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Socks to complete team look

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The group I play with has royal blue and red (bright red) jerseys. We need to pick up some mesh socks. Ok with Reebok, Bauer, etc brands. Since they are pricey, just want to have 1 color scheme per jersey. Pants will be a royal shell with white and red stripes (think canadiens pant). What 2 teams home or away would you recommend to have best look?

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With the royal shell, you should go red as the main color of the socks. We did custom mesh socks from K1 made up in our team colors. I don't have the price list on me at the moment but it was about the same price as a regular pair of retail socks.

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Definitely either go for the red/blue/white of the NY Rangers, or just go Red/White with the Red Wings.

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If you guys can/need to cheap out, I suggest the SK100 dry fit socks by Tron. I can't post the link right now (work filters) but they are solid colors and are $9.99 USD per pair. They have a ton of solid colors to choose from, so sounds like maybe Red is your best choice.

If you can spend more, Tron has SK300 NHL socks, for $14.99 per pair. I'd go with Montreal.

I suggest these because when they get wet, they tend to dry pretty quick, and won't weigh you down. I switched to these after years of using traditional knit socks, and I prefer these hands down.

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If you guys can/need to cheap out, I suggest the SK100 dry fit socks by Tron. I can't post the link right now (work filters) but they are solid colors and are $9.99 USD per pair. They have a ton of solid colors to choose from, so sounds like maybe Red is your best choice.

If you can spend more, Tron has SK300 NHL socks, for $14.99 per pair. I'd go with Montreal.

I suggest these because when they get wet, they tend to dry pretty quick, and won't weigh you down. I switched to these after years of using traditional knit socks, and I prefer these hands down.

Those Tron socks get torn to shreds pretty quickly though. A player on my team has them for his second team and all of their socks are basically pulling apart with only a few threads holding them together.

My Reebok replica ones have rips in them, but just a single rip that hasn't gotten worse compared to these Trons socks.

I'd stay away and look for an alternative.

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Not mine. I have 2 pair. Little tears in one pair, the other pair is totally fine, have had them for almost 1 year now, with play 2 times a week.

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Not mine. I have 2 pair. Little tears in one pair, the other pair is totally fine, have had them for almost 1 year now, with play 2 times a week.

A team in our league got them and just about everyone had to replace them within a month.

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I mean... I don't understand how? They are just socks you pull up over shins, then they don't move again til you take them off. Are you guys playing 5+ times a week or man handling these things...? My last pair of knit socks lasted me 5 years b4 they started ripping apart so badly that I needed new socks. I'd imagine mesh would hold up better because the fibers are way more tightly woven.

Either way, I've had good experience with those Tron socks. The Reebok ones are probably slightly better and only cost $10 more. However the Reebok's only have 1 strap.. Just something to keep in mind.

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Post a pic for a better idea of what you are looking for.

The new Bauer socks w/ a white stripe look good.

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I mean... I don't understand how? They are just socks you pull up over shins, then they don't move again til you take them off. Are you guys playing 5+ times a week or man handling these things...?

A guy blocked one of my shots and the socks ripped. Another guy got hooked around the shin and when he got up there were several rips in his socks, though I don't know if it was the hook or the slide that did it.

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Definitely go with the reebok or bauer socks. Bauer ones size a little small though so be careful of that.

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Those Tron socks get torn to shreds pretty quickly though. A player on my team has them for his second team and all of their socks are basically pulling apart with only a few threads holding them together.

My Reebok replica ones have rips in them, but just a single rip that hasn't gotten worse compared to these Trons socks.

I'd stay away and look for an alternative.

I actually just had to stitch back on one of the stripes on my Chicago Tron socks. Other than that, they've held up pretty well. Just hate that the white socks mark up as much as they do. Guess it's a good way to track my "Shots Blocked" stats... :blink:

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Definitely go with the reebok or bauer socks. Bauer ones size a little small though so be careful of that.

The ones they sent to us for Summer Jam this year were much better in that regard than some of the RBK socks I've had in the past.

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