more flex and teammate of mine who has had the same 100 flex stick for along time doesnt feel as "too stiff" as 100 flex sticks usually feel for me.

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well if they did some marketing research they might figure out that there actually is a market for a 90 flex shaft. I dunno :)

That could be why they use 87 instead of 85. Plus, it's an ego thing with most people and they will use the biggest number possible.

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I think you guys are underestimating the fact most of you are still growing, I used 85 only last year, and now I have to use a 100 at least, I feel best with a 110. I couldn't imagine using a wood stick, most of them feel like mush.

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I gotta say I have only had my Novius for just under a month but it took me only a session to get used to the 300 flex. I was using a 220 before that and a 95 previous to the 220. I now love a stiff shaft and under abit of thought I was under the impression I was breaking in the shaft but I think honestly Im just used to it now.

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With my Mission L-2, I broke the first one in a few games, and the second one now (been using it for about 3 weeks) feels like it's starting to go on me already. There's also a nice crack happening about halfway up the shaft, and it definitely doesn't just look like the paint. On the other hand, I've had an 85 flex synergy for a year that is as stiff now as a couple 100 flex Synergys I've tried, maybe that one is just weird.

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well if they did some marketing research they might figure out that there actually is a market for a 90 flex shaft.    I dunno  :)

That could be why they use 87 instead of 85. Plus, it's an ego thing with most people and they will use the biggest number possible.

I pride myself on using the most noodlely flex possible..

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