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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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roller pants? maybe it would work

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So while at work i was complaining about always ripping my shells when a co worker suggested i wore roller pants over my girdle then i could get double usage out of my pants instead of haveiing shells and roller pants. what do you guys think of this idea? i though about it and kinda dig the idea but concerned about the looks i would get and if it would restrict my movements in anyway?

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We've had a sub on my ice hockey team do this & I've seen a couple ladies in the league do it as well. It does look different, but they've all been able to play at their various skill levels out there. As long as you've got a girdle intended for ice hockey & you don't mind folks looking at you weird, do whatever you want/the rules of your league allow.

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I wear a pair of track pants for pick up routinely. And there are at least 4 or 5 guys who wear roller pants at the various pickups I skate at. Most, like me, are wearing them over an ice or inline girdle, but they should work over ice pants too.

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I skate with an older guy that wears sweatpants over his shins and no hockey pants. Never seems to get hit in the thighs somehow. Must have been doing it for so long he's figured out how to avoid injury. Mind boggling to me how he does it.

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I'll have to agree with monty. don't be that guy.

May be you just need to upgrade to a higher quality shell. There are a number of pro stock ones on ebay that are plain. My retail bauer supreme shell has been holding up great so far and Philly Express has high quality ones.

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I won't say "don't be that guy" but if you do be prepared to be called "rollerboy" and deal with plenty of chirping.

I used to play against a guy who wore old school Cooperalls which are practically roller pants. he was the only person on his team that could score and in the long pants he was super easy to find and shadow every time he was on the ice.

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One of my buddies used to wear super baggy inline pants on our mens league team, the chirps were endless...from his own teammates haha let alone the competition.

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