LakeshoreHockeyArenaWNY 2 Report post Posted June 26, 2013 What is the worst injury you've personally suffered while playing our beloved game? I'm not talking about the few stitches here or there or the bruise from johnny blueliner's clapper, i mean significant hospitalization.My story is dec 27th, 2012 i had a championship beer league game. two shifts in i have a breakaway coming down the left side off a neutral zone turnover. i'm a righty so im protecting the puck on my backhand and cutting towards the net around top of the circles when i see the other defenseman, a small speedster coming over from the other side backtracking (looking to make contact before i get to the net). so instinctively, i'm leaning toward the inside expecting body contact, but he hooked my left side, causing me to instantly fall and spin on my ass.i go to put a skate down to stop once i make a full revolution, and being that it was the second shift with ultra smooth ice, i went into the boards spinning feet first. my left skate dug into the plastic, and my body kept twisting, spiral fracturing my left tibia.ive never broken anything before this but you just know when something is broken. i went to flex my foot and felt a click inside my leg and knew. my team carried me off on a skate and a friend drove me to the hospital in my lowers. my team went on with our fearless captain winning it in overtime and delivering my championship fleece to the hospital!all in all i had surgery, had a rod and three screws put in my shinbone, and am just getting back to playing this past month (once a week). i've never gone more than a week or two without playing since around 2005! it's been a tough time but with a 6-12 months till i can play timetable, and i was back on the ice around 5 months... i'll take it. onto the xrays!what's your worst injury? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gummer12 134 Report post Posted June 26, 2013 Dislocated ShoulderNormal Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman8310 106 Report post Posted June 26, 2013 dislocated knee cap from a rut in the ice. I was charging down the ice i went one way and leg and knee went the other. Knee cap went back in no problem when it happened luckly. No opertaion just rehab.I've done some gnarly stuff snowboarding, hockey just maybe two injuries. Knock on wood. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tailboard Jockey 25 Report post Posted June 26, 2013 Dislocated left shoulder, twice, within a couple of years. Missed a shift each time.Front tooth knocked out from a high stick. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shoeshine boy 244 Report post Posted June 26, 2013 broken tailbone. guy slew-foot me causing me to fall right down on it HARD. nothing much you can do for a broken coccyx so it was about 18 months before I could exist without pain.broken tailbone. guy slew-foot me causing me to fall right down on it HARD. nothing much you can do for a broken coccyx so it was about 18 months before I could exist without pain. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Beleafer 14 Report post Posted June 26, 2013 Tore some cartilage in my shoulder coming off a broken collarbone (snowboarding). Worst part about it was that I was nailed from behind by a 7 year old in a no-hitting league (it was a tournament for teams aged 7-10, me being 10). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
XveritasX 13 Report post Posted June 26, 2013 Playing minor hockey I got hit and went knee first into the boards. I limped off the ice and had to miss the last two weeks of hockey. No major damage, just couldn't put any pressure on it for a while.A couple of seasons ago in our last game I caught an edge and went into the boards right foot first. It hurt like hell, but after my foot went numb I managed to play the rest of the game. After the game, when the adrenaline went away I couldn't put any pressure on my one leg, it took well over a week before I could walk somewhat normally again. I even broke the holder on my skate, the back of the holder was only attached in one small area. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Capt.Hook 23 Report post Posted June 27, 2013 Torn MCL in both knees. One from a hip check. One from a guy on my own team who accidentally knee'd me. The second one was a 9 week recovery. Couple of cuts in my face before I got the cage going. One over the eye from blocking a shot, one on the edge of my lip from a cross check. Probably one or two concussions, but nothing ever diagnosed.Been very very fortunate! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yrhmblnr8r 69 Report post Posted June 27, 2013 Broken rib, punctured lung after biffing on a follow through at full speed and hitting the boards hard. Didn't even score the goal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LakeshoreHockeyArenaWNY 2 Report post Posted June 27, 2013 damn some big injuries! what's ironic is the week before i broke my leg, damn near same thing happened although i was coming down the middle, got tripped, shot and scored while falling, and went shoulder first into the boards... just jacked it up no real damage. same rink, same surface, same end... odd. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
McDugan 89 Report post Posted June 27, 2013 Wasn't too bad, I caught my right skate in a rut trying to make a 180 turn to the left... my body made the turn, except fro my right leg from the knee down. I got right back up and skated back into the play, but once I slowed up, I could feel something wasn't right. At first it felt like a muscle had spasmed or something. Waited a week or so, and when i still couldn't bend my knees fully without having to back off due to pain/discomfort, I went to doc, who referred me to an ortho.Luckily no ligament or tendon injuries, it turned out it was a small incomplete fracture on the top of my fibula. It didn't show up in an x-ray so I got referred for an MRI but by the time I was able to schedule the appt. for the MRI it had been liek 3-4 weeks since the injury. So it was basically healed by the time it was diagnosed and the dr. said go ahead back and play. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Souldriver 64 Report post Posted June 27, 2013 I was going full steam to stop a breakaway during a roller game and after I knocked the puck from the guy I was heading towards the corner head on. I went to go stop but this rink is notorious for having slippery spots. I fell a foot from the boards and hit it feet first full force. I think the boards broke and swayed so hard my teammates thought I may have died. After collecting myself I got up but my ankle was done. I skated another shift but it was too much. It was badly sprained and I think I had an aircast for a couple of weeks as well as needing crutches.I still play at that rink from time to time but I'm extremely carefull in the corners and near the benches as they are always slippery. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sickwilly 37 Report post Posted June 27, 2013 For me, it was my last concussion. Had some pretty bad PCS for 6 months. I still have some photosensitivity and feel a bit nauseous if I turn quickly or watch something that's spinning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zebra_steve 11 Report post Posted June 27, 2013 All at the same time , same knee.... torn meniscus, torn cartilage, and grade 2 PCL tear.Oh, and my daughter had a spiral fracture like LakeShore but was lucky that she didn't need a rod or anything.... was off the ice for just 4 months...Doc Burke said It was good that she was young.... heal quick... said that if I had done it I would have been out 1-2 years. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shooter27 116 Report post Posted June 27, 2013 Concussions, a couple of them. I'm talking the knocked cold, bambi-legged type.Second would be a sports hernia. It was in college, we were playing the Saturday game of a weekend and I felt something just tear in my abdomen while trying to reach for a loose puck. Finished the game, got off the ice, had the doc look at it, was in surgery first thing Monday morning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tarmogoyf 2 Report post Posted June 27, 2013 caught a rut in the ice and dislocated my patella. Shoulda went to the hospital, just popped it back in on the ice. took about a month to feel at least moderately normal Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CTB 32 Report post Posted June 28, 2013 Fractured collarbone when I was in bantams. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LakeshoreHockeyArenaWNY 2 Report post Posted June 29, 2013 All at the same time , same knee.... torn meniscus, torn cartilage, and grade 2 PCL tear.Oh, and my daughter had a spiral fracture like LakeShore but was lucky that she didn't need a rod or anything.... was off the ice for just 4 months...Doc Burke said It was good that she was young.... heal quick... said that if I had done it I would have been out 1-2 years.thats good to hear! i was told 6-12 months recovery with the surgery and back to normal (25 year old male). how old was your daughter when it happened? circumstances?i'm worried about my knee more than anything after breaking my tibia. that was my iffy knee before, and with all the supporting muscle having to be rebuild, the pain is so much more than before. did 3 months of PT and am almost back to playing once a week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zebra_steve 11 Report post Posted June 29, 2013 She was 9, we were starting to work body contact drills in practice..... she was a first year squirt.2 players shoulder to shoulder, one player tries to bump\push\move the other... the idea was to just get them used to being bumped and leaned on -straight out of the USA Hockey manuals. She was fairly strong on her edges and balanced, she didn't move and the other player lost his balance falling on her leg - she let out a scream. Her edge (more like her toe) was stuck in the ice and the two of them got tangled and twisted to the ice. I originally thought she hurt her knee the way she twisted - I clearly saw her toe planted and stuck. Carried her off to the locker room to see what was up. She never cried, but she did ask me if she was done for the season. This occurred over Labor Day weekend two years ago and the team had been skating maybe three weeks.... She was poised to make a huge jump in skill level as she was holding her own with 2nd yr A Major squirts. She spent 6 weeks in a thigh cast, 4 weeks in a below the knee cast, and a couple weeks just walking and doing steps. She played her first game of the season on January 7.... She looks to have fully recovered and isn't shy about corners or contact but I still can't get her to use her body on the boards.... But we're working on it.I hear ya about the PT and the knee pain... seems like I go two steps forward and three steps back on the PT. Felt great after PT This week, but last night it hurt so bad that I couldn't walk. Feel good now but sore enough that I am limping. I have been off the ice for 3 months now... They really don't want me to skate much until September...Mainly walking and biking. Dryland stuff without weights to strengthen the muscles that stabilize and balance you. Some basic weight machines, leg extensions and curls, leg press for the quads, various stuff for the hip area. I got the OK to start skating a bit and working edges and power skating drills since that are working the same muscles that the PT is working - If I get ANY PAIN they said stop and back off... worried about the meniscus more than anything. In 3 months I have literally lost 4" off my thighs and have gotten fat... Road to recovery is gonna be hard considering I ride a desk for almost 60 hours a week. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sabby47 2 Report post Posted June 29, 2013 For me, it was my last concussion. Had some pretty bad PCS for 6 months. I still have some photosensitivity and feel a bit nauseous if I turn quickly or watch something that's spinning. Talk to your Doc about finding a Physical Therapist that treats vestibular dysfunction. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LakeshoreHockeyArenaWNY 2 Report post Posted July 1, 2013 I have literally lost 4" off my thighs and have gotten fat... Road to recovery is gonna be hard considering I ride a desk for almost 60 hours a week.that was a big question for me as well. i'm still a cm or two smaller on my left calf and thigh compared to the right, but it's getting there. i'm also about 5-10lbs over but i think that'll fly off once i'm skating regularly again.also glad to hear she's back on the ice! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Machinehead2k5 32 Report post Posted July 1, 2013 Stepped on a puck after dekeing the goalie out of his pads...couldn't recover and crashed into the end boards and belt myself over my ankle... Broken fibula and numerous torn ligaments. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pittu 15 Report post Posted July 1, 2013 ^^^ Looks like they left a spare screw in there for ya!!! Hope its healed up good...Im not gonna read this thread any more. I'm too old to be breaking bones and getting concussions playing pick up and beer league. Maybe I need to start coasting more... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trooper 8 Report post Posted July 1, 2013 Shattered collarbone. Happened with a minute left in the last men's league game of the season. Just flipped the puck up the boards and some big guy just bumped me hard enough and so perfect it was in pieces. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites