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Mesh sock Quality comparison: Reebok vs. Bauer vs. Tron, etc

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Hey there,

do you guys have any experience with mesh socks?

I have retail SX100s and Tron. The Tron ones are much thinner and the quality is worse compared to Reebok.

How are the Bauer mesh socks, or Athletic Knit or Kobe?

P.S.: I know prostock Reebok are said to have the best quality. However I do think Athletic Knit Pro series stuff seems to be of high quality too.

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I've used Reebok SX100s and Tron SX300s. I found the Tron SX300 to be much more durable. Plus they have velcro on both sides. The downside is that Tron has displayed really bad customer service on this site.

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i have been using the reeboks for the past 2 years or so. They have some decent tares on the knees, but it is expected after two years. I just purchased the bauer premium socks. I have only used them twice so I cannot comment on the durability, but they are defiantly shorter then the reebok socks. Icewarehouse has the size break down. I believe they are at least 2 inches shorter.

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I have Tron in Black and White. I've used the black for about 6 months now and have no tears or noticeable wear (other than the Velcro curling). I've only used the white once so far. First impression is that white is thinner than the black...or maybe it just seems that way since you can see through it.

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I've used the Reeboks for about a year and just got a pair of Tron SK300s recently. The Tron 300 are much heavier than the reeboks. Love the extra velcro tab as well. Thinking about picking up the bauers soon tho.

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thanks for the input. I have the SK100 and they are really thin. About the velcros (on Reebok socks), I usually cut the piece that goes over the rim and a friend of mine sows it on the backside, works really well. I'll take a look at the SK300 though. Any suggestions how you can black out the "Tron" wordmark. I used a textile permanent marker but somehow it doesn't hold up very well.

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RBK socks are decent but if you can get your hands on the pro stock models, even better. They're far more durable and thicker. Eg. with SX100 socks you can see shinpad logos etc through white socks. You can't through pro stock white socks. On a side note, apparently the intermediate SX100 socks are the exact same size as the adult, just shorter. That may appeal to a lot of people since the SX100 socks tend to be a bit massive in length.

TRON SK200 socks are decent, they're about the same thickness as the RBK socks (maybe a bit thinner). I also don't care for how big the TRON logo is on the front. You notice the RBK logo a lot less than a giant TRON wordmark. I haven't tried the SK300 socks yet, and don't really plan to based on what we've seen the TRON thread.

I've also used AK socks. They are pretty thin, but have a mesh vent down the back (which actually interrupts the horizontal stripe on the sock, so that may not be a good thing). Definitely shorter than RBK socks, too. They aren't especially durable, and I would only recommend them as a last resort (we used them because they were the only mesh socks we could find that matched the old navy Maine jerseys).

Also worth mentioning are Junkyard Athletics sublimated socks. They are FANTASTIC. The fabric is a tiny bit more smooth (a bit of a sheen) than I would like, but they are a fantastic thickness, good size, and look amazing. And of course they can come in literally any pattern you can think of, since they are sublimated. Obviously a custom sock is going to run you more than an off-the-shelf pair, but if you want something really cool then this is the way to go!

I haven't yet tried Bauer socks. I'm going to be pushing my new team (I just got on yesterday, who doesn't yet have uniforms) to go with either Chicago or Ottawa, so I should be able to try some Bauer socks, which afaik are only solids and current NHL team colors.

EDIT: Wait, that's not true. Bauer socks are formerly Inaria, right? I did get a pair of those at one point. Assuming they didnt change them since I bought a pair of Inaria socks, they're a similar fabric to the RBK retail socks, maybe slightly thicker. I was pretty happy with them!

I also really want to try Firstar socks.

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RBK socks are decent but if you can get your hands on the pro stock models, even better. They're far more durable and thicker. Eg. with SX100 socks you can see shinpad logos etc through white socks. You can't through pro stock white socks. On a side note, apparently the intermediate SX100 socks are the exact same size as the adult, just shorter. That may appeal to a lot of people since the SX100 socks tend to be a bit massive in length.

