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Removing Autograph

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Just a question for you guys: Have any of you had a signed object, such as gloves, and successfully removed the autograph from them? If so, how'd you do it?


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I normally would recommend Goof-Off Professional as it's safe on fabrics, however I think the plastic inserts and foam would rule that out.

I'd say blue Sharpie, or paint to play it safe.

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Ok, thanks for your help! Just to clarify, you think goof-off professional would not be a suitable option?

I'll for sure try the sharpie idea, it sounds pretty fool-proof.

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No, because it could possibly eat through the foam. I know at the very least, it will interact with the plastic insert - I've used it to remove adhesive from skate holders and you can see it "melt" away.

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anyone else curious as to whose autograph isnt worth anything? :)


Ive been trying to get a pair of Oilers Franchises forever and may have finally found a pair. Usually I just stay away from signed gloves but since this deal may happen I would just get them and try to remove them.

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I have hand santizer I use at work to get sharpie/marker off of things and it works well. its active ingredient is Ethyl Alcohol 65%. I dont know what it would do to the glove but i know it works to get the marker off

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ive found silver sharpie comes out real easy in just a standard cycle on a washing machine, or as the guys have said, rubbing alcohol, nail varnish remover etc should do the trick

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Believe it or not, hairspray will very easily remove sharpie from glossy cardboard. I imagine it might work well on the glove as well.

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I agree with many of the others, give rubbing alcohol a try. My kids have sharpied lots of surfaces over the years including my tv and monitor. Used a q-tip dabbed in rubbing alcohol and it came right off.

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I agree with many of the others, give rubbing alcohol a try. My kids have sharpied lots of surfaces over the years including my tv and monitor. Used a q-tip dabbed in rubbing alcohol and it came right off.

Ok, ill definitely give it a shot!

Just use them and it will wear off....

The pair I currently have that has a sig on it has been used quite a bit and its still almost as bright as day one. My friend uses that pair now. Its on the part above the thumb, so it doesn't get much wear. Coincidentally, the pair I may be getting has the signature in the same place.

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How would you remove sharpie from a stitch logo like a bauer logo? This is the most recent topic I could find searching for sharpie removal lol!

Thanks fellas!

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I understand concerns about solvents (goo gone) on plastics, but it'll be okay as long as you don't douse the glove with flowing liquid. Wet a cloth or cotton pad with the solvent and be sure to squeeze out the excess so that there's no way anything will flow through the tufftek. then dab at the autograph with light pressure until it comes off.

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Is having the signature there worse than the chemical reactions that will happen using the solvents suggested?

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