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Starting in Goal as an Adult

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5 hours ago, psulion22 said:


Too bad you didn't get them last week. Clearance was 35% off. The price on the G2s, even with only 15% off is pretty good too.  If you can wait, they may give another sale starting in a week or two. You can get the 2s for the same price as the 1s. 


Yeah, I know. I just kinda had my fill with my Vaughns, that's all. It was not quite impulse, but my pads were just a little too squishy and I realised I needed to Sno Seal the knee flaps AGAIN to make them slide better. A stiffer pad will slide better, and would work better with my strapping style.  I also acted now because usually in the big clearance, it would be my luck that only 39+5" in pink/Barney purple/olive green robocop is what they have left. I felt lucky that I had 32+1.5" in two colour schemes to choose from.


I have heard that you have to do some heroic things to get these to soften up. 

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Last night ended up in a 6-3 loss. The games against this team with my old team were normally pretty close but we would usually always come out on top so I'm not quite sure why I went in thinking that we were going to win this game. Two of the goals were breakaways where my defense either decided to pinch or just turned the puck over in the middle of the ice. One goal was a 2-1 and my defenseman decided to cover the shot instead of the pass despite me pointing to the pass and yelling for him to take it (oh well). Two more went in from bad defense in the slot. For whatever reason no one wanted to play defense and tie up peoples sticks. It didn't help that my brother was filling in for us and had never played an actual game before. Being my brother he definitely got some side comments that I normally wouldn't give to teammates and afterwards I felt like a bit of an ass for doing it, but it did cost us those 2 goals. The last was just horrible positioning from me. I did reverse VH but for whatever reason I didn't hug the post very well from the waist up and the puck fluttered right between my blocker and the post. 


I think my movement is coming along but I really need to get some practice by myself and maybe a couple of friends to really work on my slides. This next week is finals week for me and then all I'll have to worry about is work. I did some looking around and found ice for sale in the middle of the day on weekdays for $99. I'm about to jump on that pretty dang quick but I also want to try some lessons. First I need to find a camp or someone that does lessons for beginners. All I can find in my area at the moment is higher level camps. I'm not afraid to show up and by far be the worst person there but I know I wouldn't be able to keep up and the instructors would have to explain stuff to me so many times that it would take away from the experience of others that may actually be able to go a long way through those camps. I definitely don't want to take away from their learning experience and be a hinderance. Plus those camps are fricken expensive! I wouldn't want my time and money to be wasted at one because some beginner showed up and took away half of my time. I think I'm going to email some of these instructors and see if they would do 1-on-1.

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17 minutes ago, tedpenguins said:

I think my movement is coming along but I really need to get some practice by myself and maybe a couple of friends to really work on my slides. This next week is finals week for me and then all I'll have to worry about is work. I did some looking around and found ice for sale in the middle of the day on weekdays for $99. I'm about to jump on that pretty dang quick but I also want to try some lessons. First I need to find a camp or someone that does lessons for beginners. All I can find in my area at the moment is higher level camps. I'm not afraid to show up and by far be the worst person there but I know I wouldn't be able to keep up and the instructors would have to explain stuff to me so many times that it would take away from the experience of others that may actually be able to go a long way through those camps. I definitely don't want to take away from their learning experience and be a hinderance. Plus those camps are fricken expensive! I wouldn't want my time and money to be wasted at one because some beginner showed up and took away half of my time. I think I'm going to email some of these instructors and see if they would do 1-on-1.


I bet they would.  A lot of outfits around here that run camps also have private lessons with their instructors.  Even if not under the name of the company, I think plenty of coaches would like the extra income! 


Many of the group clinics I've been to were very mixed level - but there might only be 4 of us, and we'd rotate through each drill, and the coach would just modify it as needed for our ability level.  Goalie A might use the drill as an opportunity to work more on basic crease awareness, while goalie B might be working on advanced movements.  If the coaches have decided to cap a group at, say, 5 goalies, a beginner isn't taking away an advanced player's time, because each goalie's time is built into the camp, n'est-ca pas?  And if there are fewer than the cap (only 3 of us poor padded bastards sign up), woohoo, extra ice and attention for everyone!


Depending on how popular hockey is in your area, I think it'd be worth it to take a chance on asking if any of the lower-level or children's camps might be willing to accept an adult, if there was space (obviously, you are willing to pay).  (some powerskating camps and clinics will take older skaters into a younger age group if that's where they're at).  If they say 'no', they can probably direct you toward another avenue - "oh, we also do private/semi-private lessons" or "oh, coach [x] runs a beginner clinic across town".  It's worth a shot.


Honestly, $99 is about what a single, hour-long private lesson would go for where I live (outside Boston), so you might as well find a semi-private or private lesson at that price.  Dunno what the going rate is for an hour of goalie torment where you're at.

