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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Crazy Otto

What kind of hockey player are you?

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i see myself as a defensive, grinder, playmake type player...similar to maltby and draper...but we'll see what this says

and what do ya know, i got grinder

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I got Grinder with the pic of Forsberg, lol pretty weird considering I'm only 5'2, but hey I can definitely throw the body around, I dont take crpa from anyone

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You work hard for what you want. You have no problem throwing the body around. You will push and push untill there is nothing more to push or the puck ends up in the net.


Right on the money, work hard every shift. I was surprised by the answers you replied you can get a relatively accurate answer for what style you play.

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What type of hockey player are you?

My Results:



You move along with the play doing your part, but you have no part of the physical play. You don't attack, you wait for your opponent to make a mistake, then you turn it into your triumph.

Thats not my real reasult. I was just playing around and thought I would post it. On the workout question I said "A light workout". So i guess that means I can just slack off and be as good as the great one?

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Finesse, which is close enough. I'm one of those pure goal-scores/playmakers that LOVES to talk shit and will throw the occasional hit; especially in tight-checking games.

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I also think it's weird, but I got finesse and I'm really a finesse player. You got grinder? Are you one? I think the quiz is pretty good for the 4 questions they ask

Not really at all.

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But the first question is kind of odd, about the bicycle thing. Like being on a bike and being on the ice are irrelevant.

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