TRON SK200 socks are decent, they're about the same thickness as the RBK socks (maybe a bit thinner). I also don't care for how big the TRON logo is on the front. You notice the RBK logo a lot less than a giant TRON wordmark. I haven't tried the SK300 socks yet, and don't really plan to based on what we've seen the TRON thread.

I've also used AK socks. They are pretty thin, but have a mesh vent down the back (which actually interrupts the horizontal stripe on the sock, so that may not be a good thing). Definitely shorter than RBK socks, too. They aren't especially durable, and I would only recommend them as a last resort (we used them because they were the only mesh socks we could find that matched the old navy Maine jerseys).

Also worth mentioning are Junkyard Athletics sublimated socks. They are FANTASTIC. The fabric is a tiny bit more smooth (a bit of a sheen) than I would like, but they are a fantastic thickness, good size, and look amazing. And of course they can come in literally any pattern you can think of, since they are sublimated. Obviously a custom sock is going to run you more than an off-the-shelf pair, but if you want something really cool then this is the way to go!

I haven't yet tried Bauer socks. I'm going to be pushing my new team (I just got on yesterday, who doesn't yet have uniforms) to go with either Chicago or Ottawa, so I should be able to try some Bauer socks, which afaik are only solids and current NHL team colors.

EDIT: Wait, that's not true. Bauer socks are formerly Inaria, right? I did get a pair of those at one point. Assuming they didnt change them since I bought a pair of Inaria socks, they're a similar fabric to the RBK retail socks, maybe slightly thicker. I was pretty happy with them!

I also really want to try Firstar socks.

RE: Reebok SX100 Intermediate vs Senior sizing

Unfortunately they aren't the same size just shorter (intermediate). I bought intermediates thinking this, but had a hard time getting them around my Total One NXG shins. They're definitely tighter (with very little give) compared to the senior size, and when I bend my knee the velcro shows (so it's a bit short). It's unfortunate because I'm 5'7, and the senior size is both baggy and long. The intermediate size would be perfect for me if there was another half inch/inch extra width, and an inch longer.

RE: Firstar socks

I've taken a good look at the socks because I was looking for a cheaper alternative to the SX100. They look more breathable, but they do feel a bit thin compared to the Reeboks. Aside from that, I can't make any inferences regarding durability or fit.

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jeez dude you're like my mom with shoes

You don't want to see my shoe collection.

Unfortunately they aren't the same size just shorter (intermediate). I bought intermediates thinking this, but had a hard time getting them around my Total One NXG shins.

It's quite possible I didn't notice them being tighter because the senior size aren't especially tight on my shins (tight, but still plenty of give). Though I do still wear senior socks generally.

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ive used both bauer and reebok, personally I prefer the fit of the Reeboks best so if i were to get a pair not from a winterfest/summerjam event I would go with those.

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thanks for the input. I have the SK100 and they are really thin. About the velcros (on Reebok socks), I usually cut the piece that goes over the rim and a friend of mine sows it on the backside, works really well. I'll take a look at the SK300 though. Any suggestions how you can black out the "Tron" wordmark. I used a textile permanent marker but somehow it doesn't hold up very well.

I used a black sharpie. Seems to be holding up well.

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I bought my first pair of Reeboks last year and compared to knit socks its no contest. The reeboks were light, surprisingly breathable and tight but stretchy (I don't have to use sock tape anymore)Over half a season on them and there a a few cuts and nicks but no tears. Looking for some more mesh socks but not wanting to spend as much I bought some Firstar socks for about half the price. Compared too the reeboks they aren't quite as breathable (just about the whole sock is just plain polyester), quite a bit tighter, but way more durable! Plus they have Velcro sewn into the front and back if you use it and if you don't it will annoy you when you first get on the ice. I have three pairs of Firststar to my Reeboks and prefer them much more just because of how tight they are.

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