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I'm from the Ann Arbor area in Michigan so hockey is a VERY popular sport. Depending on what clinic you go to and where it's located it can cost up to a couple thousand dollars. Obviously I don't want to pay that and I'd rather do single lessons so I could weigh out the pros and cons of just renting ice time compared to that. At the end of this week I'll probably start emailing a few instructors that I have in mind to find out pricing and availability. It does help that since I am a college student and I'm getting out before high schoolers I might be able to get some good availability during the week when no one would be at the rink. 

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Oof yeah that would be quite the hockey town.


I would say if you can find a lesson with a coach, even just one or two lessons would be a far better value than just renting the ice.  After all, the basic advantage is a live human (hopefully experienced) who can tell you what you're doing wrong, and give you things to work on that you can take with you to other ice times.


You could also try Craigslist, and ask if anyone would be willing work with you a few times if you rented the ice. 


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Did some more searching and I'm in luck! There's a small program not too far away that does 1-on-1 lessons for only $65. Now all I need is to get my new work schedule so I can start scheduling some lessons. 

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After two and a half months of my state's only full size rink being closed, we finally have new refrigeration pipes down, with the coolant system being turned on today, and the new ice starting to be made...


Let's hope they don't screw it up, and our new season can begin soon...



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Okay... here's the real one. Probably should have just thrown away the footage, but the entire point of these is for me to see what I do wrong, and there was plenty of it in this game.


A couple of those goals were easily save-able. The first goal I had no idea it even went in (nobody else seemed to, either). The second one was an easy routine blocker save that I just missed completely. Then a couple under the arm that I didn't squeeze hard enough on.


We weren't good at all. I was lousy, our passing was crap, and I'm not sure we had a single rebound the entire game. Their goalie earned his shutout, but we definitely helped him by making it pretty easy on him. Bad team game all-around.

These guys definitely had some extra motivation after I called them douchebags in the video description the last time I played them. They called me out for that in the comments, and they were right... it was unfair to paint them all with the same brush. I apologized and modified the description, but I'm sure they're still pretty unhappy with me.


So... this was their retribution, as self-inflicted as it may have actually been. Running up the score a bit and taking head high slap shots with the game in hand is something I pretty much expected. I did it to myself.

Hopefully it's like a guy getting beaned in baseball. You made your point, let's move on. After all, the point of beer league is to enjoy the skate and enjoy the beer even more! 



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Did the guy you shoved in the back at the end of the game ever come back on you in any way?


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2 minutes ago, marka said:



Did the guy you shoved in the back at the end of the game ever come back on you in any way?


No, why?

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Just now, OptimusReim said:

No, why?

Just seemed weird to me that you'd shove a guy over that wasn't in the blue paint.  But I'm new, so maybe that's an accepted thing?

If that's normal, I'm glad to learn about it now, vs. just after someone shoved me over and I got seriously pissed.  :-)


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Just now, marka said:



Just seemed weird to me that you'd shove a guy over that wasn't in the blue paint.  But I'm new, so maybe that's an accepted thing?

If that's normal, I'm glad to learn about it now, vs. just after someone shoved me over and I got seriously pissed.  :-)


You mean at 3:03? I barely touched him. Paint color is irrelevant if they're in your way. He seemed a lot more in the way at the time than he apparently was. 

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Just now, marka said:



It was at 3:20



Ah, that one. Yea I was actually expecting a penalty for that. Ref was looking at the flying elbow though, I guess. 

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@OptimusReim That was an ugly game. Shake it off. Get a bit more resolve to embarass those Dead Deer (what the hell type of name is that?!? Silly name). 


A few of those goals were from sloppy play in the neutral zone and poorly defended plays.


Make your Modsquad bretheren proud and get in touch with your inner Billy Smith.

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13 hours ago, marka said:



Just seemed weird to me that you'd shove a guy over that wasn't in the blue paint.  But I'm new, so maybe that's an accepted thing?

If that's normal, I'm glad to learn about it now, vs. just after someone shoved me over and I got seriously pissed.  :-)



These teams have a bit of a history. The Dead Deer are really classy NOT. They jaw, play dangerously, and have a ponytail guy who wears two different coloured socks. 


Let's just say that the guy Opti shoved asked for it.

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Monday Drop-In Report:


Nothing but break aways and guys winding up their clappers. Nobody even waits until the last shooter gets out of the way and the goalie has time to set up. Ugh.


Did work on my poke check. It's getting better. Penalty shot after penalty shot after penalty shot is taxing, to say the least. Ugh.


New pads are delivered Wednesday. I guess I am clamping them down to encourage a nice S-shape after working on my strapping. Since I am trying them at drop-in, nothing to lose. Not going to try them at my favourite drop in until they feel great.


I don't exactly know when my new Wilcox blocker will get to me as it is coming from the Great White North. Hopefully, I like this a LOT better than my Vaughn, which whilst protective (no stingers yet), my hand swims in it. The new blocker on my instagram @bunnydevildude

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New gear report: 


Got my Warrior Ritual Pro (gen 1) pads from the Brown Santa today. New gear day is ALWAYS exciting. I opened the box and immediately tied the toe ties around the pad to help encourage the perfect "S" shape. 


I got them home and the most wonderful thing is how easily customisable the strapping is. My strapping is easy, as I am a Monster Hockey devotee. You have a choice of nylon straps (included) or mushroom end leather straps. Both are gone from my pads. I now have enough slick clips to choke someone if they were dumb enough to swallow them.


How was I to connect the Brian's Smart toes (which will suffice until I get Hal straps)? Easy- remove the sliding toe bridge from the pad and install the Smart Toe in the inner holes. Tied the skate laces around the pads again.


Impressive construction for an overseas pads. Apparently, these pads were very well based on Pete Smith's last solo work. 


Going to try them at drop in tomorrow.

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It's been a month and a half since I played pickup. What a workout. My legs and feet were killing me by the end. It's so much more intense than games because there's no whistles or intermissions. 

I didn't play as well as I'd have liked (especially during the last 30 minutes, which I didn't get because I didn't have my GoPro charged and the battery died) but I was working on a couple specific things. First, coming out much farther to challenge shooters and second, trying to be more patient, not biting on the first move and getting beaten. 

Regardless, it was nice to be back.



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My rink are finally on the home straight!  Base ice has been built, and the paint is starting to go down.


We're meant to be skating on it this weekend :)



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Probably no hockey the next couple of weeks ... primary rink is still closed and no one's yet sorted out if we'll play on a weeknight (vs Saturday morning) and what night that will be.  Primary rink re-opens on the 16th of May.  I'll try to find a skate or two between now and then - there is always someone looking on the MassGoalies listserv.  I'd go somewhere Friday or Saturday of this week, but I have a 10-hour ambulance shift on Saturday.  Hopefully something next week, and then the Russian embassy gets it together and we start skating again.

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7 hours ago, badger_14 said:

Probably no hockey the next couple of weeks ... primary rink is still closed and no one's yet sorted out if we'll play on a weeknight (vs Saturday morning) and what night that will be.  Primary rink re-opens on the 16th of May.  I'll try to find a skate or two between now and then - there is always someone looking on the MassGoalies listserv.  I'd go somewhere Friday or Saturday of this week, but I have a 10-hour ambulance shift on Saturday.  Hopefully something next week, and then the Russian embassy gets it together and we start skating again.


I know when the local rink is closed for "maintenance" or the others are booked for camps, I'm ganning for a skate. I go through withdrawal. 


I hope you find a skate to tide you over.


I believe hockey is an addiction. Playing goal is even more addictive.

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3 hours ago, bunnyman666 said:


I know when the local rink is closed for "maintenance" or the others are booked for camps, I'm ganning for a skate. I go through withdrawal. 


I hope you find a skate to tide you over.


I believe hockey is an addiction. Playing goal is even more addictive.


There's certainly something to be said for the adrenaline high.  (and the part where I get to socialize with people who are not a) co-workers or b) under the age of 6.) 


Luckily, the mailing list (a sort of internet goalie 911) is always full of people pleading for a goalie for their pickup or to sub in for a league game.  I had 5 emails just this morning.  (of course, all for games tonight). 

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Well, the streak had to come to an end I guess.  Last night was the first game in 6 that I allowed more than 2 goals.  I was 4-1 in the previous 5, with a 1.39 gaa.  The only loss was a 2-1 final score.  One of the wins was a 3-2 final that went to a 5 round shootout that I didn't allow any goals.  I think I'm playing the best i ever have right now, and still feel like I'm getting better as I play more.  I used to have to struggle to keep my gaa under 4.  So this has been a pretty impressive stretch by my standards.  I got a very good compliment from the team that I was moved to playing D instead of goal.  When I said that it was good that we got him because he's better than me, two guys said "no way.  You have improved every game, and have been phenominal lately."  That felt good.


Even last night, which ended 5-3, I played very well.  I was scored on by a turnover in the faceoff dot when my defenseman hit the ref in the skates.  And their guy put it top corner short side.  It was a pretty sweet shot.  Second was a deflection off my defenseman's leg because there was too much gap.  Ended up going from probably wide to my right, to inside the left post.  Third was a giveaway by that same defenseman to a player in the slot at the hash marks.  I actually made a spectacular save when he faked a shot and then deked, but the puck ended up rolling out from under me and they put in an open rebound, a la JT's goal against Luongo.  Apparently the ref even had his whistle about to blow when the puck came into sight.  4th was a screen by guess who that left too much gap and backed in.  I never saw the shot that went bar down and in.  5th goal was another when wonder boy left too much gap and backed in, then moved slightly out of the way at the very last second because he tried to "get out of the way".  That shot also went bar down and in.  The same player scored goals 2, 4, & 5 on unpressured wrist shots against the same defender.


The good thing is that this was for the team that wanted me to try out.  So I was interested to see how they would handle a loss where I allowed 5 goals.  It couldn't have been better.  All they talked about was how well I played and how much worse it would have been with another goalie.  They all apologized for the crappy defenseman, and the captain told me after everyone left that they will find something to do with him, but he wouldn't be playing D anymore.

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